Alia and Her Secret Power (part 1) (Bollywood Lift Carry Story)

It is raining heavily when varun comes into the parking spot of the studio, he parks the car and notices an autorickshaw. Bhaiyya stop the rickshaw here , Alia says and gets down , she pays the driver and comes in . Arey Alia, how come you did not come in car ? Varun asks . The driver is not well today, so I had to walk a long distance covering my face for finding an auto you know . It was so tiring Alia says sadly . 
Just then the power goes out , Oh, we will have to take the steps now , Varun says . Oh my god, who will walk all those steps ? Alia says . I will get tired na , also my make-up will be ruined because of sweating Alia says , let’s wait till they start generator , she says . Varun is giggling at her delicate attitude
Soon , generator is started and they reach the floor for shooting. The director is happy that both of them arrived on time . All get busy with stript discussions and planning. Alia is getting her makeup done with assistant. Please don’t use harsh chemicals, my skin is very delicate you know she is saying 
We need to create promo and posters for our new movie now , the director says . And we feel this should be very different, very unusual and not at all common , the director says , we are thinking that Alia, can you carry varun for a short while ?  Just for the photo shoot ?
Oh my god ! I can’t even carry my doggy at home ! How can i carry a muscular man like varun ? Alia shouts in shock , how can a girl carry a fully grown man and pose for photos ? This is highly impossible, I cannot do it ! Alia exclaims
Varun takes Alia to a corner, Alia please help me with this na , he requests her , see you are now already very popular, and this movie with such a good director is very big for me . Please do this one for my career na .. if you do this , I promise I will repay this debt in some other form . Varun pleads
Are you kidding varun ? You are easily 70 plus kg in weight, I have not even lifted a kid in my life , and being the weaker gender , how can I lift a muscular fully grown man ! And what if i get injured ? I already have more shooting schedule for films in line waiting , all that would be delayed . Arey please do this for me na ? We have been friends since childhood, can’t you help your childhood friend ? Varun pleads folding his hands 
Arey don’t embarass me like that, Alia holds his hands ,  I will try  , she says . Varun is very happy, you are such a sweetheart Alia ! Maybe we can try rehearsing the lifts tomorrow evening . My longtime gf Natasha will also be joining us  . He says . Wow Natasha also will come ? Alia says excitedly . Then we all can have a good time . She says 
Soon it is evening of next day . Alia arrives at varuns house where Natasha is already present , all exchange pleasantries and are chatting with usual topics , Sitting on sofa and drinking coffee . 
Alia .. we had agreed to do some rehearsal for that poster, you remember ?  Is it not a good time to rehearse that from now itself , and since you are very weak to begin with . Maybe you will get time to improve your strength so that you would be able to carry me .. varun asks 
Arey we shall do it , don’t worry, Alia says lightly and continues chatting with Natasha . What is varun saying ? You are supposed to carry him ? Is it not unusual ? Natasha laughs . And the director is planning to make that pic as a poster ? That would be funny Natasha says
Varun is getting impatient, come on Aalia , we need to shoot that pic tomorrow,  please don’t neglect this . He says , Alia starts laughing, arey you are taking stress for such a simple thing , don’t worry it will happen she says and continues chatting. Soon it is time to leave and varun is angry Alia is ready to leave without doing what she had come for 
Aalia is at door , when she notices varun with a sulking face . Oh my god ! I totally forgot . You stand still .. ok ? She says and comes in front of him, locks her hands around his butt and easily lifts him up into a front lift !
