The birthday – 1

It is early in the morning in a house when the alarm starts ringing. Kabir a middle aged employee of a private company wakes up and switches it off. Yawning and still feeling sleepy , Kabir goes back to sleep when his wife Asma comes inside with wet hair as she has just taken a bath

Wake up my baby ! She says and slaps his behind with a loud meaty noise. Ouch ! Kabir cries when Asma forcefully turns Kabir’s face towards her and smooches him tightly.

Not expecting his wife to do this ,Kabir tries to push her away but is surprised that he is unable to push her off ! Oh my god she has become stronger than before ! Kabir thinks

After smooching his lips, his wife now sits on the bed and using her strenght rolls him into her lap . Why have you lifted me up on your lap so early in the morning ? Kabir asks in shock. I never dreamt in my life that you will do like this to me one day ! Kabir says in disbelief

Come on ! Don’t be so dramatic , Asma laughs while still carrying him on her lap. What else will a wife do if her husband is so hot and attractive ? Asma asks

Attractive ? My head is half bald and my paunch is visible prominently these days . People are calling me uncle and you are forcibly smooching me while carrying me on your lap ! Kabir says

You will always be my hot husband, I don’t care about the others Asma says and comes close to smooch him again. Enough, your intentions don’t look good today ! Kabir says fearfully

Of course my intentions are not good , Asma says . Don’t go to office today no, stay at home today ! Asma says looking deeply into his eyes while still carrying him on her lap.

This Asma is already so passionate early in the morning, if I stay at home , she will probably eat me up alive today. I can’t even control her physically nowadays as she has become stronger . I will be safer at office , Kabir thinks

Not today, I have important meetings, I cannot skip office , he says . Awww.. that’s so sad, finish your work and come soon, I will cook your favourite dishes today . Asma says , today is a special day

Kabir is unable to understand why his wife is more romantic than usual today as he helps his kids get ready and leaves them to the school bus . Kabir is now getting ready for bath and is wearing only a towel below, he finishes shaving and applies aftershave in the bathroom

Kabir turns to close the door when his wife is looking at him with love near the door . As he tries to close the door she blocks it with her leg, taking a bath alone my hot husband ? She asks

Why are you after me today ? Let me take bath no , Or I will miss my company bus ! Kabir says . I want you to miss your office bus ! Asma says and comes in front of him , She suddenly lifts him up into a front lift and carries him into the bathroom, she holds him up against the bathroom wall , while still carrying him

Kabir is in disbelief looking at Asmas strength ! Oh my god she has actually lifted my full weight up and held me against the wall ! Am I dreaming ? Kabir thinks with his mouth open.

Asma what is this madness, how can you carry your husband like this without warning ? Put me down ! Asma using her hands pulls Kabir’s leg and places them around her hip , carrying him on a front piggyback now while still holding him against the wall

If a husband shaves himself clean and puts up such a good aftershave, will his wife not be tempted to lift him up ? I am seeing that you are tempting me a lot today ! Asma says. Tempting you ? I do this daily ! Kabir replies looking down at Asma who is still carrying him in a front piggyback

I will put you down baby, but you will have to kiss me on the lips ! She says looking up at him. Kabir is still looking at her in disbelief unable to understand how she has become so strong . While Asma is looking up at Kabir while still carrying him in a front piggyback

Kabir bends down and kisses her on the lip. After a long deep kiss, Asma puts him down to take bath .

Kabir is now ready , wearing clothes for work and finishes breakfast. Kabir comes near the shoe stand is surprised to see a brand new pair of shiny shoes .

Happy birthday my husband ! Asma says and hugs him tightly from behind, Asma hugs him so tightly from behind that he is lifted off the floor from behind by her. Gosh , it is my birthday ! That’s why you are manhandling me a lot today ! Kabir says realising that he has forgotten his own birthday

Come on, You are so hot, I feel like doing these things daily to you, but since it is your birthday, I know you will not say anything today ! Asma smiles touching his lips with her fingers . Kabir now comes to the front door to wish his wife good bye after wearing the new shoes

Asma comes near him with the same loving expression, she comes close to him and suddenly scoops him up into her arms into a cradle . Kabir can’t believe he is lifted up by his smaller and shorter wife again !

