Jacqueline’s Dishoom(part 1)

Varun gets down from his car near a producers office and is  talking to his fiancee Natasha in the phone . Yes ! Sajid.nadia  sir has approached me , he is planning a new movie with me and Jon abram in the lead ! Can you believe it ! 

Yes ! The shooting will happen in middle East and india. They are also planning for Jacqueline as the heroine . Ya.. amazing is it not ? I never felt so good . And another thing , Akshay.k could be the villain ! Yes  .. I can’t wait for the shooting to start he tells Natasha 

Right now , I am in front of Sajid sirs office , he has fixed an appointment with me, I must look Very professional. I will call you back once the deal is finalized , bye ..  Varun says and puts the phone down

Varun looks at the car glass and sets his hair, carrying a flower bouquet and a suitcase, he enters the office compound with a little nervousness. There is some drainage repair work going around the office and big pits are dug near the entrance. Varun is careful not to get his boots soiled . He tries to cross the pits when he spots a young lady standing there 

Madam , could you please make way ? He asks the young lady , she is dressed in long skirt and a hat , but has her face covered with a scarf , because of the dusty environment there . Sir, could you please help me ? There is a little emergency here , the lady says. 

Varun being a gentleman says Yes . Actually there is a kitten fallen inside the pit , it is so small and helpless. Soon it will start raining, and the pit will fill up with water , can you please take it away from there ? Otherwise the poor little thing will drown ! The lady requests 

Come on, who will enter that slushy pit and get clothes dirty ? Varun thinks. Madam , can’t you do that yourself ? You look so fit and athletic..I am going to an important meeting actually and must look neat  , varun says . 

I would have , but I wore a long skirt today, otherwise rescuing is a speciality of mine , besides even i have a meeting , the lady  says . Varun is in no mood, but he looks at the little innocent kitten , being a soft guy from inside, varuns heart melts and he decides to save the kitten 

Madam, can you hold the bouquet and my suitcase ? He says and hands over the items . Fold your pants and shirt and then jump, the lady suggests . Varun musters courage and jumps inside the pit , the pit is wet and slushy from inside and as soon as varun lands on the bottom, his leg slips and varun falls down and gets a bad sprain on his leg 

Being in pain, varun somehow limps towards the kitten and picks it up , the lady who has still covered her face with a scarf tied, takes the kitten from his hands , Some kids come to them . Didi we will take care of the kitten , and they turn below to varun and shout together. Thank you varun bhaiyya ! You are a real hero they all say with gratitude, they take the kitten and leave. 

So it is true , you are a kind hearted guy, the lady says looking at him gratefully. Thanks , varun smiles . Varun tries to jump over the pit , but is finding it impossible because of his painful sprained leg 

The lady realizes that because of her , varun is now in a serious mess . Varun thinks that he better call sajid sir and apologize for getting late , and also request for help . he bends down to reach his phone when suddenly the lady jumps below near him . Varun is shocked ! Why did you jump inside ? He asks 

Sorry , I was feeling so bad to have put you in this mess. And how can a girl leave a kind hearted helpless guy like you ? She asks . That’s nice of you , but who will I come out of this pit with even you below ? Varun asks . Sitting on my shoulders, the lady says 

Varun can’t believe what he is hearing ! Ever since that Alia lifted me in that movie promo, all the girls think they can carry me now, He thinks in desperation. Suddenly he gets a call in the mobile , it is Sajid sir ! Oh my god, he is calling me now, what should I tell him ? Varun starts to panic with phone in his hand 

The lady beside him also starts to panic , oh no ! Quick sit on my shoulders , the lady says and squats in front of him holding the pit wall for support , varun is panicking and confused when the lady crawls between his legs and stands up easily lifting him up into a shoulder sit ! Varun is shocked as to what happened, sitting on that lady’s shoulders who is now standing up carrying his full weight. Varun clicks the answer button on phone 

Varun ! What are you making that poor girl do ? Sajid asks on phone . What ? What am I doing ? Varun asks in confusion. Don’t act smart . I can see your antics from the office floor above , you jumped into a pit, asked that slim girl to jump also . And now you made her carry you on her shoulders ! What are you thinking ?