Varun can’t believe that Alia who was acting weak and scared to lift earlier has now lifted him up without a slight problem ! What ? Alia is that really you ? And he is further shocked that she is still carrying him up and standing there comfortably with a smile on her face , he looks at Natasha who is watching the scene with a shock on her face and covering her mouth with her palms
Still standing near the door carrying varun in a front lift. Alia looks up above to varun , are you happy now ? I can carry you as long as you want for that photo shoot, infact how many times you want , i can carry you ! Happy now ? Alia asks with a smile
Natasha can’t believe the slim and shorter Alia is comfortably carrying the muscular varun in a front lift and is claiming she can carry him as many times he wants ! Oh my god Alia , i never imagined that a girl can be this strong ! How the hell did you get so much strenght to carry a muscular guy like varun ? And you have not even started regular workouts yet ! Natasha exclaims
Alia starts laughing and even bounces varun once while carrying him in front lift , I have always carried the men in my life , right from childhood ! Rahul bhaiyya is always my favourite you know , Alia says . Varun still lifted by Alia can’t believe his ears ! You mean you lift and carry your muscular brother ? He asks in shock
Arey why are you so shocked ? Alia says and puts varun down . Maybe because you don’t have a sister , otherwise you would have gotten lifted often , and that’s why you have no idea that girls in general are much stronger , Alia says stretching her arms . It is like a good workout too , Alia says 
But how can you lift Rahul who is bigger and muscular than me ? Varun asks . Yeah he is bigger and muscular, but i am stronger you know , alia says and flexes her biceps , Natasha feels her biceps and says , you are not even muscular Alia , where did you get this much strenght ? Arey any girl can lift  boys , Alia laughs, how come you never lifted Natasha ? Alia asks 
Arey I have lifted my little sister Rinky while playing, but never boys , Natasha says . Come on, boys can be easily lifted ! I always enjoy lifting the males more than fenales, why don’t you try yourself and lift varun ? Alia asks . What ? Natasha asks in shock ! I am much slimmer and shorter than you , see already I am tense and trembling thinking of that ! Natasha says in fear 
I think Natashs is right ! Varun says worried that she could injure herself . She is much smaller and slimmer than me , I can’t even imagine her doing that , varun says . Alia starts laughing, most girls underestimate their strength you know , she says. And what is the fun of being a girl if you don’t lift boys ? And Specially your boyfriend ? Alia says and pulls Natasha near her .
Why don’t you try piggyback with varun ? It is the easiest, Alia says . What ? I cant Natasha says worried, Arey , you can easily do it Alia says and forcibly turns her behind with her back towards varun. Hey varun try jumping on your girlfriends back into a piggyback she says . Varun is hesitant , alright , maybe you can stand on a chair and climb on to her back Alia says pulling a chair .
Alia, i dont think this is a good idea , Natasha says closing her eyes in fear . Come on Natasha , you were recommending your gym for me to join na, since how long have you been going there ? Alia asks . I have been going there for years , Natasha says while varun stands on the chair . So you have been training with weights na ? Alia asks . Yes Natasha says , I did not like lifting weights and dumbells , because i think it does nor suit girls, but the trainer insisted , she says 
Oh cool, how much weight do you lift ? Alia asks . I don’t know sometimes i lift dumbells upto 8kg and weight lifting till maybe 40 , Natasha says. Varun can’t believe this ! You lift weights upto that weight ? Even i cant do that ! Varun says in shock
Ha ha .. see what I said ? You can beat any bodybuilder with your strength, now let varun climb on to your back Alia says . Varun slowly climbs onto her back and wraps his arms around her shoulders and is shocked to see Natasha holding his full weight and carrying him in a piggyback ! Natasha suddenly opens her eyes in excitement 
Wow ! Varun you have put all your weight on me ? Oh my god ! You don’t seem heavy at all . Natasha exclaims in happiness and walks away from the chair carrying varuns full weight in piggyback . Wow , I mean I never imagined i am this strong ! Natasha exclaims will still carrying varun in piggyback 
Alia is laughing uncontrollably, aww my childhood friend is now looking so cute carried piggyback by his girlfriend , you never looked so cute varun ! Alia laughs while Natasha is walking around comfortably carrying varun in piggyback . Varun is feeling uncomfortable on Natasha’s back now 
Natasha is even jumping and bouncing varun on ber back, arey enough Natasha , you will injure yourself varun says clasping Natasha with his arms as he is lifted piggyback. Come on Varun , Natasha smiles.  let me enjoy this moment with your full weight on me , thanks for letting me realize my strenght Alia, Natasha says and flexes her biceps . Varun is feeling like a fool 
Just as Natasha is flexing her biceps with varun carried in her piggyback , a flash light comes , Alia has taken her mobile and clicking pictures. Come on Alia , if you spread this picture in social media, the unique concept of you lifting me in the movie poster will not have impact,  Varun says . Oh ok .. Alia says and puts her phone back into her purse . Natasha will you put me down now ? Varun asks , are you not getting strained carrying my full weight ?
Of course not Natasha says while still carrying varun in piggyback. Infact I was wondering now , Natasha says . What are you wondering about ? Varun asks . I am thinking that i can stand and walk around and even bounce you with your full weight carried piggyback, but can i stand on one leg ?