You are still not done carrying me ? Kabir asks in despair, you are looking so cute today, I am feeling like carrying you like this the whole day ! Too bad you have to work today . Asma kisses him tightly on the lips while carrying him in cradle.

Have a great day ahead my baby ! She says and puts him down

As he walks ahead she slaps his behind hard with a loud sound again , kabir looks at her in pain and she winks at him . Kabir is now standing on the bus stop wondering how did Asma become so strong ? when the office bus stops near him

Kabir climbs the bus , Neelima his junior colleague at office is sitting alone inside the bus , she waves at kabir in Glee and invites him to sit beside her with a cute expression. The office bus starts its daily rounds from Neelimas place first and picks up Kabir next and then others before reaching office

Kabir walks towards towards Neelimas seat when the bus after travelling some distance suddenly stops still with a jerk. Kabir because of this suddenly loses balance and falls on Neelima’s lap

Oh no ! Poor Neelimas ! My full weight is on her lap now ! Kabir still lifted up on her lap , looks at Neelima . Neelima’s mouth has swelled up. Oh no ! She might start crying any time now ! Kabir thinks and closes his eyes

Neelima burst out laughing loudly !

Kabir sir fell into my lap ! My friends will never believe this , Neelima laughs. What a day it is today ! She says .

Kabir is somewhat relived , but he gets up from her lap immediately. Did you get hurt when I fell into your lap ? Kabir asks scared

Come on, I have carried much heavier people on my lap , you are among the lighter ones ! Neelims laughs when the bus driver comes . Sir , the bus has broken down. Please wait for half an hour, I will arrange for another bus ! He says and gets down

Half an hour ? Kabir reacts in despair. And comes to the door, Neelima also walks behind him, hey there is a tea stop a little distance away, let’s have hot steaming tea from the local tea stall. It will be really nice in this weather ! Neelima says looking around as it has rained heavily in the night and it is quite cold in the morning

Tea ? But I usually like to smoke in this weather ! Kabir says . Of course sir , I will even give you company, come lets go ! Neelima says and jumps down from the bus, the ground is slushy as it has rained a lot

Oh no ! There is mud and slush on the ground, I cannot get down, these new shoes will get spoiled . My wife has gifted me these only a while back ! Kabir says . So cute kabir sir ! You don’t want to spoil the shoes because your wife gifted it ? Even I want a husband like you ! Neelima says looking at Kabir’s eyes

Kabir always suspected that Neelima has a thing for him. But he always treated her with respect. Come na ! It will be boring if I drink tea alone in that little shop ! Neelima says . Looking up at Kabir who is still standing inside the bus

No no ! These shoes are precious ! If I spoil them, my wife will be sad. Kabir said . Awww… I never do this for others , but looking at how you love your wife , I offer you to carry till the tea shop ! Neelima says and turns behind.

Climb on my back, I will piggyback you till the shop ! Neelima says . Don’t worry, I will not tell to anyone ! She says. are you crazy ? I am twice your size, how can you carry me ? Kabir replies in disbelief

Come on ! If a girl wants , she can lift and carry a man of any size and weight . Besides, I know today is your birthday ! Neelima winks at kabir, consider this as a birthday gift from me ! she says .What ? But how do you know that it is my birthday ? Kabir asks in surprise

It is in the company’s website ! We all got the notification, except you of course ! Neelima laughs. How can a small slim girl bear the full weight of me on her back ? Kabir thinks. Come on Kabir sir, don’t think too much, my capacity to carry is very good, you will be surprised ! Neelima says

Kabir carefully climbs on Neelima’s back from the bus and is surprised that she can easily carry his full weight. She grabs both his legs and wraps it around her waist on a piggyback and starts walking to the shop as if it is a daily thing for her !

