The Shield Maiden -3

I don’t understand, why are the enchanted Tattoos of Sonia and Tasha glowing in a mine ? Is this the place I think it is ? But it is impossible, none of the maps suggest that this is the place ! This is shown just as an old abandoned mine ! Rohan thinks

I think we should rest for the day ! Amyra says yawning. Yeah, we are under the shelter of the mine, atleast we need not fear anything from the outside, but I am not sure if there is anything dangerous inside this mine ! Sonia says and tries to see above using the lamp

There is absolute silence in the mine except the sound of water drops falling and wind blowing far away inside the tunnels . Hey there are some old stone beds used by the workers , let’s all fall asleep there ! Sonia says . Soon all have their food and are asleep on the stone beds while Rohan is trying to make sense from the old writings he has in the paper and reading them under the light of the lamps

Why don’t you show your identity ? Amyra asks , still lying on her bed . You have always covered your face with that cloth and hood. And none of the shield Maidens are curious either to know who you are , Amyra says . Why all this secrecy ? She asks Rohan

A wizard loses half his strength if the people around him know his true identity my princess ! Rohan replies, this is a well gaurded secret of my magic school. The other shield maidens know this, that’s why they don’t try to know my identity despite getting many chances ! Rohan says holding the chart before the light

Well well, looks like you are in luck ! This old mine was also probably a school running in secrecy ! Rohan says . School ? Secrecy ? And why am I lucky ? Amyra asks confused. Don’t worry my princess, we shall find out soon tomorrow morning he says . Good night and rest well ! Rohan replies

His tone looks wierdly familiar ! Amyra thinks and goes back to sleep. If what Rohan says is true, even I will never try to find out his true identity ! She thinks as she watches Rohan fully cover himself with blanket as he goes to sleep

It is early in the morning and Rohan wakes up hearing noises. Amyra , Sonia and Tasha are doing pushups , Sonia and Tasha have already reached their full limit as their biceps and shoulders are bulging and stiff with sweat due to workout, Amyra is still going strong . This Amyra truly is powerful ! Rohan thinks as she is still doing pushups

Amyra now asks Tasha to sit on her shoulders, and carrying her full weight, she starts squatting continuously as Rohan loses count . Hey I got something heavy for us to workout ! Sonia says and comes in carrying a an old heavy tree trunk which is used to support the tunnels in the mine

Don’t do that ! Rohan says as he wears back his hood and the cloth on his face tightly to hide identity. These old tree trunks are used to hold the tunnels intact, if we disturb them, the whole tunnel could collapse with us trapped inside ! Rohan says in a worried tone

Come lets practice combat ! Tasha says and exposes her hard abs, punch me with all your might ! She says to Sonia. Sonia starts punching Tasha abs and the punches are landing on her stomach with great impact. Not bad , your punches are strong for a former princess ! Tasha laughs, Sonia starts punching harder

Amyra giggles and lifts up a big heavy boulder and places it on her single shoulder. Master wizard Rohan, can you sit on my other shoulder ? If you don’t mind ? She asks Rohan, your weight will act as a balance. Well I am honoured to sit on the shoulder of a princess who is also a Shield maiden ! Rohan laughs

Amyra still carrying the heavy boulder stands in position, Rohan steps on her thigh, climbs up and sits on her single shoulder. Carrying Rohan on one shoulder and the boulder on another, Amyra starts squatting for a long time, done with that , she then starts lunges with both the boulder and Rohan still on her shoulder.

Oh my ! Look at that scene, A strong woman carrying a huge boulder and a grown man together, each on her single shoulder ! This is beautiful ! Sonia says to Tasha . Yeah, and despite that she is doing lunges like she is carrying nothing ! Tasha replies, you are right Sonia, Rohan makes a perfect wizard for a shield maiden like Amyra ! Such a strong shield maiden can amplify a wizards power greatly !