Sajids wife grabs the phone now , you little devil ! that poor girl is so slim and weak looking, and now you are sitting on her shoulders ! Look at you , sitting on that slims petite girls shoulders like you are some nawab on a throne ! Varun still carried by the lady on shoulder sit now realizes that sajid sir and his wife are watching everything from above . Oh my god ! Madam no, I will explain everything to you ! he says and the phone gets disconnected

The lady whose face is covered by the scarf is looking up at varun, what did Sajid sir say ? She asks while Still carrying varun on her shoulders. Varun can’t believe this young girl is more worried about what sajid sir told,  rather than carrying his full weight on her shoulders from a long time now ! 

Varun tries to grab the edges of the ground surface , when the dust from above starts to fall on the young ladies face . The lady is unable to control the dust and irritation and sneezes suddenly, the scarf from her face now falls down . Varun looks down because of her sneeze and is shocked looking at her face !

The young lady who has been carrying varun on her shoulders, all this time on a shoulder sit, is Jacqueline ! Varun is totally embarassed and starts blushing. Oh my god, she looks so beautiful and gorgeous, even when carrying me on her shoulders ! He thinks 

Jacqueline still carrying varun on her shoulders is also embarrassed, oh no ! I got caught. now the common public will get excited ! She thinks . Hey look look, Jacqueline mam is carrying varun bhaiyya on her shoulders ! Is this some new movie promotion ? Some kids start asking 

Varun still sitting on Jacqueline shoulders gets more embarrassed, hey.. why did you kids come back ? He asks. Bhaiyya we got you a ladder to come up , they says . Jacqueline shouts from below, thanks kids . But you should have got that earlier , she says while still carrying varun 

Soon varun and Jacqueline climb up the pit and come near the building entrance. wow varun, you were really a hero today , saving that kitten and all , Jacqueline says in excitement. I am so happy and proud to be working with you , she says happily. What ? Varun asks surprised, you spotted that poor little kitten, convinced me to jump, and later you were the one carrying me on your shoulders to come up. I say you were the hero in the mask , varun says 

Aww.. you are just being nice .. Jacqueline says and hugs him fondly . Oh my god , this girl feels like an angel sent by god . Varun thinks for himself as his face is entangled by her long and thick black hair. Varun and Jacqueline start walking towards the building entrance when Jacqueline realizes that varun is limping due to the sprain in the leg

Jacqueline comes to varun and says , I can help you reach Sajid sirs office , she says . Yes , I know .. by carrying me right ? Varun asks . Yes ! How did you know ? Jacqueline asks . I have spent a lot of time around girls , I know they are strong and they will never miss a chance to carry boys , varun says . Jacqueline starts laughing

If you carry me here , the public will get excited, varun says . I know you are a girl and naturally you will be strong and capable to carry me, but not here . He says . Soon both reach the lift and the lift door closes 

Sajid sir, his wife and Jon are waiting near the lift for varun and Jacqueline to arrive, they are specially concerned after looking at the commotion below . 

The lift door opens and all are surprised to see varun lifted on the hip of Jacqueline ! Varun lifted in Jacqueline hip is also carrying his suitcase. Hello all, Jacqueline wishes all and hands over the flower bouquet to sajid, while still carrying varun on her hip

Varun ! You naughty brat, do you know on whose hips you are sitting on ? Jon asks in shock . That’s not all, varun had made Jacqueline carry him on her shoulders too ! The poor delicate girl . He does not know how to treat a lady , Sajids wife says .

Please don’t blame poor varun ! Jacqueline replies while still carrying varun on her hip. Varun had been a hero today, he saved an innocent little kittens life , you know ? And I only insisted to carry him because he deserves it, Jacqueline says

Oh.. you both saved a little kitten ? I am impressed ! Jon says happily . Nice to know that you both also are concerned about animals , he says . Wow,  varun and Jacqueline ! Sajid sir replies, I was thinking of a screen test, but your nice character has won me over . You and Jacqueline are fixed for this film . Sajid sir says, his wife also agrees happily

Jaqcualine is happy, she starts jumping while still carrying varuns full weight on her hips . I cant believe it, this girl is just like my girlfriend Natasha , slim and small from outside, but strong from inside, It looks like I am cursed to always be around strong girls,  and get carried by them again and again . Varun thinks 

Jacqueline now puts varun on the ground and goes to discuss the agreement for movie. Varun is sitting on the sofa when jon sits beside him and offers coffee. Why are you sitting with a sulking face Varun ? Why are you looking sad ? Jon asks . Nothing jon bhaiyya . Did you see how easily Jacqueline lifted me on her shoulders ? And now on her hip ?  I look like a toy to girls maybe . Alia, Natasha , now even Jacqueline, they seem like getting some pleasure lifting me , varun says