Wading through the wet mud, Neelima stands in front of the shop carrying the much heavier Kabir piggyback. The shopkeeper is also surprised to see a slim small girl carrying a older and heavier man piggyback. Uncle a Tea for me and a smoke for the gentleman on my back ! Neelima says

Neelima looks to put Kabir on the ground but the whole place is slushy and wet . Don’t worry Kabir Sir, you will enjoy your smoke on my back ! Neelima announces and bounces him up , throwing him up on the air for a split second , to adjust him comfortably on her back

Neelima, forget about my shoes, you are a small girl after all. Don’t strain your back and legs carrying me like this for such a long time ! Kabir says as Neelima re-adjusts kabir on her back after the bounce

Don’t worry, as I said, I am used to carry heavier people, here take your smoke, Neelima says and hands over the smoke given by the shopkeeper to kabir and the lighter. As Kabir lights up the smoke, Neelima still carrying Kabir piggyback starts sipping the hot tea

Sir, please let me also have some puffs from your smoke ! Neelima says looking up at Kabir whom she is still carrying piggyback, kabir lowers and puts it on her lips, Neelima takes a long deep puff , exhales the smoke with enjoyment and immediately sips the hot tea

Oh my god, this is heavenly ! Smoking and drinking tea carrying Kabir sir in a piggyback, that too in such a cold morning. I wish we can do this everyday ! Neelima giggles .

I never even imagined that one day Neelima will piggyback me and even smoke with me, what a wierd day it has been so far ! Kabir thinks

Soon they travel to office in the new bus . Neelima goes to take her seat at work and Kabir runs towards the lift, as his work station is on top floor. The lift doors are about to close when Kabir blocks it and gets inside, that was a close call ! He thinks

Happy birthday Kabir sir ! Two deep female voices come together from behind. Oh No ! It is TahsiN and NishaT, the hottie twins of the office, almost all the men in office have a crush on them . Thanks you ! Kabir replies and turns back to see that both of them are looking very attractive in office casual wear

There is no others in the lift except the two twins and Kabir. Oh my ! These two always look cute when together ! Kabir thinks when the power suddenly goes and the lift stops midway . Oh no ! We will have to wait until the power back up will start, this can take upto 5 minutes. Kabir says

No problem Kabir sir, we can do some time pass till then, Tahsin says , how How about Birthday bumps to the birthday boy ? Nishat proposes

Nooo ! Kabir replies in despair. Come on , Birthday bumps is for the girls, boys are special, We should give him Birthday Bounce ! Tahsin replies. Birthday bounce ? What is this new thing ? Kabir asks in curiosity

I will show you, jump on me piggyback, Nishat says and turns behind. What ? I am already tired by being piggybacked by Neelima for a long time today morning ! Kabir says . What ? Neelima has already piggybacked you ? That girl is fast ! Tahsin says

If a smaller girl like Neelima can carry you, then I am taller than her, you should definitely be confident that I can carry you ! Nishat laughs . But it feels wrong ! Kabir says , come on sir, many girls have this fantasy to bounce people by carrying them in a lift, please let us fulfill this ! Nishat says

Seeing that he has no other way, Kabir slowly jumps on Nishats back and is surprised as she bounces up using her legs as soon as be rests his full weight on her back

Happy birthday to you ! Nishat says and bounces him up once , happy birthday to you ! Nishat sings and bounces him up higher . Happy birthday to you Kabir Sir ! She bounces him up again , Happy birthday to you ! Nishat says and now stands up on one leg while still carrying him piggyback

Oh my god, that was beautiful ! Tahsin claps while Nishat is still carrying Kabir piggyback on one leg and looking at him smiling

I wanted to carry you on my shoulders, but the lift height is so less. Your head would have definitely hit above, Nishat says. Kabir is in disbelief !

