Home Tuition – 3

It is evening and Aryan is now climbing the terrace to check the water pipe connection , Nagma is walking behind him gossiping . You know we have been in this apartment from 20 years ? she says .

Almost all young people here have seen each other growing in front of them. As they reach the top of the terrace, fat Aryan is tired and is catching breath, Just then he notices two girls standing there and talking

Aryan is pleased to see these two are of normal height. The girls see Nagma and are excited . Nagma ! they shout and run towards her .

Nagma is very happy and hugs each of them into a bear hug and turns ! Almost lifting each of them for a minute. Nagma then introduces them , this is Tina and Mina. From our apartment .

they used to study in same class as me , now both have joined jobs in different cities . Yes, one of the girls says , we used to have a lot of fun together during the old days .

Hey nagma still remember our old pose ? Tina asks. Sure nagma says, Aryan get your cell phone ready for a photo she says

Aryan searches his pockets , takes out his cell phone and is shocked at the scene happening there ! Nagma bends her knees and one girl climbs on it and sits on her one shoulder.

Wow she did that so easily Aryan wonders , But wait , the other girl stands on her other knee and sits on Nagmas other shoulder too !

Nagma does not seem to be shaken much and is posing with a smile and flexing arms. Aryan takes the pic and in the pic he can see two normal sized girls sitting one each on shoulders of nagma ! darn, she is a lady Hercules ! he thinks for himself .

Nagma then puts both of them down and says, hey you both seem to have gained weight ! yes , We have been working out you know, out one of the girls say .

Don’t lie nagma says, were you really exercising or only eating and growing fat ?

Do you want us to prove it ? Then just watch ! One of the girls suddenly goes towards Aryan and comfortably picks Aryan on a front lift !

Aryan is shocked that he is being carried by a much smaller and slimmer girl easily . The girl then bounces Aryan and asks. do you believe now ?

Alright alright ! Nagma says, I believe you, now put him down . He is not used to the usual things we do here she laughs . the girl puts him down and all three girls start gossiping. If I am nearby , these strong girls will find another excuse to lift me. I better stay away, Aryan thinks

Aryan now goes near the water tank to search the valves. The only problem here is , the water tank is on top of a room built for water pump and storage, and there is no ladder to reach it. there is no stool either .

Aryan thinks to ask nagma , but then he remembers that tall nagma had proposed to carry him on to the roof !

I should not get lifted up by Nagma again, At least not in front of those girls , I will look like a fool sitting on the shoulders of this tall Nagma, and that too on the apartment terrace !

And if these girls start gossiping in the apartment , that Nagma’s tuition teacher makes her carry him on her shoulders, then it will be a huge embarrassment ! I better do this work myself ! Aryan thinks

Aryan thinks of ways to climb. The only way to climb the pump room is to place a leg on the parapet or bordering wall of the terrace and rise up to the pump room roof. The parapet wall if he slips from it will make him fall 5 floors below .

Aryan looks below the parapet wall down and a chill runs down his spine .With no other option, he musters courage and climbs some 9 feet above onto the roof of the pump room

While the girls are chatting , Aryan opens the valve which connects water to his flat, This roof of the pump house is quite spacious , and the view from the top of tank is superb. But the tank is more than 50 foot high and the strong winds are scary . Aryan thinks

Aryan then comes to the edge of the pump room and realized he has to jump some 9 feet down ! Oh no, he thinks. climbing down from the parapet wall is nearly impossible for the faint hearted !

Just then Nagma has finished talking with the girls and they have left , So you climbed up yourself and opened the valve too ? not bad … you did that very fast, she says

Aryan is now getting ready to jump 9 feet below , when Nagma realizes and says wait ! you will hurt your feet ! and then she extends her arms towards him and says here , jump into my arms !

Come on ! I know you are strong but can you catch a heavy guy like me from 9 feet ? Aryan says nervously.

Of course I can nagma says , but if you are feeling nervous , I have another idea she says and stands directly below the roof edge .

