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Personal Assistant

Miss muskan ! Sameer shouts from inside his office cabin, he is calling his last candidate of the day for the interview he is taking . the office is now empty because it is a weekend and sameer is eager to finish it and wrap up for the day. all other candidates have left by now

A slim and tall girl in salwaar comes in and sameer is impressed by her height and long strong looking legs in tights. he asks her to sit down. “I am looking for a capable , dedicated and hardworking Personal assistant he says , my last assistant Shirin was caught passing information to my rivals which affected my business and so I fired her ! so honesty is important for me ” he says . he looks at her file and notices not much information is there , no certificates , nothing . he looks at muskan a little annoyed , and asks how come she has not bought any papers to prove she is capable for the job ?

Are you seriously looking for a job or have you come here only for doing time pass ? dont waste my time .Come back with proper documents he says and gets up taking the keys of office to lock it up and walks out from the table , Muskan says she is sorry and will come better prepared next time , she puts her hand forward for a handshake , sameer extends his hands . muskan suddenly grabs his hands , bends down and scoops him onto her shoulders in a firemans lift !

Overweight sameer is shocked for a second and cannot believe what just happened , how can a slim girl like muskan carry him so easily ? and the bigger question is why ?

Hey, why did you carry me ? put me down ! he shouts , being on top of tall muskans shoulders is already making him dizzy , muskan starts laughing and starts turning round and round ,sameer starts getting a slight vomiting sensation . Shirin was right muskan says ,you are an irritating fat guy . sameer still carried by her is shocked , let me down he says and starts to violently shake is hands and legs to free himself , but muskan showing sheer strength easily manages it and starts walking to the stairs , Mr sameer , you have an interview with Shirin on the terrace now , she says laughing and starts climbing the stairs still carrying him on her shoulders !

Sameer is scared now , he has seen shirin before and she is no weak looking girl either , he starts fearing for his life , still being carried on her shoulders , he starts pleading her to let him go. Muskan only laughs and keeps climbing , sameer is in shock to see a slim girl carrying him so effortlessly upstairs and at the same time scared to imagine what will happen upstairs . Muskan carrying him on her shoulders and climbing the stairs says Shirin was wanting to meet him one last time before she is moving to another city , and she came to this interview only to make him meet her . sameer now starts struggling to free himself , but muskan grabs his hand and leg and forcefully pulls it to prevent him doing anything, while still carrying him and climbing upstairs ! sameer realizes muskan is way too strong for him to do anything

Muskan finally enters the terrace and sameer still carried on her shoulders notices shirin waiting for him , She has worn tight jeans and shirt and looking at him angrily . muskan suddenly drops him from her shoulders to the ground in front of shirin and stands near the terrace entrance , he is all yours now , she says to shirin smiling

Sameer gets up dusting his clothes and angrily asks shirin , what is this ? how dare you kidnap me ? go and cry about this to others shirin laughs , that how a slim girl overpowered and carried you all the way to terrace ! let’s see how people react to it

Sameer is embarrassed , but says that what he did was right , by firing her . Shirin comes and grabs his crotch tightly , sameer shrieks in pain. you flirted with me for a year , and when you got marriage alliance from a rich family , you falsely accused me of passing confidential information and fired me ! you think you will get away with this ? sameer is still in pain , shirin suddenly grabs him into a slam, lifts him up high and throws him on the ground ! sameer is crying in pain. the weather on the terrace becomes cloudy with lightening . Muskan tells it will rain soon , shirin them says , I don’t care I am still not done with sameer

She then catches him by his shirt and easily pulls him up , holds him in a bear hug and starts tightening her grip , sameer is now already tired and in pain by being slammed and starts shouting, then it starts raining heavily and all get drenched. Both being wet and hugging sameer makes shirin feel hot , she gets an idea , she grabs his leg in one hand and easily scoops him up in a cradle ! sameer can’t believe shirin is cradling him on the terrace now despite heavy rains , shirin pulls him closer and starts to kiss him forcefully, sameer is helpless on her arms and submits to her . meanwhile seeing a fully grown man carried in a cradle and being kissed by a woman, that too in heavy rain makes muskan feel hot too

After a few minutes of tight kisses , sameer is helplessly gaping for breath and shivering , Shirin wants to undress sameer , but feels he will run away if she puts him down , just then muskan comes and extends her arms , here let me carry him ! shirin passes sameer from her hands into muskans, muskan easily carries him and starts teasing him by bouncing him in her arms , sameer is shivering , scared and cannot believe what is happening to him ! shirin undresses him while still being cradled by muskan , she then carries him back into her arms and throws him on the floor !