I can understand, Jon says , it seems even you are troubled by the strong girls in your life , he says . What ? Varun asks in shock ! What do you mean ? Since when were you troubled by strong girls ? Varun asks 

I have been troubled by strong girls since my teens ! Jon says . I was very attractive to girls since high school you know , and some girls would try to impress me with their strength, Jon says. Varun is surprised, a macho and muscular guy like you troubled by strong girls ?  Varun asks 

You being, macho, muscular or even heavy,  does not make a difference to modern girls, they always end up being the stronger ones , Jon says . And when I was in my early twenties during college, the girls suddenly started aggressively wooing me . I was slim and light back then , wherever there was a drama or dance event in our college, the girls would aggressively compete to work with me . Jon says

Once I had gone into a dance rehearsal, the girls would try all kinds of excuses to carry and impress me with their strength , even the smallest girl in that group carried Me on her arms , jon says embarrassed. And when I got into relationship with bips, it got much worse ! He says . Varun is unable to believe this 

Oh yes, and don’t go by the easy going and humble nature of Jacqueline, she is an achiever . She was a beauty queen of her country, a top model, accomplished dancer , animal activist and a rescue specialist. Show her some respect John says 

Soon all the terms and conditions are agreed and finalized , varun is the last person to come out of the office , jon is nowhere to be seen . Jacqueline is busy in the reception, chatting on phone. Where is jon ? Varun asks her.

Jon was very tired , specially after that long journey he had last night, so he went to take a power nap inside the adjacent room . Jacqueline says. Varun now goes into the washroom when Sajid comes out talking with his wife . Jacqueline, we are now leaving, you guys get comfortable and can leave whenever you are ready , He says . Oh and please don’t use that adjacent room, the AC there has a problem and there is no ventilation . 

Sajid and his wife are near the door , when Jacqueline is getting ready to start , Varun is still in washroom. Jacqueline suddenly realizes something . Oh no , the room where jon is sleeping does not have ventilation ! Jon could suffer from lack of oxygen, he could even asphyxiate ! And could be fatal too.. Jon ! Jacqueline shouts and runs inside the room 

Sajid and his wife , Varun all come after hearing Jacqueline shout . What happened ? Sajid sir asks. Jacqueline now comes out carrying the sleeping jon on her arms in a cradle !  Varun, sajid and his wife are shocked to see the slim and petite Jacqueline carrying the jon who is twice her size carrying him in a cradle ! Oh my god , what is this petite and slim girl doing ? Sajids wife asks in shock 

Varun is literally in admiration,  looking at Jacqueline so confidently and dominatingly carrying jon on her arms in a cradle , she is looking like a godess who is carrying a child effortlessly in a cradle . All are  stunned at the strong and protective Jacqueline carrying a man twice her size ! 

Still carrying jon on her arms, Jacqueline says , sorry I created so much drama, actually I am trained in fire rescue and relief operations, So I learnt there , that a person in such places is at risk. She notices jon is still on deep sleep despite being carried cradle 

Carried Cradle on Jacquelines arms , jon still in sleep starts muttering in sleep, Priya ! You lifted me up again ? Please put me on my bed , he says and hugs Jacqueline tighter . Awww… looks like Jon’s wife priya,  also lifts him up frequently, is that not cute ? Jacqueline exclaims, looking at jon in admiration

Sajid looks at varun who is standing there stunned in admiration towards Jacqueline, varun ! Help that poor girl no, how long will she carry jon on her arms . Sajid says

Wow Jacqueline, you are an actress,  model, accomplished dancer , and now a fire and rescue expert too ? What else are you expert in ?  Arun asks 

Aww.. you are just making meembarrassed, Jacqueline says in  humility. Jon gets up from his power nap and is surprised that he is now on the reception sofa instead of the adjacent room . What ? Who Carried me here ? Has Priya come ? He asks

Sorry , I carried you from the room , Jacqueline says, there was no ventilation in that room, that’s why . Jon is a little embarrassed but not really surprised that a slim and petite girl like Jacqueline had carried him. Oh no, you carried me ? jon asks jaqcueline.  yes, varun says, we all saw her carrying you in her arms varun says

Thanks for your presence of mind and using your strength at the right moment Jacqueline, Jon says . But please , don’t tell this to anybody outside. Jon pleads everyone. Of course we can understand because you have maintained a macho image in the industry no , Sajid sir says 

No no… that’s not the problem, If my wife priya gets to know that Some other girl had carried me , she will kill me ! Jon says 

What ? All are surprised

To be continued…..