My turn now ! Tahsin says . Fine, I will jump on your back too, you girls have it your way ! Kabir says . Why Kabir sir, did you not like being piggybacked by me ? Nishat asks with a little sadness in her eyes . Arey not like that , I am bored of being carried by girls today, that’s all ! He says

See how sweet Kabir sir is ? Tahsin says, such nice men deserve to get lifted up on a girls arms , not on her back ! She says . What ? You want to carry me in cradle ? Why are you girls bent upon carrying a middle aged guy like me ? Kabir asks

Come on ! Any girl will feel happy to carry someone on his birthday, even we enjoy it ! Tahsin says and points her arms towards him, today is Kabir’s sirs birthday and he will be my baby ! Come please

Kabir comes near Near Tahsin when she easily scoops him up into her arms in a cradle within a flash. Kabir is feeling desperate, even this Tahsin is strong enough to carry me . Happy birthday to you ! Tahsin sings looking at his eyes and bounces him up from her arms . As she catches him back into a cradle , Kabir is shocked to realise that he is being bounced on the arms of the much smaller amd slimmer Tahsin

Nishat is looking with her mouth covered in shock. Oh my god ! You bounced Kabir sir on your arms on cradle ! Happy birthday to you ! Tahsin sings and bounces him again and catches him back .

Happy birthday to you Kabir sir Tahsin sings catching him back into her arms , Happy birthday to you , she says and still carrying him in cradle, kisses him on his cheek. Hey don’t forget me ! Nishat says and kisses Kabir’s other cheek, while Tahsin is kissing Kabir’s cheek while cradling him

This is not enough ! Tahsin says looking with a jealous look in her eyes Nishat, put him down, I will cradle Kabir sir , while you jump on me piggyback, I will carry both of you together. I am the stronger twin ! Tahsin says . Suddenly the power comes back

Thank God I am saved ! Kabir thinks while NishaT is still carrying him in cradle . Awww.. looks like we had only this much time to have an opportunity to carry you ! Tahsin says

Kabir comes to his workstation and realizes that all his colleagues are missing, he recieves a message on his phone , Kabir sir ! Our boss suddenly held an urgent meeting in the conference room, come fast ! Jia, his junior colleague has messaged

Kabir runs to the conference room and just makes it in time as the Boss is asking for him at that very moment. Kabir, did you complete the task I had asked you to do yesterday ? He commands. Kabir is stuttering to speak when Jia says it is done !

The meeting gets over and all leave the conference room. Only Jia and Kabir are in the room now . Thanks Jia, you saved my life today ! Kabir says in gratitude. You have helped me so much when I joined this company, this is nothing compared to that ! Jia laughs

By the way happy birthday ! Jia smiles . Congratulations for another round around the sun ! She laughs, thanks, Kabir says . So have all your ex-girlfriend’s wished you already ? She winks

Come on, No girl ever found me attractive when I was in my twenties , why will they call me now ? Kabir laughs . Don’t tell like that sir ! So What if a jewel is of old design ? it is still valuable.

There are many girls who have a spark in their eyes when they see you even now ! Jia says . Old jewel ? Kabir reacts in surprise.

Have you not noticed sir ? That girl Neelima, those two twins Tahsin and Nishat still look at you and breath deeply, you still have it in your sir ! Jia smiles

Oh no ! These same girls wished me immediately when I saw them today, they even lifted Me up saying it is my birthday ! Kabir says. What ? That mongoose Neelima and those two hyenas Tahsin and Nishat not only wished you first, but also lifted you up on occasion of your birthday ? Jia reacts in annoyance

This is propestorous ! I have been working with you all these years and have been your close associate and confidant , yet these girls lifted you up first on your birthday ? This is unacceptable ! I demand to lift you now on the occassion of your birthday right here ! Jia announces

What ? You too ? Can’t you wish me in any other way ? Kabir asks while Jia is already tying her hair making ready to carry him. Come on sir, let me carry you on my shoulders, Jia says. Before Kabir could react, she grabs his hand bends down and lifts him up into a fireman’s lift

Kabir is confused and unable to believe that even the small Jia is able to carry him, that too inside the office ! Happy birthday sir ! Jia says looking at Kabir and squats once . Oh my god literally all the women I work with in my life have lifted me today ! Kabir laments

Jia is still standing inside the conference room carrying her senior Kabir on her shoulders in a firemans left . Yes ! I finally lifted up Kabir sir on my shoulders ! Jia says and flexes her bicep.