Rohan ! You never sat with so much confidence on our shoulders the first time, compared to Amyra ! Sonia and Tasha complain As they are still working out . Relax my shield maidens, Even Amyra’s single shoulder is broad and solid enough for a big man to sit comfortably ! Rohan smiles. You will become the best of shield maidens Amyra ! Rohan exclaims looking down at her

Really ? Amyra asks looking up at Rohan who is still sitting on her single shoulder. Yes, I have a suspicion that you are in this place for a reason ! Rohan says. Hey Amyra, can we do squats carrying our Master wizard on our arms ? Sonia asks . Sure ! Amyra says . Sonia comes near Amyra lifts up Rohan by his armpits and places him into a front piggyback

Rohan hugs Sonia as she starts squatting with him lifted up. Amyra now walks towards a log and jumps to hold it and starts doing pull ups, as she is doing pull ups, she starts feeling that this is too easy. Tasha jumps up and holds Amyra with her full weight, Amyra now starts doing pull ups carrying Tasha with her full weight. Rohan looks at Amyras bulging shoulder and back muscles as she is doing pull-ups

Oh my , I think I am in love ! Rohan thinks as Sonia is still doing squats carrying him in a front piggyback. Amyra Is still doing pull ups carrying Tasha when Sonia comes near carrying Rohan still on a front piggyback.

Are you bored of being lifted up continuously master Wizard ? Tasha asks while hanging on amyra . I actually recommend that you girls workout till your maximum, I need you all in your best physical fitness ! Rohan says

Sonia spots an old heavy log lying on the side and pulls it inside where they are working out . Sonia now taking help of Tasha and Rohan lifts up the heavy log and starts squatting, while using up her full strength. Amyra now says its her turns

Looks like we need to hydrate ourselves ! She says . Their water pouches are empty . Oh no ! How can we get clean water in this old abandoned mine ! Amyra says , still carrying Tasha and hanging on the pole

The old mines always had Wells with drinkable water ! Rohan says as Sonia puts him down , we simply need to find them and draw water ! Rohan says, he starts meditating and concentrating to sense any well or water source. Amyra is still hanging on the log with Tasha hanging on her . Wow look at those rock hard abs ! Sonia exclaims

Sonia starts punching Amyras abs with great force as she is still hanging on the pole with Tasha hanging on her from behind, wow, those are the hardest punches anyone has ever hit me ! Amyra says as Sonia is punching with full force and speed . The impact of Sonia’s punches on Amyras abs is disturbing Rohan as he is trying to meditate

The impact of Sonia punching on Amyras abs is too much and Rohan gets up and walks a little away to meditate in peace , as he clears the cobwebs and dust on an old stone bed, he notices an old abandoned well in a distance. Good, looks like we have found a well , let me check whether there is any water in that ! Rohan thinks in glee

Sonia and Amyra had enough of the punching and Tasha is also bored of hanging on Amyra . Amyra now ties up a huge boulder again as weights and starts doing pull-ups on the log . When Sonia and Tasha both bring a big log carrying together, since you can withstand our punches , we want to hit your abs with this log ! They laugh

Why don’t you try in actual then ? Amyra laughs and faces towards them while still hanging with the rock tied to her. Tasha and Sonia look at each other, what are you thinking for ? We are shield maidens , we strike and then think ! Tasha says and both run towards Amyra carrying the log

The log hits with an impact on Amyras abs, she swings behind due to the impact, maybe we wrongly estimated the impact of the log ! Tasha and Sonia think. But Amyra has already recovered from the impact and is still hanging. Sonia and Tasha are looking at each other in disbelief! . Now this is what I call a proper punch ! Amyra laughs

Goodness this girl is inhuman ! They say and they again hit her abs with the heavy log, Amyra is loving the heavy impact on her abs ! As she swings back recovering from the impact. Rohan meanwhile has moved into the dark, too deep inside the mine

Rohan now comes close to well and tries to look inside when a powerful looking warrior wearing ancient armour suddenly jumps out of the well and lands near Rohan, the ground shakes due to the impact, pointing her heavy sword towards Rohans neck. Who are you intruder ? How dare you break into the old school ! The female warrior thunders, her voice echoes throughout the mine. Her voice contains magic to shake even the strongest man’s soul !

I can’t believe this ! Glowing tatoos on a muscular female body, ancient armour and sword, the glow from her tattoos has continued to the tip of the sword, her eyes are also glowing, she is using a heavy sword which a normal man cannot even lift in today’s time !

How can this be possible ? Rohan shrieks. I can feel the soul of you intruder ! Look at his attire, you are a wizard, but a very weak one ! Who sent you ? Are you a slave of Zoltan ? Reply ! the powerful warrior commands .