Varun can’t believe what she is saying and Alia is glad at the newly found confidence of Natasha , no wait, you are getting overconfident varun says while Natasha lifts up her one leg and all are impressed at her strength, but varun in his  nervousness shakes a lot and Natasha loses balance  both fall behind !
Alia is laughing loudly when Natasha stands up laughing, this was so funny ! She exclaims. Varun is still lying on his back on the floor , you girls are making me look weak he says holding his back . Alia, how can you leave your childhood friend on the floor and laughing ? He asks and slowly stands up
Oh my little varun, sorry i let you down Alia says, and sits on the chair , varun is examining his feet , oh no. I think I sprained my leg , varun says . Oh my god , this is not good , come here Alia says and as varun limps near her , Alia pulls him onto her lap
Varun can’t believe Alia is now carrying him on her lap while sitting on the chair ! Still carrying varun on her lap, Alia examines his leg while Natasha goes to get a pain balm . Suddenly Natasha’s sister Rinky comes in 
Didi, i was waiting to pick you up on my bike outside, but you took so long, i thought to check … varun jiju.. Alia didi , how could you ? Rinki shrieks in anger as she looks at varun sitting on lap of Alia with her holding his feet 
Varun is somewhat glad to see Natasha’s sister Rinky , hi Rinky ! Why did you wait outside ? You could have come in as soon as you arrived he says . Varun jiju ! Why are you letting Alia carry you on your lap ? I always thought you were interested in Natasha didi ! How could you do this ? Rinky asks in dissapointment
What is wrong ? Varun asks in confusion as Aalia is still busy examining his leg when she realises that Rinky has come , oh hi Rinky ! Alia says , your would be jiju has injured his leg , she says . Varun gets a feeling that Rinky has understood the scene completely wrong 
Varun bhaiyya , You were so dignified and nice to me , i always thought you as my elder brother, how could you do this to my didi ? Rinki asks emotionally. Rinky , why are you speaking like that ? What is wrong ? Varun asks in a concerned tone 
You let Alia carry you on her lap, usually a guy let’s a girl do that , when he is interested in her , how could you do that to my Natasha didi , when she was committed to you all this time ? Rinky asks with teary eyes . You should have thought about my parents and Me . We all have trusted you so much ! Rinky says 
Alia realizes that Rinky suspects there is something between her and varun . Oh my god Rinky ! Varun is nothing but like a brother to me ! I always saw Rahul’s bhaiyya in him. Don’t suspect us like that Alia says . Just then Natasha comes in with the balm, arey you are suspecting something between Alia and Varun just because she is lifting him ? Natasha laughs
Why should I not suspect ? We girls usually try to lift and carry boys whom we are interested in . What ? Varun is shocked that even little Rinky lifts boys ! Rinky ? Since when you become this strong ? Natasha asks surprised. Arey i have been lifting and carrying boys since a small girl . And when I go to the dance class , we girls always look to find excuses to lift and carry boys,  whom we feel are cute. 
And when the boys realize we are stronger than them and can lift them, they treat us special . Rinky blushes . Varun still carried on Alia lap is unable to believe his ears. Oh my god , I totally forgot ! I had to meet up ranbir at noon, I need to leave in a while ! Alia says while Varun gets up from her lap 
Ok guys , bye for now , oh and varun , the director had said tomorrow, he is hosting a press meet for the movie , all other co-stars will be present . Let’s meet up there , Alia says and hurries outside 
Didi , I will get the bike ready , let’s leave , i need to go to that dance class also , Rinky says and leaves . Varun slowly limps towards the door when Natasha comes close to him staring at his eyes . Varun realizes that she is feeling romantic now , She comes close to him bends down and easily sweeps his feet off the ground into a cradle lift ! Varun can’t believe he is lifted up by Natasha again 
Oh my god , no sooner you realized how strong you are , you are now lifting and playing with me ? This is not fair , varun says while lifted on her arms in a cradle . Natasha starts laughing, arey did Rinky not say , she and her friends lift boys  and try to impress them ? So can’t i even lift up my would be  husband ? She asks . Fine you can lift me to your hearts content later , now leave me na . Varun says
No , Natasha smiles while still carrying varun in cradle , give me a kiss and i will put you down , Natasha says. Varun can’t believe that Natasha is so strong, instead of worrying about carrying his weight , she is feeling romantic ! Varun comes closer and still carried on her arms starts kissing her 
Arey didi , again your delaying , Rinky says and comes in to see Natasha lifting varun on her arms and kissing him . OMG these two are looking so perfect as a couple now ! Rinky says 
To be continued…..