Jia now suddenly squats and gets up carrying Kabir and repeats it for a few times

Put me down before someone spots us like this ! Kabir says . Sure but I want to do this first, Jia says and still carrying Kabir on a firemans lift, starts turning round and round . Oh my god ! Stop it , Kabir shrieks when Jia loses balance and both fall down on the carpet !

It is now tea time in the evening, and all Kabir’s collegaues ask him to come to canteen . They cut a cake celebrating Kabir’s birthday and then smother his face with the cakes cream and have fun . The cream for the cake enters Kabir’s eyes and he runs into the common restroom .

With the cream already inside Kabir’s eyes , Kabir has now closed his eyes as it is irritating him, he is searching for the wash basin when suddenly he senses some one near him. He smells a ladies perfume which is somewhat familiar to him

Who is this ? Please help me ! Kabir asks when suddenly the person grabs him by his butt and lifts him up easily into a high front lift . Oh my god ! Now who has lifted me up ? Kabir asks in desperation and holds his lifters shoulders. Happy birthday Kabir ! A female voice is heard . Damn it ! This is a very familiar voice ! Kabir thinks, trying hard to open his eyes, but the cream on his eyes is preventing him

Still lifted up in a high front lift, he is struggling to remember who is this lady who has lifted him up, Goodness ! It is Nagma , his Ex girlfriend . But she was transferred to another office in the city . Why is she here ? Kabir thinks in horror remembering whose voice it was

Hi Nagma. Please put me down, my eyes are burning ! Kabir pleads here as he is still lifted up on a high front lift . No ! Nagma says laughing, I have met you after so long, how can I put you down so easily ? She laughs

Oh no ! If somebody spots me lifted up like this by my ex-girlfriend, that too in the washroom , I will be screwed ! Kabir thinks

To be continued….

It is early in the morning in a house when the alarm starts ringing. Kabir a middle aged employee of a private company wakes up and switches it off. Yawning and still feeling sleepy , Kabir goes back to sleep when his wife Asma comes inside with wet hair as she has just taken a bath

Wake up my baby ! She says and slaps his behind with a loud meaty noise. Ouch ! Kabir cries when Asma forcefully turns Kabir’s face towards her and smooches him tightly.

Not expecting his wife to do this ,Kabir tries to push her away but is surprised that he is unable to push her off ! Oh my god she has become stronger than before ! Kabir thinks

After smooching his lips, his wife now sits on the bed and using her strenght rolls him into her lap . Why have you lifted me up on your lap so early in the morning ? Kabir asks in shock. I never dreamt in my life that you will do like this to me one day ! Kabir says in disbelief

Come on ! Don’t be so dramatic , Asma laughs while still carrying him on her lap. What else will a wife do if her husband is so hot and attractive ? Asma asks

Attractive ? My head is half bald and my paunch is visible prominently these days . People are calling me uncle and you are forcibly smooching me while carrying me on your lap ! Kabir says

You will always be my hot husband, I don’t care about the others Asma says and comes close to smooch him again. Enough, your intentions don’t look good today ! Kabir says fearfully

Of course my intentions are not good , Asma says . Don’t go to office today no, stay at home today ! Asma says looking deeply into his eyes while still carrying him on her lap.