Tasha and Sonia suddenly throw the big log of wood towards the Female warrior with all their might , the log of wood strikes the female warrior with maximum impact, but she only takes a few steps back absorbing the full impact . The warrior now looks at Tasha and Sonia, hey who are these two girls having our tatoos ! She exclaims when amyra barges in

Amyra jumps in and lands a powerful punch on the strong female warrior, the female warrior is a bit taken aback but she immediately dodges the next punch and kicks her back , Amyra is also taken aback by the strength of the strong female warrior . She is thrown back by the impact and hits a mine wall behind

Goodness, she is physically stronger than Amyra too ! Rohan thinks when Sonia and Tasha bring our their weapons and strike the female warrior with their weapons, Rohan is analysing the tatoos of the female warrior as they are glowing more brighter while Sonia and Tasha are still striking with all their might , the warriors tattoos are glowing and it is also flowing into her weapons as if the energy of her body is fuelling the weapons too

The strikes by the female warrior are causing such an impact that all the three shield maidens are struggling together to handle the force of this warrior. Goodnes look at her tatoos, fighting style and strength ! This is impossible, she is the original shield maiden of the legends ! Rohan shrieks

Original shield maiden ? Then what are we ? Sonia screams when the warrior lifts up the helpless Tasha who is tired of being hit by the warrior, overhead. Amyra and Sonia are kicking the warrior continuously with all their might to her belly. But the warrior is too strong to get affected by their kicks, she throws Tasha on the floor like some cloth

The walls of the mine are slowly caving in due to the impact of the fighting and the power of the ancient shield maiden, soon a section of a mine collapses and all of them come out coughing in the dust , barely avoiding themselves getting buried in the rubble , the ancient shield maiden is still in a mood to fight

If she is an ancient shield maiden, then how does she look so young ? And why is she attacking us ! Sonia says . Quick amyra , engage this old shield maiden with all your might, Tasha and Sonia you show your tatoos on your body , they might be familiar to her ! Rohan says . Amyra grabs the old shield maiden from behind and using all her might lifts her up with her strong arms in a reverse bear hug, locking her arms around her

Sonia and Tasha remove their armour and start showing their arms, shoulders and back , exposing the tattoos, Amyra is using all her strength but the original shield maiden is using her strength and pulling her arms around her , she breaks her lock and punches her on the belly , she lifts her up on her shoulder when she starts recognising the tatoos of Sonia and Tasha

These are the enchanted tatoos only a shield maiden will have ! Who are you ? And what are you doing with this weak wizard ? Are the shield maidens working with Zoltan now ? She asks as Amyra Is still lifted up on her shoulder. Zoltan ? We thought you are working with Zoltan ! Rohan says . Don’t cast your spell on me weak wizard ! The old shield maiden says

He is telling the truth, we shield maidens are working with this wizard and preparing to face Zoltan ! Amyra says, we all are the shield maidens and descendants of the kings here ! Sonia says . What ? It means Zoltan has not succeeded in usurping the world, atleast that is a good news ! The old shild maiden says, the glow of her tatoos now start dimming as she now calms down

My name is Zinah, I belong to the shield maidens of this school, and if what you say is true, it is now 3000 years since Zoltan cursed us in the future ! Zinah says . What ? But Zoltan himself was cursed in that way by all the wizards , and was thrown 3000 years into future, we all are preparing ourselves because the time of him appearing is soon ! Rohan says

Good, we shield maidens will avenge his treachery, Zoltan first attacked our school of shield maidens before attacking other kingdoms or wizards ! Zinah says, shield maidens of our time were not daughters of any kings, we were carefully selected girls from all around the world, each of the girls would be hand picked amongst the strongest of girls , tested regularly and trained for years until she became a single woman army by herself !

We original shield maidens and the old wizards were the only ones capable to stop Zoltan and his ambition to conquer the world, Zoltan divided the Wizards and broke their unity, thus weakening them at that time, he disbanded the schools of Wizards slowly by deciet, with them out of the way his attention now went to the school of shield maidens

Zoltan carefully selected the time to attack the shield maidens at that time , he attacked when most of them were away from the school but the small numbers who faced him were the elite warriors, When Zoltan found himself overpowered by the shield Maidens of the school, he cursed all them into the future, when we arrived to this place but a different time by many thousands of years later, we thought we are defeated !