Varun gets down from his car near a producers office and is  talking to his fiancee Natasha in the phone . Yes ! Sajid.nadia  sir has approached me , he is planning a new movie with me and Jon abram in the lead ! Can you believe it ! 

Yes ! The shooting will happen in middle East and india. They are also planning for Jacqueline as the heroine . Ya.. amazing is it not ? I never felt so good . And another thing , Akshay.k could be the villain ! Yes  .. I can’t wait for the shooting to start he tells Natasha 

Right now , I am in front of Sajid sirs office , he has fixed an appointment with me, I must look Very professional. I will call you back once the deal is finalized , bye ..  Varun says and puts the phone down

Varun looks at the car glass and sets his hair, carrying a flower bouquet and a suitcase, he enters the office compound with a little nervousness. There is some drainage repair work going around the office and big pits are dug near the entrance. Varun is careful not to get his boots soiled . He tries to cross the pits when he spots a young lady standing there 

Madam , could you please make way ? He asks the young lady , she is dressed in long skirt and a hat , but has her face covered with a scarf , because of the dusty environment there . Sir, could you please help me ? There is a little emergency here , the lady says. 

Varun being a gentleman says Yes . Actually there is a kitten fallen inside the pit , it is so small and helpless. Soon it will start raining, and the pit will fill up with water , can you please take it away from there ? Otherwise the poor little thing will drown ! The lady requests 

Come on, who will enter that slushy pit and get clothes dirty ? Varun thinks. Madam , can’t you do that yourself ? You look so fit and athletic..I am going to an important meeting actually and must look neat  , varun says . 

I would have , but I wore a long skirt today, otherwise rescuing is a speciality of mine , besides even i have a meeting , the lady  says . Varun is in no mood, but he looks at the little innocent kitten , being a soft guy from inside, varuns heart melts and he decides to save the kitten 

Madam, can you hold the bouquet and my suitcase ? He says and hands over the items . Fold your pants and shirt and then jump, the lady suggests . Varun musters courage and jumps inside the pit , the pit is wet and slushy from inside and as soon as varun lands on the bottom, his leg slips and varun falls down and gets a bad sprain on his leg 

Being in pain, varun somehow limps towards the kitten and picks it up , the lady who has still covered her face with a scarf tied, takes the kitten from his hands , Some kids come to them . Didi we will take care of the kitten , and they turn below to varun and shout together. Thank you varun bhaiyya ! You are a real hero they all say with gratitude, they take the kitten and leave. 

So it is true , you are a kind hearted guy, the lady says looking at him gratefully. Thanks , varun smiles . Varun tries to jump over the pit , but is finding it impossible because of his painful sprained leg 

The lady realizes that because of her , varun is now in a serious mess . Varun thinks that he better call sajid sir and apologize for getting late , and also request for help . he bends down to reach his phone when suddenly the lady jumps below near him . Varun is shocked ! Why did you jump inside ? He asks 

Sorry , I was feeling so bad to have put you in this mess. And how can a girl leave a kind hearted helpless guy like you ? She asks . That’s nice of you , but who will I come out of this pit with even you below ? Varun asks . Sitting on my shoulders, the lady says 

Varun can’t believe what he is hearing ! Ever since that Alia lifted me in that movie promo, all the girls think they can carry me now, He thinks in desperation. Suddenly he gets a call in the mobile , it is Sajid sir ! Oh my god, he is calling me now, what should I tell him ? Varun starts to panic with phone in his hand 

The lady beside him also starts to panic , oh no ! Quick sit on my shoulders , the lady says and squats in front of him holding the pit wall for support , varun is panicking and confused when the lady crawls between his legs and stands up easily lifting him up into a shoulder sit ! Varun is shocked as to what happened, sitting on that lady’s shoulders who is now standing up carrying his full weight. Varun clicks the answer button on phone 

Varun ! What are you making that poor girl do ? Sajid asks on phone . What ? What am I doing ? Varun asks in confusion. Don’t act smart . I can see your antics from the office floor above , you jumped into a pit, asked that slim girl to jump also . And now you made her carry you on her shoulders ! What are you thinking ?

Sajids wife grabs the phone now , you little devil ! that poor girl is so slim and weak looking, and now you are sitting on her shoulders ! Look at you , sitting on that slims petite girls shoulders like you are some nawab on a throne ! Varun still carried by the lady on shoulder sit now realizes that sajid sir and his wife are watching everything from above . Oh my god ! Madam no, I will explain everything to you ! he says and the phone gets disconnected

The lady whose face is covered by the scarf is looking up at varun, what did Sajid sir say ? She asks while Still carrying varun on her shoulders. Varun can’t believe this young girl is more worried about what sajid sir told,  rather than carrying his full weight on her shoulders from a long time now ! 