sameer is again in pain , but before he could realize what is happening, Shirin pounces on him like a hungry tiger and starts kissing him aggressively , seeing shirin aggressively devouring sameer despite heavy rains and wet floor turns on muskan more . shirin now turns and notices muskan has undressed too now ! she comes smiling , sameer is shouting for help but nobody can hear him on the terrace and his voice is muffed up in the heavy rain , shirin holds sameers hands onto the ground and continuous kissing him

move over shirin says and comes on top of him , sameer is shocked , he starts to shout saying don’t , but muskan starts kissing him forcefully pinning down his hands. sameer shouts in pain, but muskan is forcefully kissing him to not let it be heard , it is still raining heavily and sameer is almost unconscious now . after a good riding session , she asks muskan to move over , she grabs sameers upper body and with great strength lifts him up into a straddle ! sameer is powerless and has no option but to be submissive

Tall muskan bounces him into a high cradle and kisses him , she enjoys the kiss despite the heavy rains , she circles the terrace in heavy rains still kissing him by carrying him on her arms walking, she them gently puts him on the wet floor . the rain finally stops

Sameer now notices that both the girls are tired and resting, he realizes it is a good time to escape , grabbing his wet clothes he comes down the stairs into his office to get his car keys and escape , he squeezes his clothes to dry as much as possible , wears them and is about to get into his car when he sees both of the girls waiting for him near the car . Sameer is now scared , he turns back to climb to stairs again when suddenly muskan grabs him from behind bends down and carries him into a single shoulder sit ! sameer is feeling dizzy on tall muskans shoulders and is also horrified by the sheer strength of muskan, he starts shouting for help

muskan then throws him to the ground from her shoulders, shirin now comes laughing towards him , how does it now feel to be dumped sameer ? Sameer then says he is sorry , shirin says it is too late . I have moved on, I just came to give you this parting gift she says , suddenly she grabs his legs and scoops him again into a cradle , she then starts to bounce him high in the air using her arms showing sheer strength . will you cheat any other girl again she asks and bounces him high, no no he shouts when coming down and she catches him in her arms . Just then they hear a shocked cry

Mona, sameers new fiance is shocked to see the fully grown overweight sameer being cradled and bounced by a much smaller girl like a baby ! Mona ! get some help he shouts at her , as she is about to leave , muskan suddenly comes and scoops her into a shoulder lift , mona is shocked at muskans strength and is helplessly carried now . she is much lighter than that guy muskan laughs

Mona still carried by muskan then asks sameer fearfully , is this your exgirlfriend who would overpower and beat you physically always ? shirin is shocked mona knows about her , but gets more angry at him . you dumped me because you felt I was strong ? how stupid is that ! sameer still cradled by shirin says his ego used to hurt whenever she would overpower him , and that’s the main reason he dumped her

Shirin gets more angry , why do you guys get scared of strong women ? in fact all girls are strong , even the slim and feminine mona you like is stronger , sameer says it is impossible, she is smaller and very delicate

Shirin puts him down and asks muskan to lower mona from her shoulders on to the ground . she then says , let’s settle this once and for all , she asks mona to come near sameer , now put your one arm below sameers shoulder and other under his knees and lift him , mona dies it reluctantly and shockingly she easily lifts him up in a cradle ! sameer is shocked , mona is shocked at her own strenght ! shirin and muskan are laughing . see ? did I not say so ?

there is more wait , she says and commands mona to bend over holding a car , she then scoops sameer into a cradle and carries him and places him on Mona’s back in a donkey ride ! sameer is still shocked when shirin says sameer to move forward and sits on monas back too !

sameer is fully shocked , shirin then laughs , see ! even your slim and delicate mona can carry you and me both , and here you dumped me for being strong . just then muskan comes driving a bike , shirin then gets off from monas back , mona is still In shock , unable to believe she had just carried sameer and shirin both together ! she then says bye to both and that she will never see them again

Sameer is relieved , but he realizes he is still sitting on monas back, he asks her to put him down , she refuses , excited at her own strenght she stands straight with sameer on her back still and makes it a piggy back , sameer is not happy and starts pestering her to leave him down, but mona is laughing and running around carrying him on her back ! as shirin and muskan leave

the end …
Miss muskan ! Sameer shouts from inside his office cabin, he is calling his last candidate of the day for the interview he is taking . the office is now empty because it is a weekend and sameer is eager to finish it and wrap up for the day. all other candidates have left by now