But luck shines on us again , Zoltan himself got cursed by the remaining wizards ! Zinah smiles. I want his head decapitated by this very sword ! She says in a passionate anger, I will avenge my sister’s and brother wizards ! She says

If this is indeed an old school of rhe shield maidens, then do we have the enchanted ink for the engraving of tatoos ? Somewhere in the ruins ? Zoltan asks . Of course, I notice that the strongest shield maiden, Amyra has not got the tatoos still , and these two have tatoos of the weaker variety and not from the enchanted ink. The original formula of the shield maidens is much more potent and stronger ! Zinah says

If we manage to prepare the enchanted ink to engrave the tatoos of the ancient shield maiden spells. These girls will probably be the strongest in this age ! Zinah says , Zinah, Sonia, Amyra and Tasha are searching the ancient mines to search for the traces of the ore to prepare the enchanted ink

Zinah identifies and digs out some ore deposits and brings it to an ancient furnace , after a long procedure she concotes the enchanted ink in a heated pot which is red hot , Amyra, Sonia and Tasha are lying in the stone beds, the stone beds have narrow channels which touch the shield maidens body at critical spots, Zinah pours the enchanted glowing ink, the ink spreads out and touches the points of all the three girls on the body

The girls are shrieking in pain as the red hot ink is fusing with their nervous system burning through their skin, Rohan is scared for them ! The girls shriek in pain as their voices start gaining strength and echoes the mines, their eyes and the tatoos start glowing now , bring out their personal weapons, we must fuse the tatoos with their weapons ! Zinah says

My twin swords ! Amyra says feebly in dismay when Rohan pulls out her heavy swords from his bag, I had brought your weapons just in case, I have already engraved your swords to fuse with the enchanted ink ! Rohan smiles and places them each on her hand , soon the hot flowing ink forms a connection from her hand to the swords. Rohan places Tasha and Sonia’s weapons beside them too

Zinah is now boiling another portion using rare herbs and ancient formula of the shield maidens , she pours it into their mouths , soon their eyes start glowing and the muscles of all the girls start getting harder, all shriek in pain which literally shakes the soul of Rohan !

To be continued

I don’t understand, why are the enchanted Tattoos of Sonia and Tasha glowing in a mine ? Is this the place I think it is ? But it is impossible, none of the maps suggest that this is the place ! This is shown just as an old abandoned mine ! Rohan thinks

I think we should rest for the day ! Amyra says yawning. Yeah, we are under the shelter of the mine, atleast we need not fear anything from the outside, but I am not sure if there is anything dangerous inside this mine ! Sonia says and tries to see above using the lamp

There is absolute silence in the mine except the sound of water drops falling and wind blowing far away inside the tunnels . Hey there are some old stone beds used by the workers , let’s all fall asleep there ! Sonia says . Soon all have their food and are asleep on the stone beds while Rohan is trying to make sense from the old writings he has in the paper and reading them under the light of the lamps

Why don’t you show your identity ? Amyra asks , still lying on her bed . You have always covered your face with that cloth and hood. And none of the shield Maidens are curious either to know who you are , Amyra says . Why all this secrecy ? She asks Rohan

A wizard loses half his strength if the people around him know his true identity my princess ! Rohan replies, this is a well gaurded secret of my magic school. The other shield maidens know this, that’s why they don’t try to know my identity despite getting many chances ! Rohan says holding the chart before the light

Well well, looks like you are in luck ! This old mine was also probably a school running in secrecy ! Rohan says . School ? Secrecy ? And why am I lucky ? Amyra asks confused. Don’t worry my princess, we shall find out soon tomorrow morning he says . Good night and rest well ! Rohan replies

His tone looks wierdly familiar ! Amyra thinks and goes back to sleep. If what Rohan says is true, even I will never try to find out his true identity ! She thinks as she watches Rohan fully cover himself with blanket as he goes to sleep

It is early in the morning and Rohan wakes up hearing noises. Amyra , Sonia and Tasha are doing pushups , Sonia and Tasha have already reached their full limit as their biceps and shoulders are bulging and stiff with sweat due to workout, Amyra is still going strong . This Amyra truly is powerful ! Rohan thinks as she is still doing pushups

Amyra now asks Tasha to sit on her shoulders, and carrying her full weight, she starts squatting continuously as Rohan loses count . Hey I got something heavy for us to workout ! Sonia says and comes in carrying a an old heavy tree trunk which is used to support the tunnels in the mine