Aryan notices that tall Nagma head is only around 3 feet below the roof . Goodness she is so tall ! he thinks . Now climb down onto my shoulder she says !

Aryan is shocked ! can you handle it ? Of course she says , those two girls combined weight is more than yours . Now come soon , my dad will come here soon to smoke in a while .

Aryan holds onto a dangling rod on the roof and slowly climbs down onto her broad shoulders, Nagma smiles after his full weigh is on her broad strong shoulders .

Hey you are lighter than I expected ! she says and starts walking , Aryan is losing balance . here she says raising her hands , catch my hands , he feels stable now , but the strong winds are still troubling him.

Are you sure you can balance while carrying me in this wind ? he asks , No problem at all , hey look at this Nagma says and lIfts her one foot up ! Aryan is fully turned on by her strength now .

Please put me down now , Aryan says in discomfort. Arey , I have just carried you on my shoulders, and already you are asking me to put you down ? This is not fair she says.

Arey you were saying that your dad will come here to smoke in a while na. If he spots me…your tuition teacher, of all the places. is sitting on his daughters shoulders. That too on the terrace of the apartment . what will he think ? Aryan says

Imagine the look on my fathers face then ! Nagma laughs looking up at Aryan sitting on her shoulders, she does a few dance steps and then puts him down .

both are now climbing the steps back from the terrace when Nagma, says that there is new year celebration in the apartment swimming pool section tomorrow

Aryan says good and both wind up For the day .The next day evening New year party is arranged in the swimming pool section . There is a large party area with chairs, tables , barbeque , shelter etc and a pool at the corner with changing and restrooms adjacent to it .

Food is already ready and Aryan is tempted by the aroma . he decides to wash his hands well first, and then start stuffing himself with food

Nagma and her family has not come yet, there are some people swimming and Aryan goes to the wash basin to wash hands .

As Aryan is washing hands, he notices a tall girl behind, thinking it could be Nagma, Aryan turns behind and looks up at the tall girl

It is the same tall girl who had fought with Aryan and Nagma previously in the park .

Ha.. I finally found you alone ! The girl says in anger , towering over Aryan she grabs his hand aggressively and comes closer to him menacingly

Aryan uses all his might to free himself, but the girl is too strong. Grabbing him by a bear hug, she lifts him up. Aryan is in pain as the strong tall girl is crushing him with her arms

Please spare me, Aryan pleads as he is now helplessly lifted up in a bearhug and locked in her strong arms . I will crush you today, you fat loser ! she says and tightens her grip. While still lifting up Aryan

Aryan is crying in pain , when the girl now puts him down and pushes him against the wall imposingly, while towering over him

Looking at him below in a dominating fashion, the tall girls anger now suddenly disappears. I really wanted to harm you , she says

But now looking at you scared and helpless, you are starting to look cute ! She says looking down at him

What ? Aryan replies in disbelief. come here my fat teddy, she says and grabs Aryans butts by bending down and easily raises him up into a front piggy . still carrying him into front piggyback, she suddenly smooches him forcefully

Lifted up by the tall girl and being smooched forcefully by her , Aryan is in tears . the tall girl is feeling hot as her smooch is getting harder and she starts feeling his backside

Soon she walks towards the pool carrying the helpless Aryan and throws him into the pool. Finally , I have taken my revenge ! She says gleefully and leaves

Aryan is in big problem because he can’t swim. he is slowly drowning and shouting for help when suddenly his body starts to rise from the water .

Two hands have picked him up in a cradle with his full weight in it , is it Nagma ? he thinks, but the hands and shoulders are smaller than his , he immediately recognizes it is not her .

As he rises above the water lifted up in cradle by the slim girl, he clears the water from his eyes, he then realizes in shock that it is Mina whom he had met in the terrace, who saved him from drowning !

Aryan is looking in disbelief that the slim Mina is able to carry him on her arms so easily ! The girl cradling him gives a smile. Sir, I heard you are taking coaching for Nagma, but I think you should take coaching for swimming from us , she laughs .