It is raining heavily when varun comes into the parking spot of the studio, he parks the car and notices an autorickshaw. Bhaiyya stop the rickshaw here , Alia says and gets down , she pays the driver and comes in . Arey Alia, how come you did not come in car ? Varun asks . The driver is not well today, so I had to walk a long distance covering my face for finding an auto you know . It was so tiring Alia says sadly . 
Just then the power goes out , Oh, we will have to take the steps now , Varun says . Oh my god, who will walk all those steps ? Alia says . I will get tired na , also my make-up will be ruined because of sweating Alia says , let’s wait till they start generator , she says . Varun is giggling at her delicate attitude
Soon , generator is started and they reach the floor for shooting. The director is happy that both of them arrived on time . All get busy with stript discussions and planning. Alia is getting her makeup done with assistant. Please don’t use harsh chemicals, my skin is very delicate you know she is saying 
We need to create promo and posters for our new movie now , the director says . And we feel this should be very different, very unusual and not at all common , the director says , we are thinking that Alia, can you carry varun for a short while ?  Just for the photo shoot ?
Oh my god ! I can’t even carry my doggy at home ! How can i carry a muscular man like varun ? Alia shouts in shock , how can a girl carry a fully grown man and pose for photos ? This is highly impossible, I cannot do it ! Alia exclaims
Varun takes Alia to a corner, Alia please help me with this na , he requests her , see you are now already very popular, and this movie with such a good director is very big for me . Please do this one for my career na .. if you do this , I promise I will repay this debt in some other form . Varun pleads
Are you kidding varun ? You are easily 70 plus kg in weight, I have not even lifted a kid in my life , and being the weaker gender , how can I lift a muscular fully grown man ! And what if i get injured ? I already have more shooting schedule for films in line waiting , all that would be delayed . Arey please do this for me na ? We have been friends since childhood, can’t you help your childhood friend ? Varun pleads folding his hands 
Arey don’t embarass me like that, Alia holds his hands ,  I will try  , she says . Varun is very happy, you are such a sweetheart Alia ! Maybe we can try rehearsing the lifts tomorrow evening . My longtime gf Natasha will also be joining us  . He says . Wow Natasha also will come ? Alia says excitedly . Then we all can have a good time . She says 
Soon it is evening of next day . Alia arrives at varuns house where Natasha is already present , all exchange pleasantries and are chatting with usual topics , Sitting on sofa and drinking coffee . 
Alia .. we had agreed to do some rehearsal for that poster, you remember ?  Is it not a good time to rehearse that from now itself , and since you are very weak to begin with . Maybe you will get time to improve your strength so that you would be able to carry me .. varun asks 
Arey we shall do it , don’t worry, Alia says lightly and continues chatting with Natasha . What is varun saying ? You are supposed to carry him ? Is it not unusual ? Natasha laughs . And the director is planning to make that pic as a poster ? That would be funny Natasha says
Varun is getting impatient, come on Aalia , we need to shoot that pic tomorrow,  please don’t neglect this . He says , Alia starts laughing, arey you are taking stress for such a simple thing , don’t worry it will happen she says and continues chatting. Soon it is time to leave and varun is angry Alia is ready to leave without doing what she had come for 
Aalia is at door , when she notices varun with a sulking face . Oh my god ! I totally forgot . You stand still .. ok ? She says and comes in front of him, locks her hands around his butt and easily lifts him up into a front lift !