A slim and tall girl in salwaar comes in and sameer is impressed by her height and long strong looking legs in tights. he asks her to sit down. “I am looking for a capable , dedicated and hardworking Personal assistant he says , my last assistant Shirin was caught passing information to my rivals which affected my business and so I fired her ! so honesty is important for me ” he says . he looks at her file and notices not much information is there , no certificates , nothing . he looks at muskan a little annoyed , and asks how come she has not bought any papers to prove she is capable for the job ?

Are you seriously looking for a job or have you come here only for doing time pass ? dont waste my time .Come back with proper documents he says and gets up taking the keys of office to lock it up and walks out from the table , Muskan says she is sorry and will come better prepared next time , she puts her hand forward for a handshake , sameer extends his hands . muskan suddenly grabs his hands , bends down and scoops him onto her shoulders in a firemans lift !

Overweight sameer is shocked for a second and cannot believe what just happened , how can a slim girl like muskan carry him so easily ? and the bigger question is why ?

Hey, why did you carry me ? put me down ! he shouts , being on top of tall muskans shoulders is already making him dizzy , muskan starts laughing and starts turning round and round ,sameer starts getting a slight vomiting sensation . Shirin was right muskan says ,you are an irritating fat guy . sameer still carried by her is shocked , let me down he says and starts to violently shake is hands and legs to free himself , but muskan showing sheer strength easily manages it and starts walking to the stairs , Mr sameer , you have an interview with Shirin on the terrace now , she says laughing and starts climbing the stairs still carrying him on her shoulders !

Sameer is scared now , he has seen shirin before and she is no weak looking girl either , he starts fearing for his life , still being carried on her shoulders , he starts pleading her to let him go. Muskan only laughs and keeps climbing , sameer is in shock to see a slim girl carrying him so effortlessly upstairs and at the same time scared to imagine what will happen upstairs . Muskan carrying him on her shoulders and climbing the stairs says Shirin was wanting to meet him one last time before she is moving to another city , and she came to this interview only to make him meet her . sameer now starts struggling to free himself , but muskan grabs his hand and leg and forcefully pulls it to prevent him doing anything, while still carrying him and climbing upstairs ! sameer realizes muskan is way too strong for him to do anything

Muskan finally enters the terrace and sameer still carried on her shoulders notices shirin waiting for him , She has worn tight jeans and shirt and looking at him angrily . muskan suddenly drops him from her shoulders to the ground in front of shirin and stands near the terrace entrance , he is all yours now , she says to shirin smiling

Sameer gets up dusting his clothes and angrily asks shirin , what is this ? how dare you kidnap me ? go and cry about this to others shirin laughs , that how a slim girl overpowered and carried you all the way to terrace ! let’s see how people react to it

Sameer is embarrassed , but says that what he did was right , by firing her . Shirin comes and grabs his crotch tightly , sameer shrieks in pain. you flirted with me for a year , and when you got marriage alliance from a rich family , you falsely accused me of passing confidential information and fired me ! you think you will get away with this ? sameer is still in pain , shirin suddenly grabs him into a slam, lifts him up high and throws him on the ground ! sameer is crying in pain. the weather on the terrace becomes cloudy with lightening . Muskan tells it will rain soon , shirin them says , I don’t care I am still not done with sameer

She then catches him by his shirt and easily pulls him up , holds him in a bear hug and starts tightening her grip , sameer is now already tired and in pain by being slammed and starts shouting, then it starts raining heavily and all get drenched. Both being wet and hugging sameer makes shirin feel hot , she gets an idea , she grabs his leg in one hand and easily scoops him up in a cradle ! sameer can’t believe shirin is cradling him on the terrace now despite heavy rains , shirin pulls him closer and starts to kiss him forcefully, sameer is helpless on her arms and submits to her . meanwhile seeing a fully grown man carried in a cradle and being kissed by a woman, that too in heavy rain makes muskan feel hot too

After a few minutes of tight kisses , sameer is helplessly gaping for breath and shivering , Shirin wants to undress sameer , but feels he will run away if she puts him down , just then muskan comes and extends her arms , here let me carry him ! shirin passes sameer from her hands into muskans, muskan easily carries him and starts teasing him by bouncing him in her arms , sameer is shivering , scared and cannot believe what is happening to him ! shirin undresses him while still being cradled by muskan , she then carries him back into her arms and throws him on the floor !