This Asma is already so passionate early in the morning, if I stay at home , she will probably eat me up alive today. I can’t even control her physically nowadays as she has become stronger . I will be safer at office , Kabir thinks

Not today, I have important meetings, I cannot skip office , he says . Awww.. that’s so sad, finish your work and come soon, I will cook your favourite dishes today . Asma says , today is a special day

Kabir is unable to understand why his wife is more romantic than usual today as he helps his kids get ready and leaves them to the school bus . Kabir is now getting ready for bath and is wearing only a towel below, he finishes shaving and applies aftershave in the bathroom

Kabir turns to close the door when his wife is looking at him with love near the door . As he tries to close the door she blocks it with her leg, taking a bath alone my hot husband ? She asks

Why are you after me today ? Let me take bath no , Or I will miss my company bus ! Kabir says . I want you to miss your office bus ! Asma says and comes in front of him , She suddenly lifts him up into a front lift and carries him into the bathroom, she holds him up against the bathroom wall , while still carrying him

Kabir is in disbelief looking at Asmas strength ! Oh my god she has actually lifted my full weight up and held me against the wall ! Am I dreaming ? Kabir thinks with his mouth open.

Asma what is this madness, how can you carry your husband like this without warning ? Put me down ! Asma using her hands pulls Kabir’s leg and places them around her hip , carrying him on a front piggyback now while still holding him against the wall

If a husband shaves himself clean and puts up such a good aftershave, will his wife not be tempted to lift him up ? I am seeing that you are tempting me a lot today ! Asma says. Tempting you ? I do this daily ! Kabir replies looking down at Asma who is still carrying him in a front piggyback

I will put you down baby, but you will have to kiss me on the lips ! She says looking up at him. Kabir is still looking at her in disbelief unable to understand how she has become so strong . While Asma is looking up at Kabir while still carrying him in a front piggyback

Kabir bends down and kisses her on the lip. After a long deep kiss, Asma puts him down to take bath .

Kabir is now ready , wearing clothes for work and finishes breakfast. Kabir comes near the shoe stand is surprised to see a brand new pair of shiny shoes .

Happy birthday my husband ! Asma says and hugs him tightly from behind, Asma hugs him so tightly from behind that he is lifted off the floor from behind by her. Gosh , it is my birthday ! That’s why you are manhandling me a lot today ! Kabir says realising that he has forgotten his own birthday

Come on, You are so hot, I feel like doing these things daily to you, but since it is your birthday, I know you will not say anything today ! Asma smiles touching his lips with her fingers . Kabir now comes to the front door to wish his wife good bye after wearing the new shoes

Asma comes near him with the same loving expression, she comes close to him and suddenly scoops him up into her arms into a cradle . Kabir can’t believe he is lifted up by his smaller and shorter wife again !

You are still not done carrying me ? Kabir asks in despair, you are looking so cute today, I am feeling like carrying you like this the whole day ! Too bad you have to work today . Asma kisses him tightly on the lips while carrying him in cradle.

Have a great day ahead my baby ! She says and puts him down

As he walks ahead she slaps his behind hard with a loud sound again , kabir looks at her in pain and she winks at him . Kabir is now standing on the bus stop wondering how did Asma become so strong ? when the office bus stops near him

Kabir climbs the bus , Neelima his junior colleague at office is sitting alone inside the bus , she waves at kabir in Glee and invites him to sit beside her with a cute expression. The office bus starts its daily rounds from Neelimas place first and picks up Kabir next and then others before reaching office

Kabir walks towards towards Neelimas seat when the bus after travelling some distance suddenly stops still with a jerk. Kabir because of this suddenly loses balance and falls on Neelima’s lap

Oh no ! Poor Neelimas ! My full weight is on her lap now ! Kabir still lifted up on her lap , looks at Neelima . Neelima’s mouth has swelled up. Oh no ! She might start crying any time now ! Kabir thinks and closes his eyes

Neelima burst out laughing loudly !

Kabir sir fell into my lap ! My friends will never believe this , Neelima laughs. What a day it is today ! She says .