Varun can’t believe that Alia who was acting weak and scared to lift earlier has now lifted him up without a slight problem ! What ? Alia is that really you ? And he is further shocked that she is still carrying him up and standing there comfortably with a smile on her face , he looks at Natasha who is watching the scene with a shock on her face and covering her mouth with her palms
Still standing near the door carrying varun in a front lift. Alia looks up above to varun , are you happy now ? I can carry you as long as you want for that photo shoot, infact how many times you want , i can carry you ! Happy now ? Alia asks with a smile
Natasha can’t believe the slim and shorter Alia is comfortably carrying the muscular varun in a front lift and is claiming she can carry him as many times he wants ! Oh my god Alia , i never imagined that a girl can be this strong ! How the hell did you get so much strenght to carry a muscular guy like varun ? And you have not even started regular workouts yet ! Natasha exclaims
Alia starts laughing and even bounces varun once while carrying him in front lift , I have always carried the men in my life , right from childhood ! Rahul bhaiyya is always my favourite you know , Alia says . Varun still lifted by Alia can’t believe his ears ! You mean you lift and carry your muscular brother ? He asks in shock
Arey why are you so shocked ? Alia says and puts varun down . Maybe because you don’t have a sister , otherwise you would have gotten lifted often , and that’s why you have no idea that girls in general are much stronger , Alia says stretching her arms . It is like a good workout too , Alia says 
But how can you lift Rahul who is bigger and muscular than me ? Varun asks . Yeah he is bigger and muscular, but i am stronger you know , alia says and flexes her biceps , Natasha feels her biceps and says , you are not even muscular Alia , where did you get this much strenght ? Arey any girl can lift  boys , Alia laughs, how come you never lifted Natasha ? Alia asks 
Arey I have lifted my little sister Rinky while playing, but never boys , Natasha says . Come on, boys can be easily lifted ! I always enjoy lifting the males more than fenales, why don’t you try yourself and lift varun ? Alia asks . What ? Natasha asks in shock ! I am much slimmer and shorter than you , see already I am tense and trembling thinking of that ! Natasha says in fear 
I think Natashs is right ! Varun says worried that she could injure herself . She is much smaller and slimmer than me , I can’t even imagine her doing that , varun says . Alia starts laughing, most girls underestimate their strength you know , she says. And what is the fun of being a girl if you don’t lift boys ? And Specially your boyfriend ? Alia says and pulls Natasha near her .
Why don’t you try piggyback with varun ? It is the easiest, Alia says . What ? I cant Natasha says worried, Arey , you can easily do it Alia says and forcibly turns her behind with her back towards varun. Hey varun try jumping on your girlfriends back into a piggyback she says . Varun is hesitant , alright , maybe you can stand on a chair and climb on to her back Alia says pulling a chair .
Alia, i dont think this is a good idea , Natasha says closing her eyes in fear . Come on Natasha , you were recommending your gym for me to join na, since how long have you been going there ? Alia asks . I have been going there for years , Natasha says while varun stands on the chair . So you have been training with weights na ? Alia asks . Yes Natasha says , I did not like lifting weights and dumbells , because i think it does nor suit girls, but the trainer insisted , she says 
Oh cool, how much weight do you lift ? Alia asks . I don’t know sometimes i lift dumbells upto 8kg and weight lifting till maybe 40 , Natasha says. Varun can’t believe this ! You lift weights upto that weight ? Even i cant do that ! Varun says in shock
Ha ha .. see what I said ? You can beat any bodybuilder with your strength, now let varun climb on to your back Alia says . Varun slowly climbs onto her back and wraps his arms around her shoulders and is shocked to see Natasha holding his full weight and carrying him in a piggyback ! Natasha suddenly opens her eyes in excitement 
Wow ! Varun you have put all your weight on me ? Oh my god ! You don’t seem heavy at all . Natasha exclaims in happiness and walks away from the chair carrying varuns full weight in piggyback . Wow , I mean I never imagined i am this strong ! Natasha exclaims will still carrying varun in piggyback 
Alia is laughing uncontrollably, aww my childhood friend is now looking so cute carried piggyback by his girlfriend , you never looked so cute varun ! Alia laughs while Natasha is walking around comfortably carrying varun in piggyback . Varun is feeling uncomfortable on Natasha’s back now 
Natasha is even jumping and bouncing varun on ber back, arey enough Natasha , you will injure yourself varun says clasping Natasha with his arms as he is lifted piggyback. Come on Varun , Natasha smiles.  let me enjoy this moment with your full weight on me , thanks for letting me realize my strenght Alia, Natasha says and flexes her biceps . Varun is feeling like a fool 
Just as Natasha is flexing her biceps with varun carried in her piggyback , a flash light comes , Alia has taken her mobile and clicking pictures. Come on Alia , if you spread this picture in social media, the unique concept of you lifting me in the movie poster will not have impact,  Varun says . Oh ok .. Alia says and puts her phone back into her purse . Natasha will you put me down now ? Varun asks , are you not getting strained carrying my full weight ?
Of course not Natasha says while still carrying varun in piggyback. Infact I was wondering now , Natasha says . What are you wondering about ? Varun asks . I am thinking that i can stand and walk around and even bounce you with your full weight carried piggyback, but can i stand on one leg ?
Varun can’t believe what she is saying and Alia is glad at the newly found confidence of Natasha , no wait, you are getting overconfident varun says while Natasha lifts up her one leg and all are impressed at her strength, but varun in his  nervousness shakes a lot and Natasha loses balance  both fall behind !