Don’t do that ! Rohan says as he wears back his hood and the cloth on his face tightly to hide identity. These old tree trunks are used to hold the tunnels intact, if we disturb them, the whole tunnel could collapse with us trapped inside ! Rohan says in a worried tone

Come lets practice combat ! Tasha says and exposes her hard abs, punch me with all your might ! She says to Sonia. Sonia starts punching Tasha abs and the punches are landing on her stomach with great impact. Not bad , your punches are strong for a former princess ! Tasha laughs, Sonia starts punching harder

Amyra giggles and lifts up a big heavy boulder and places it on her single shoulder. Master wizard Rohan, can you sit on my other shoulder ? If you don’t mind ? She asks Rohan, your weight will act as a balance. Well I am honoured to sit on the shoulder of a princess who is also a Shield maiden ! Rohan laughs

Amyra still carrying the heavy boulder stands in position, Rohan steps on her thigh, climbs up and sits on her single shoulder. Carrying Rohan on one shoulder and the boulder on another, Amyra starts squatting for a long time, done with that , she then starts lunges with both the boulder and Rohan still on her shoulder.

Oh my ! Look at that scene, A strong woman carrying a huge boulder and a grown man together, each on her single shoulder ! This is beautiful ! Sonia says to Tasha . Yeah, and despite that she is doing lunges like she is carrying nothing ! Tasha replies, you are right Sonia, Rohan makes a perfect wizard for a shield maiden like Amyra ! Such a strong shield maiden can amplify a wizards power greatly !

Rohan ! You never sat with so much confidence on our shoulders the first time, compared to Amyra ! Sonia and Tasha complain As they are still working out . Relax my shield maidens, Even Amyra’s single shoulder is broad and solid enough for a big man to sit comfortably ! Rohan smiles. You will become the best of shield maidens Amyra ! Rohan exclaims looking down at her

Really ? Amyra asks looking up at Rohan who is still sitting on her single shoulder. Yes, I have a suspicion that you are in this place for a reason ! Rohan says. Hey Amyra, can we do squats carrying our Master wizard on our arms ? Sonia asks . Sure ! Amyra says . Sonia comes near Amyra lifts up Rohan by his armpits and places him into a front piggyback

Rohan hugs Sonia as she starts squatting with him lifted up. Amyra now walks towards a log and jumps to hold it and starts doing pull ups, as she is doing pull ups, she starts feeling that this is too easy. Tasha jumps up and holds Amyra with her full weight, Amyra now starts doing pull ups carrying Tasha with her full weight. Rohan looks at Amyras bulging shoulder and back muscles as she is doing pull-ups

Oh my , I think I am in love ! Rohan thinks as Sonia is still doing squats carrying him in a front piggyback. Amyra Is still doing pull ups carrying Tasha when Sonia comes near carrying Rohan still on a front piggyback.

Are you bored of being lifted up continuously master Wizard ? Tasha asks while hanging on amyra . I actually recommend that you girls workout till your maximum, I need you all in your best physical fitness ! Rohan says

Sonia spots an old heavy log lying on the side and pulls it inside where they are working out . Sonia now taking help of Tasha and Rohan lifts up the heavy log and starts squatting, while using up her full strength. Amyra now says its her turns

Looks like we need to hydrate ourselves ! She says . Their water pouches are empty . Oh no ! How can we get clean water in this old abandoned mine ! Amyra says , still carrying Tasha and hanging on the pole

The old mines always had Wells with drinkable water ! Rohan says as Sonia puts him down , we simply need to find them and draw water ! Rohan says, he starts meditating and concentrating to sense any well or water source. Amyra is still hanging on the log with Tasha hanging on her . Wow look at those rock hard abs ! Sonia exclaims

Sonia starts punching Amyras abs with great force as she is still hanging on the pole with Tasha hanging on her from behind, wow, those are the hardest punches anyone has ever hit me ! Amyra says as Sonia is punching with full force and speed . The impact of Sonia’s punches on Amyras abs is disturbing Rohan as he is trying to meditate

The impact of Sonia punching on Amyras abs is too much and Rohan gets up and walks a little away to meditate in peace , as he clears the cobwebs and dust on an old stone bed, he notices an old abandoned well in a distance. Good, looks like we have found a well , let me check whether there is any water in that ! Rohan thinks in glee