Aryan is embarrassed , while still lifted in cradle by Mina, when Tina comes swimming near them . Sir, you are not in swimming attire, better change before you catch a cold , Tina says

Here, Pass him into my arms, I will carry him to the edge of the pool, Tina tells to Mina. Aryan is unable to believe that these girls are carrying him and handling him like a kid !

Tina now passes Aryan from her arms into Mina’s Arms in cradle . Don’t worry sir , I will carry you to safety, Mina says and walks the full length of the pool carrying the fat Aryan in cradle. She places him on the edge giggling .

Being cradled and passed on by the two slim girls , that too when wet , has turned Aryan on. and he is feeling uncomfortable now

Just then . He looks at another girl standing in front of him, yes he recognizes those long long legs , it is Nagma , she is looking at him and not happy . She has noticed his erection

Aryan excuses himself and runs into his flat keeping the door open , he changes clothes and is drying his hair with a towel when he notices a red salwar in the mirror and immediately recognizes it as nagma standing behind him.

Nagma is fuming with jealousy and suddenly grabs him in a bear hug and lifts him high up . Aryan is helpless and in disbelief, that he is lifted up again by a tall strong girl in a bear hug !

As his legs are dangling several inches above the floor . she starts crushing him between her arms and body , Aryan starts crying in pain.

You were turned on by those slim, girly and beautiful girls easily is it not ? Nagma says angrily . I saw you staring at them yesterday too.

You don’t want me now isnt it ? who wants this big tall nagma who easily overpowers others , when you can have pretty, slim, submissive girls to carry you ?

Lifted up in bear hug and being crushed again , but this time by Nagma. Aryan realizes that Nagma is much stronger than the previous girl as the pain is getting unbearable now .

Oh my god ! Help ! Somebody save me from this Nagma’s strenght ! Aryan shrieks

To be continued….

It is evening and Aryan is now climbing the terrace to check the water pipe connection , Nagma is walking behind him gossiping . You know we have been in this apartment from 20 years ? she says .

Almost all young people here have seen each other growing in front of them. As they reach the top of the terrace, fat Aryan is tired and is catching breath, Just then he notices two girls standing there and talking

Aryan is pleased to see these two are of normal height. The girls see Nagma and are excited . Nagma ! they shout and run towards her .

Nagma is very happy and hugs each of them into a bear hug and turns ! Almost lifting each of them for a minute. Nagma then introduces them , this is Tina and Mina. From our apartment .

they used to study in same class as me , now both have joined jobs in different cities . Yes, one of the girls says , we used to have a lot of fun together during the old days .

Hey nagma still remember our old pose ? Tina asks. Sure nagma says, Aryan get your cell phone ready for a photo she says

Aryan searches his pockets , takes out his cell phone and is shocked at the scene happening there ! Nagma bends her knees and one girl climbs on it and sits on her one shoulder.

Wow she did that so easily Aryan wonders , But wait , the other girl stands on her other knee and sits on Nagmas other shoulder too !

Nagma does not seem to be shaken much and is posing with a smile and flexing arms. Aryan takes the pic and in the pic he can see two normal sized girls sitting one each on shoulders of nagma ! darn, she is a lady Hercules ! he thinks for himself .

Nagma then puts both of them down and says, hey you both seem to have gained weight ! yes , We have been working out you know, out one of the girls say .

Don’t lie nagma says, were you really exercising or only eating and growing fat ?

Do you want us to prove it ? Then just watch ! One of the girls suddenly goes towards Aryan and comfortably picks Aryan on a front lift !

Aryan is shocked that he is being carried by a much smaller and slimmer girl easily . The girl then bounces Aryan and asks. do you believe now ?

Alright alright ! Nagma says, I believe you, now put him down . He is not used to the usual things we do here she laughs . the girl puts him down and all three girls start gossiping. If I am nearby , these strong girls will find another excuse to lift me. I better stay away, Aryan thinks

Aryan now goes near the water tank to search the valves. The only problem here is , the water tank is on top of a room built for water pump and storage, and there is no ladder to reach it. there is no stool either .