sameer is again in pain , but before he could realize what is happening, Shirin pounces on him like a hungry tiger and starts kissing him aggressively , seeing shirin aggressively devouring sameer despite heavy rains and wet floor turns on muskan more . shirin now turns and notices muskan has undressed too now ! she comes smiling , sameer is shouting for help but nobody can hear him on the terrace and his voice is muffed up in the heavy rain , shirin holds sameers hands onto the ground and continuous kissing him

move over shirin says and comes on top of him , sameer is shocked , he starts to shout saying don’t , but muskan starts kissing him forcefully pinning down his hands. sameer shouts in pain, but muskan is forcefully kissing him to not let it be heard , it is still raining heavily and sameer is almost unconscious now . after a good riding session , she asks muskan to move over , she grabs sameers upper body and with great strength lifts him up into a straddle ! sameer is powerless and has no option but to be submissive

Tall muskan bounces him into a high cradle and kisses him , she enjoys the kiss despite the heavy rains , she circles the terrace in heavy rains still kissing him by carrying him on her arms walking, she them gently puts him on the wet floor . the rain finally stops

Sameer now notices that both the girls are tired and resting, he realizes it is a good time to escape , grabbing his wet clothes he comes down the stairs into his office to get his car keys and escape , he squeezes his clothes to dry as much as possible , wears them and is about to get into his car when he sees both of the girls waiting for him near the car . Sameer is now scared , he turns back to climb to stairs again when suddenly muskan grabs him from behind bends down and carries him into a single shoulder sit ! sameer is feeling dizzy on tall muskans shoulders and is also horrified by the sheer strength of muskan, he starts shouting for help

muskan then throws him to the ground from her shoulders, shirin now comes laughing towards him , how does it now feel to be dumped sameer ? Sameer then says he is sorry , shirin says it is too late . I have moved on, I just came to give you this parting gift she says , suddenly she grabs his legs and scoops him again into a cradle , she then starts to bounce him high in the air using her arms showing sheer strength . will you cheat any other girl again she asks and bounces him high, no no he shouts when coming down and she catches him in her arms . Just then they hear a shocked cry

Mona, sameers new fiance is shocked to see the fully grown overweight sameer being cradled and bounced by a much smaller girl like a baby ! Mona ! get some help he shouts at her , as she is about to leave , muskan suddenly comes and scoops her into a shoulder lift , mona is shocked at muskans strength and is helplessly carried now . she is much lighter than that guy muskan laughs

Mona still carried by muskan then asks sameer fearfully , is this your exgirlfriend who would overpower and beat you physically always ? shirin is shocked mona knows about her , but gets more angry at him . you dumped me because you felt I was strong ? how stupid is that ! sameer still cradled by shirin says his ego used to hurt whenever she would overpower him , and that’s the main reason he dumped her

Shirin gets more angry , why do you guys get scared of strong women ? in fact all girls are strong , even the slim and feminine mona you like is stronger , sameer says it is impossible, she is smaller and very delicate

Shirin puts him down and asks muskan to lower mona from her shoulders on to the ground . she then says , let’s settle this once and for all , she asks mona to come near sameer , now put your one arm below sameers shoulder and other under his knees and lift him , mona dies it reluctantly and shockingly she easily lifts him up in a cradle ! sameer is shocked , mona is shocked at her own strenght ! shirin and muskan are laughing . see ? did I not say so ?

there is more wait , she says and commands mona to bend over holding a car , she then scoops sameer into a cradle and carries him and places him on Mona’s back in a donkey ride ! sameer is still shocked when shirin says sameer to move forward and sits on monas back too !

sameer is fully shocked , shirin then laughs , see ! even your slim and delicate mona can carry you and me both , and here you dumped me for being strong . just then muskan comes driving a bike , shirin then gets off from monas back , mona is still In shock , unable to believe she had just carried sameer and shirin both together ! she then says bye to both and that she will never see them again

Sameer is relieved , but he realizes he is still sitting on monas back, he asks her to put him down , she refuses , excited at her own strenght she stands straight with sameer on her back still and makes it a piggy back , sameer is not happy and starts pestering her to leave him down, but mona is laughing and running around carrying him on her back ! as shirin and muskan leave

the end …

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