Sonia and Amyra had enough of the punching and Tasha is also bored of hanging on Amyra . Amyra now ties up a huge boulder again as weights and starts doing pull-ups on the log . When Sonia and Tasha both bring a big log carrying together, since you can withstand our punches , we want to hit your abs with this log ! They laugh

Why don’t you try in actual then ? Amyra laughs and faces towards them while still hanging with the rock tied to her. Tasha and Sonia look at each other, what are you thinking for ? We are shield maidens , we strike and then think ! Tasha says and both run towards Amyra carrying the log

The log hits with an impact on Amyras abs, she swings behind due to the impact, maybe we wrongly estimated the impact of the log ! Tasha and Sonia think. But Amyra has already recovered from the impact and is still hanging. Sonia and Tasha are looking at each other in disbelief! . Now this is what I call a proper punch ! Amyra laughs

Goodness this girl is inhuman ! They say and they again hit her abs with the heavy log, Amyra is loving the heavy impact on her abs ! As she swings back recovering from the impact. Rohan meanwhile has moved into the dark, too deep inside the mine

Rohan now comes close to well and tries to look inside when a powerful looking warrior wearing ancient armour suddenly jumps out of the well and lands near Rohan, the ground shakes due to the impact, pointing her heavy sword towards Rohans neck. Who are you intruder ? How dare you break into the old school ! The female warrior thunders, her voice echoes throughout the mine. Her voice contains magic to shake even the strongest man’s soul !

I can’t believe this ! Glowing tatoos on a muscular female body, ancient armour and sword, the glow from her tattoos has continued to the tip of the sword, her eyes are also glowing, she is using a heavy sword which a normal man cannot even lift in today’s time !

How can this be possible ? Rohan shrieks. I can feel the soul of you intruder ! Look at his attire, you are a wizard, but a very weak one ! Who sent you ? Are you a slave of Zoltan ? Reply ! the powerful warrior commands .

Tasha and Sonia suddenly throw the big log of wood towards the Female warrior with all their might , the log of wood strikes the female warrior with maximum impact, but she only takes a few steps back absorbing the full impact . The warrior now looks at Tasha and Sonia, hey who are these two girls having our tatoos ! She exclaims when amyra barges in

Amyra jumps in and lands a powerful punch on the strong female warrior, the female warrior is a bit taken aback but she immediately dodges the next punch and kicks her back , Amyra is also taken aback by the strength of the strong female warrior . She is thrown back by the impact and hits a mine wall behind

Goodness, she is physically stronger than Amyra too ! Rohan thinks when Sonia and Tasha bring our their weapons and strike the female warrior with their weapons, Rohan is analysing the tatoos of the female warrior as they are glowing more brighter while Sonia and Tasha are still striking with all their might , the warriors tattoos are glowing and it is also flowing into her weapons as if the energy of her body is fuelling the weapons too

The strikes by the female warrior are causing such an impact that all the three shield maidens are struggling together to handle the force of this warrior. Goodnes look at her tatoos, fighting style and strength ! This is impossible, she is the original shield maiden of the legends ! Rohan shrieks

Original shield maiden ? Then what are we ? Sonia screams when the warrior lifts up the helpless Tasha who is tired of being hit by the warrior, overhead. Amyra and Sonia are kicking the warrior continuously with all their might to her belly. But the warrior is too strong to get affected by their kicks, she throws Tasha on the floor like some cloth

The walls of the mine are slowly caving in due to the impact of the fighting and the power of the ancient shield maiden, soon a section of a mine collapses and all of them come out coughing in the dust , barely avoiding themselves getting buried in the rubble , the ancient shield maiden is still in a mood to fight

If she is an ancient shield maiden, then how does she look so young ? And why is she attacking us ! Sonia says . Quick amyra , engage this old shield maiden with all your might, Tasha and Sonia you show your tatoos on your body , they might be familiar to her ! Rohan says . Amyra grabs the old shield maiden from behind and using all her might lifts her up with her strong arms in a reverse bear hug, locking her arms around her

Sonia and Tasha remove their armour and start showing their arms, shoulders and back , exposing the tattoos, Amyra is using all her strength but the original shield maiden is using her strength and pulling her arms around her , she breaks her lock and punches her on the belly , she lifts her up on her shoulder when she starts recognising the tatoos of Sonia and Tasha