Aryan thinks to ask nagma , but then he remembers that tall nagma had proposed to carry him on to the roof !

I should not get lifted up by Nagma again, At least not in front of those girls , I will look like a fool sitting on the shoulders of this tall Nagma, and that too on the apartment terrace !

And if these girls start gossiping in the apartment , that Nagma’s tuition teacher makes her carry him on her shoulders, then it will be a huge embarrassment ! I better do this work myself ! Aryan thinks

Aryan thinks of ways to climb. The only way to climb the pump room is to place a leg on the parapet or bordering wall of the terrace and rise up to the pump room roof. The parapet wall if he slips from it will make him fall 5 floors below .

Aryan looks below the parapet wall down and a chill runs down his spine .With no other option, he musters courage and climbs some 9 feet above onto the roof of the pump room

While the girls are chatting , Aryan opens the valve which connects water to his flat, This roof of the pump house is quite spacious , and the view from the top of tank is superb. But the tank is more than 50 foot high and the strong winds are scary . Aryan thinks

Aryan then comes to the edge of the pump room and realized he has to jump some 9 feet down ! Oh no, he thinks. climbing down from the parapet wall is nearly impossible for the faint hearted !

Just then Nagma has finished talking with the girls and they have left , So you climbed up yourself and opened the valve too ? not bad … you did that very fast, she says

Aryan is now getting ready to jump 9 feet below , when Nagma realizes and says wait ! you will hurt your feet ! and then she extends her arms towards him and says here , jump into my arms !

Come on ! I know you are strong but can you catch a heavy guy like me from 9 feet ? Aryan says nervously.

Of course I can nagma says , but if you are feeling nervous , I have another idea she says and stands directly below the roof edge .

Aryan notices that tall Nagma head is only around 3 feet below the roof . Goodness she is so tall ! he thinks . Now climb down onto my shoulder she says !

Aryan is shocked ! can you handle it ? Of course she says , those two girls combined weight is more than yours . Now come soon , my dad will come here soon to smoke in a while .

Aryan holds onto a dangling rod on the roof and slowly climbs down onto her broad shoulders, Nagma smiles after his full weigh is on her broad strong shoulders .

Hey you are lighter than I expected ! she says and starts walking , Aryan is losing balance . here she says raising her hands , catch my hands , he feels stable now , but the strong winds are still troubling him.

Are you sure you can balance while carrying me in this wind ? he asks , No problem at all , hey look at this Nagma says and lIfts her one foot up ! Aryan is fully turned on by her strength now .

Please put me down now , Aryan says in discomfort. Arey , I have just carried you on my shoulders, and already you are asking me to put you down ? This is not fair she says.

Arey you were saying that your dad will come here to smoke in a while na. If he spots me…your tuition teacher, of all the places. is sitting on his daughters shoulders. That too on the terrace of the apartment . what will he think ? Aryan says

Imagine the look on my fathers face then ! Nagma laughs looking up at Aryan sitting on her shoulders, she does a few dance steps and then puts him down .

both are now climbing the steps back from the terrace when Nagma, says that there is new year celebration in the apartment swimming pool section tomorrow

Aryan says good and both wind up For the day .The next day evening New year party is arranged in the swimming pool section . There is a large party area with chairs, tables , barbeque , shelter etc and a pool at the corner with changing and restrooms adjacent to it .

Food is already ready and Aryan is tempted by the aroma . he decides to wash his hands well first, and then start stuffing himself with food

Nagma and her family has not come yet, there are some people swimming and Aryan goes to the wash basin to wash hands .

As Aryan is washing hands, he notices a tall girl behind, thinking it could be Nagma, Aryan turns behind and looks up at the tall girl

It is the same tall girl who had fought with Aryan and Nagma previously in the park .