Varun tries to grab the edges of the ground surface , when the dust from above starts to fall on the young ladies face . The lady is unable to control the dust and irritation and sneezes suddenly, the scarf from her face now falls down . Varun looks down because of her sneeze and is shocked looking at her face !

The young lady who has been carrying varun on her shoulders, all this time on a shoulder sit, is Jacqueline ! Varun is totally embarassed and starts blushing. Oh my god, she looks so beautiful and gorgeous, even when carrying me on her shoulders ! He thinks 

Jacqueline still carrying varun on her shoulders is also embarrassed, oh no ! I got caught. now the common public will get excited ! She thinks . Hey look look, Jacqueline mam is carrying varun bhaiyya on her shoulders ! Is this some new movie promotion ? Some kids start asking 

Varun still sitting on Jacqueline shoulders gets more embarrassed, hey.. why did you kids come back ? He asks. Bhaiyya we got you a ladder to come up , they says . Jacqueline shouts from below, thanks kids . But you should have got that earlier , she says while still carrying varun 

Soon varun and Jacqueline climb up the pit and come near the building entrance. wow varun, you were really a hero today , saving that kitten and all , Jacqueline says in excitement. I am so happy and proud to be working with you , she says happily. What ? Varun asks surprised, you spotted that poor little kitten, convinced me to jump, and later you were the one carrying me on your shoulders to come up. I say you were the hero in the mask , varun says 

Aww.. you are just being nice .. Jacqueline says and hugs him fondly . Oh my god , this girl feels like an angel sent by god . Varun thinks for himself as his face is entangled by her long and thick black hair. Varun and Jacqueline start walking towards the building entrance when Jacqueline realizes that varun is limping due to the sprain in the leg

Jacqueline comes to varun and says , I can help you reach Sajid sirs office , she says . Yes , I know .. by carrying me right ? Varun asks . Yes ! How did you know ? Jacqueline asks . I have spent a lot of time around girls , I know they are strong and they will never miss a chance to carry boys , varun says . Jacqueline starts laughing

If you carry me here , the public will get excited, varun says . I know you are a girl and naturally you will be strong and capable to carry me, but not here . He says . Soon both reach the lift and the lift door closes 

Sajid sir, his wife and Jon are waiting near the lift for varun and Jacqueline to arrive, they are specially concerned after looking at the commotion below . 

The lift door opens and all are surprised to see varun lifted on the hip of Jacqueline ! Varun lifted in Jacqueline hip is also carrying his suitcase. Hello all, Jacqueline wishes all and hands over the flower bouquet to sajid, while still carrying varun on her hip

Varun ! You naughty brat, do you know on whose hips you are sitting on ? Jon asks in shock . That’s not all, varun had made Jacqueline carry him on her shoulders too ! The poor delicate girl . He does not know how to treat a lady , Sajids wife says .

Please don’t blame poor varun ! Jacqueline replies while still carrying varun on her hip. Varun had been a hero today, he saved an innocent little kittens life , you know ? And I only insisted to carry him because he deserves it, Jacqueline says

Oh.. you both saved a little kitten ? I am impressed ! Jon says happily . Nice to know that you both also are concerned about animals , he says . Wow,  varun and Jacqueline ! Sajid sir replies, I was thinking of a screen test, but your nice character has won me over . You and Jacqueline are fixed for this film . Sajid sir says, his wife also agrees happily

Jaqcualine is happy, she starts jumping while still carrying varuns full weight on her hips . I cant believe it, this girl is just like my girlfriend Natasha , slim and small from outside, but strong from inside, It looks like I am cursed to always be around strong girls,  and get carried by them again and again . Varun thinks 

Jacqueline now puts varun on the ground and goes to discuss the agreement for movie. Varun is sitting on the sofa when jon sits beside him and offers coffee. Why are you sitting with a sulking face Varun ? Why are you looking sad ? Jon asks . Nothing jon bhaiyya . Did you see how easily Jacqueline lifted me on her shoulders ? And now on her hip ?  I look like a toy to girls maybe . Alia, Natasha , now even Jacqueline, they seem like getting some pleasure lifting me , varun says