These are the enchanted tatoos only a shield maiden will have ! Who are you ? And what are you doing with this weak wizard ? Are the shield maidens working with Zoltan now ? She asks as Amyra Is still lifted up on her shoulder. Zoltan ? We thought you are working with Zoltan ! Rohan says . Don’t cast your spell on me weak wizard ! The old shield maiden says

He is telling the truth, we shield maidens are working with this wizard and preparing to face Zoltan ! Amyra says, we all are the shield maidens and descendants of the kings here ! Sonia says . What ? It means Zoltan has not succeeded in usurping the world, atleast that is a good news ! The old shild maiden says, the glow of her tatoos now start dimming as she now calms down

My name is Zinah, I belong to the shield maidens of this school, and if what you say is true, it is now 3000 years since Zoltan cursed us in the future ! Zinah says . What ? But Zoltan himself was cursed in that way by all the wizards , and was thrown 3000 years into future, we all are preparing ourselves because the time of him appearing is soon ! Rohan says

Good, we shield maidens will avenge his treachery, Zoltan first attacked our school of shield maidens before attacking other kingdoms or wizards ! Zinah says, shield maidens of our time were not daughters of any kings, we were carefully selected girls from all around the world, each of the girls would be hand picked amongst the strongest of girls , tested regularly and trained for years until she became a single woman army by herself !

We original shield maidens and the old wizards were the only ones capable to stop Zoltan and his ambition to conquer the world, Zoltan divided the Wizards and broke their unity, thus weakening them at that time, he disbanded the schools of Wizards slowly by deciet, with them out of the way his attention now went to the school of shield maidens

Zoltan carefully selected the time to attack the shield maidens at that time , he attacked when most of them were away from the school but the small numbers who faced him were the elite warriors, When Zoltan found himself overpowered by the shield Maidens of the school, he cursed all them into the future, when we arrived to this place but a different time by many thousands of years later, we thought we are defeated !

But luck shines on us again , Zoltan himself got cursed by the remaining wizards ! Zinah smiles. I want his head decapitated by this very sword ! She says in a passionate anger, I will avenge my sister’s and brother wizards ! She says

If this is indeed an old school of rhe shield maidens, then do we have the enchanted ink for the engraving of tatoos ? Somewhere in the ruins ? Zoltan asks . Of course, I notice that the strongest shield maiden, Amyra has not got the tatoos still , and these two have tatoos of the weaker variety and not from the enchanted ink. The original formula of the shield maidens is much more potent and stronger ! Zinah says

If we manage to prepare the enchanted ink to engrave the tatoos of the ancient shield maiden spells. These girls will probably be the strongest in this age ! Zinah says , Zinah, Sonia, Amyra and Tasha are searching the ancient mines to search for the traces of the ore to prepare the enchanted ink

Zinah identifies and digs out some ore deposits and brings it to an ancient furnace , after a long procedure she concotes the enchanted ink in a heated pot which is red hot , Amyra, Sonia and Tasha are lying in the stone beds, the stone beds have narrow channels which touch the shield maidens body at critical spots, Zinah pours the enchanted glowing ink, the ink spreads out and touches the points of all the three girls on the body

The girls are shrieking in pain as the red hot ink is fusing with their nervous system burning through their skin, Rohan is scared for them ! The girls shriek in pain as their voices start gaining strength and echoes the mines, their eyes and the tatoos start glowing now , bring out their personal weapons, we must fuse the tatoos with their weapons ! Zinah says

My twin swords ! Amyra says feebly in dismay when Rohan pulls out her heavy swords from his bag, I had brought your weapons just in case, I have already engraved your swords to fuse with the enchanted ink ! Rohan smiles and places them each on her hand , soon the hot flowing ink forms a connection from her hand to the swords. Rohan places Tasha and Sonia’s weapons beside them too

Zinah is now boiling another portion using rare herbs and ancient formula of the shield maidens , she pours it into their mouths , soon their eyes start glowing and the muscles of all the girls start getting harder, all shriek in pain which literally shakes the soul of Rohan !

To be continued

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The Shield Maiden-5

The shield maidens prepare for the final assault along with surprise alllies, and a final twist in the end

Shield maiden 4

Zinah is now looking at the Shield maidens reacting to the rare portions in concern as their eyes are glowing, even their nerves are...
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