Ha.. I finally found you alone ! The girl says in anger , towering over Aryan she grabs his hand aggressively and comes closer to him menacingly

Aryan uses all his might to free himself, but the girl is too strong. Grabbing him by a bear hug, she lifts him up. Aryan is in pain as the strong tall girl is crushing him with her arms

Please spare me, Aryan pleads as he is now helplessly lifted up in a bearhug and locked in her strong arms . I will crush you today, you fat loser ! she says and tightens her grip. While still lifting up Aryan

Aryan is crying in pain , when the girl now puts him down and pushes him against the wall imposingly, while towering over him

Looking at him below in a dominating fashion, the tall girls anger now suddenly disappears. I really wanted to harm you , she says

But now looking at you scared and helpless, you are starting to look cute ! She says looking down at him

What ? Aryan replies in disbelief. come here my fat teddy, she says and grabs Aryans butts by bending down and easily raises him up into a front piggy . still carrying him into front piggyback, she suddenly smooches him forcefully

Lifted up by the tall girl and being smooched forcefully by her , Aryan is in tears . the tall girl is feeling hot as her smooch is getting harder and she starts feeling his backside

Soon she walks towards the pool carrying the helpless Aryan and throws him into the pool. Finally , I have taken my revenge ! She says gleefully and leaves

Aryan is in big problem because he can’t swim. he is slowly drowning and shouting for help when suddenly his body starts to rise from the water .

Two hands have picked him up in a cradle with his full weight in it , is it Nagma ? he thinks, but the hands and shoulders are smaller than his , he immediately recognizes it is not her .

As he rises above the water lifted up in cradle by the slim girl, he clears the water from his eyes, he then realizes in shock that it is Mina whom he had met in the terrace, who saved him from drowning !

Aryan is looking in disbelief that the slim Mina is able to carry him on her arms so easily ! The girl cradling him gives a smile. Sir, I heard you are taking coaching for Nagma, but I think you should take coaching for swimming from us , she laughs .

Aryan is embarrassed , while still lifted in cradle by Mina, when Tina comes swimming near them . Sir, you are not in swimming attire, better change before you catch a cold , Tina says

Here, Pass him into my arms, I will carry him to the edge of the pool, Tina tells to Mina. Aryan is unable to believe that these girls are carrying him and handling him like a kid !

Tina now passes Aryan from her arms into Mina’s Arms in cradle . Don’t worry sir , I will carry you to safety, Mina says and walks the full length of the pool carrying the fat Aryan in cradle. She places him on the edge giggling .

Being cradled and passed on by the two slim girls , that too when wet , has turned Aryan on. and he is feeling uncomfortable now

Just then . He looks at another girl standing in front of him, yes he recognizes those long long legs , it is Nagma , she is looking at him and not happy . She has noticed his erection

Aryan excuses himself and runs into his flat keeping the door open , he changes clothes and is drying his hair with a towel when he notices a red salwar in the mirror and immediately recognizes it as nagma standing behind him.

Nagma is fuming with jealousy and suddenly grabs him in a bear hug and lifts him high up . Aryan is helpless and in disbelief, that he is lifted up again by a tall strong girl in a bear hug !

As his legs are dangling several inches above the floor . she starts crushing him between her arms and body , Aryan starts crying in pain.

You were turned on by those slim, girly and beautiful girls easily is it not ? Nagma says angrily . I saw you staring at them yesterday too.

You don’t want me now isnt it ? who wants this big tall nagma who easily overpowers others , when you can have pretty, slim, submissive girls to carry you ?

Lifted up in bear hug and being crushed again , but this time by Nagma. Aryan realizes that Nagma is much stronger than the previous girl as the pain is getting unbearable now .

Oh my god ! Help ! Somebody save me from this Nagma’s strenght ! Aryan shrieks

To be continued….

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I write stories of Fm lift and carry, FF lift and carry, Tall girls (no lifts), Bollywood lift and carry, Hindi Lift and carry (FM) and Biker girls . Please write in comments what kind of stories you prefer

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