Alia is laughing loudly when Natasha stands up laughing, this was so funny ! She exclaims. Varun is still lying on his back on the floor , you girls are making me look weak he says holding his back . Alia, how can you leave your childhood friend on the floor and laughing ? He asks and slowly stands up
Oh my little varun, sorry i let you down Alia says, and sits on the chair , varun is examining his feet , oh no. I think I sprained my leg , varun says . Oh my god , this is not good , come here Alia says and as varun limps near her , Alia pulls him onto her lap
Varun can’t believe Alia is now carrying him on her lap while sitting on the chair ! Still carrying varun on her lap, Alia examines his leg while Natasha goes to get a pain balm . Suddenly Natasha’s sister Rinky comes in 
Didi, i was waiting to pick you up on my bike outside, but you took so long, i thought to check … varun jiju.. Alia didi , how could you ? Rinki shrieks in anger as she looks at varun sitting on lap of Alia with her holding his feet 
Varun is somewhat glad to see Natasha’s sister Rinky , hi Rinky ! Why did you wait outside ? You could have come in as soon as you arrived he says . Varun jiju ! Why are you letting Alia carry you on your lap ? I always thought you were interested in Natasha didi ! How could you do this ? Rinky asks in dissapointment
What is wrong ? Varun asks in confusion as Aalia is still busy examining his leg when she realises that Rinky has come , oh hi Rinky ! Alia says , your would be jiju has injured his leg , she says . Varun gets a feeling that Rinky has understood the scene completely wrong 
Varun bhaiyya , You were so dignified and nice to me , i always thought you as my elder brother, how could you do this to my didi ? Rinki asks emotionally. Rinky , why are you speaking like that ? What is wrong ? Varun asks in a concerned tone 
You let Alia carry you on her lap, usually a guy let’s a girl do that , when he is interested in her , how could you do that to my Natasha didi , when she was committed to you all this time ? Rinky asks with teary eyes . You should have thought about my parents and Me . We all have trusted you so much ! Rinky says 
Alia realizes that Rinky suspects there is something between her and varun . Oh my god Rinky ! Varun is nothing but like a brother to me ! I always saw Rahul’s bhaiyya in him. Don’t suspect us like that Alia says . Just then Natasha comes in with the balm, arey you are suspecting something between Alia and Varun just because she is lifting him ? Natasha laughs
Why should I not suspect ? We girls usually try to lift and carry boys whom we are interested in . What ? Varun is shocked that even little Rinky lifts boys ! Rinky ? Since when you become this strong ? Natasha asks surprised. Arey i have been lifting and carrying boys since a small girl . And when I go to the dance class , we girls always look to find excuses to lift and carry boys,  whom we feel are cute. 
And when the boys realize we are stronger than them and can lift them, they treat us special . Rinky blushes . Varun still carried on Alia lap is unable to believe his ears. Oh my god , I totally forgot ! I had to meet up ranbir at noon, I need to leave in a while ! Alia says while Varun gets up from her lap 
Ok guys , bye for now , oh and varun , the director had said tomorrow, he is hosting a press meet for the movie , all other co-stars will be present . Let’s meet up there , Alia says and hurries outside 
Didi , I will get the bike ready , let’s leave , i need to go to that dance class also , Rinky says and leaves . Varun slowly limps towards the door when Natasha comes close to him staring at his eyes . Varun realizes that she is feeling romantic now , She comes close to him bends down and easily sweeps his feet off the ground into a cradle lift ! Varun can’t believe he is lifted up by Natasha again 
Oh my god , no sooner you realized how strong you are , you are now lifting and playing with me ? This is not fair , varun says while lifted on her arms in a cradle . Natasha starts laughing, arey did Rinky not say , she and her friends lift boys  and try to impress them ? So can’t i even lift up my would be  husband ? She asks . Fine you can lift me to your hearts content later , now leave me na . Varun says
No , Natasha smiles while still carrying varun in cradle , give me a kiss and i will put you down , Natasha says. Varun can’t believe that Natasha is so strong, instead of worrying about carrying his weight , she is feeling romantic ! Varun comes closer and still carried on her arms starts kissing her 
Arey didi , again your delaying , Rinky says and comes in to see Natasha lifting varun on her arms and kissing him . OMG these two are looking so perfect as a couple now ! Rinky says 
To be continued…..

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Shield maiden 4

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