I can understand, Jon says , it seems even you are troubled by the strong girls in your life , he says . What ? Varun asks in shock ! What do you mean ? Since when were you troubled by strong girls ? Varun asks 

I have been troubled by strong girls since my teens ! Jon says . I was very attractive to girls since high school you know , and some girls would try to impress me with their strength, Jon says. Varun is surprised, a macho and muscular guy like you troubled by strong girls ?  Varun asks 

You being, macho, muscular or even heavy,  does not make a difference to modern girls, they always end up being the stronger ones , Jon says . And when I was in my early twenties during college, the girls suddenly started aggressively wooing me . I was slim and light back then , wherever there was a drama or dance event in our college, the girls would aggressively compete to work with me . Jon says

Once I had gone into a dance rehearsal, the girls would try all kinds of excuses to carry and impress me with their strength , even the smallest girl in that group carried Me on her arms , jon says embarrassed. And when I got into relationship with bips, it got much worse ! He says . Varun is unable to believe this 

Oh yes, and don’t go by the easy going and humble nature of Jacqueline, she is an achiever . She was a beauty queen of her country, a top model, accomplished dancer , animal activist and a rescue specialist. Show her some respect John says 

Soon all the terms and conditions are agreed and finalized , varun is the last person to come out of the office , jon is nowhere to be seen . Jacqueline is busy in the reception, chatting on phone. Where is jon ? Varun asks her.

Jon was very tired , specially after that long journey he had last night, so he went to take a power nap inside the adjacent room . Jacqueline says. Varun now goes into the washroom when Sajid comes out talking with his wife . Jacqueline, we are now leaving, you guys get comfortable and can leave whenever you are ready , He says . Oh and please don’t use that adjacent room, the AC there has a problem and there is no ventilation . 

Sajid and his wife are near the door , when Jacqueline is getting ready to start , Varun is still in washroom. Jacqueline suddenly realizes something . Oh no , the room where jon is sleeping does not have ventilation ! Jon could suffer from lack of oxygen, he could even asphyxiate ! And could be fatal too.. Jon ! Jacqueline shouts and runs inside the room 

Sajid and his wife , Varun all come after hearing Jacqueline shout . What happened ? Sajid sir asks. Jacqueline now comes out carrying the sleeping jon on her arms in a cradle !  Varun, sajid and his wife are shocked to see the slim and petite Jacqueline carrying the jon who is twice her size carrying him in a cradle ! Oh my god , what is this petite and slim girl doing ? Sajids wife asks in shock 

Varun is literally in admiration,  looking at Jacqueline so confidently and dominatingly carrying jon on her arms in a cradle , she is looking like a godess who is carrying a child effortlessly in a cradle . All are  stunned at the strong and protective Jacqueline carrying a man twice her size ! 

Still carrying jon on her arms, Jacqueline says , sorry I created so much drama, actually I am trained in fire rescue and relief operations, So I learnt there , that a person in such places is at risk. She notices jon is still on deep sleep despite being carried cradle 

Carried Cradle on Jacquelines arms , jon still in sleep starts muttering in sleep, Priya ! You lifted me up again ? Please put me on my bed , he says and hugs Jacqueline tighter . Awww… looks like Jon’s wife priya,  also lifts him up frequently, is that not cute ? Jacqueline exclaims, looking at jon in admiration

Sajid looks at varun who is standing there stunned in admiration towards Jacqueline, varun ! Help that poor girl no, how long will she carry jon on her arms . Sajid says

Wow Jacqueline, you are an actress,  model, accomplished dancer , and now a fire and rescue expert too ? What else are you expert in ?  Arun asks 

Aww.. you are just making meembarrassed, Jacqueline says in  humility. Jon gets up from his power nap and is surprised that he is now on the reception sofa instead of the adjacent room . What ? Who Carried me here ? Has Priya come ? He asks

Sorry , I carried you from the room , Jacqueline says, there was no ventilation in that room, that’s why . Jon is a little embarrassed but not really surprised that a slim and petite girl like Jacqueline had carried him. Oh no, you carried me ? jon asks jaqcueline.  yes, varun says, we all saw her carrying you in her arms varun says

Thanks for your presence of mind and using your strength at the right moment Jacqueline, Jon says . But please , don’t tell this to anybody outside. Jon pleads everyone. Of course we can understand because you have maintained a macho image in the industry no , Sajid sir says 

No no… that’s not the problem, If my wife priya gets to know that Some other girl had carried me , she will kill me ! Jon says 

What ? All are surprised

To be continued…..

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Shield maiden 4

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