Kabir is somewhat relived , but he gets up from her lap immediately. Did you get hurt when I fell into your lap ? Kabir asks scared

Come on, I have carried much heavier people on my lap , you are among the lighter ones ! Neelims laughs when the bus driver comes . Sir , the bus has broken down. Please wait for half an hour, I will arrange for another bus ! He says and gets down

Half an hour ? Kabir reacts in despair. And comes to the door, Neelima also walks behind him, hey there is a tea stop a little distance away, let’s have hot steaming tea from the local tea stall. It will be really nice in this weather ! Neelima says looking around as it has rained heavily in the night and it is quite cold in the morning

Tea ? But I usually like to smoke in this weather ! Kabir says . Of course sir , I will even give you company, come lets go ! Neelima says and jumps down from the bus, the ground is slushy as it has rained a lot

Oh no ! There is mud and slush on the ground, I cannot get down, these new shoes will get spoiled . My wife has gifted me these only a while back ! Kabir says . So cute kabir sir ! You don’t want to spoil the shoes because your wife gifted it ? Even I want a husband like you ! Neelima says looking at Kabir’s eyes

Kabir always suspected that Neelima has a thing for him. But he always treated her with respect. Come na ! It will be boring if I drink tea alone in that little shop ! Neelima says . Looking up at Kabir who is still standing inside the bus

No no ! These shoes are precious ! If I spoil them, my wife will be sad. Kabir said . Awww… I never do this for others , but looking at how you love your wife , I offer you to carry till the tea shop ! Neelima says and turns behind.

Climb on my back, I will piggyback you till the shop ! Neelima says . Don’t worry, I will not tell to anyone ! She says. are you crazy ? I am twice your size, how can you carry me ? Kabir replies in disbelief

Come on ! If a girl wants , she can lift and carry a man of any size and weight . Besides, I know today is your birthday ! Neelima winks at kabir, consider this as a birthday gift from me ! she says .What ? But how do you know that it is my birthday ? Kabir asks in surprise

It is in the company’s website ! We all got the notification, except you of course ! Neelima laughs. How can a small slim girl bear the full weight of me on her back ? Kabir thinks. Come on Kabir sir, don’t think too much, my capacity to carry is very good, you will be surprised ! Neelima says

Kabir carefully climbs on Neelima’s back from the bus and is surprised that she can easily carry his full weight. She grabs both his legs and wraps it around her waist on a piggyback and starts walking to the shop as if it is a daily thing for her !

Wading through the wet mud, Neelima stands in front of the shop carrying the much heavier Kabir piggyback. The shopkeeper is also surprised to see a slim small girl carrying a older and heavier man piggyback. Uncle a Tea for me and a smoke for the gentleman on my back ! Neelima says

Neelima looks to put Kabir on the ground but the whole place is slushy and wet . Don’t worry Kabir Sir, you will enjoy your smoke on my back ! Neelima announces and bounces him up , throwing him up on the air for a split second , to adjust him comfortably on her back

Neelima, forget about my shoes, you are a small girl after all. Don’t strain your back and legs carrying me like this for such a long time ! Kabir says as Neelima re-adjusts kabir on her back after the bounce

Don’t worry, as I said, I am used to carry heavier people, here take your smoke, Neelima says and hands over the smoke given by the shopkeeper to kabir and the lighter. As Kabir lights up the smoke, Neelima still carrying Kabir piggyback starts sipping the hot tea

Sir, please let me also have some puffs from your smoke ! Neelima says looking up at Kabir whom she is still carrying piggyback, kabir lowers and puts it on her lips, Neelima takes a long deep puff , exhales the smoke with enjoyment and immediately sips the hot tea

Oh my god, this is heavenly ! Smoking and drinking tea carrying Kabir sir in a piggyback, that too in such a cold morning. I wish we can do this everyday ! Neelima giggles .

I never even imagined that one day Neelima will piggyback me and even smoke with me, what a wierd day it has been so far ! Kabir thinks

Soon they travel to office in the new bus . Neelima goes to take her seat at work and Kabir runs towards the lift, as his work station is on top floor. The lift doors are about to close when Kabir blocks it and gets inside, that was a close call ! He thinks

Happy birthday Kabir sir ! Two deep female voices come together from behind. Oh No ! It is TahsiN and NishaT, the hottie twins of the office, almost all the men in office have a crush on them . Thanks you ! Kabir replies and turns back to see that both of them are looking very attractive in office casual wear

There is no others in the lift except the two twins and Kabir. Oh my ! These two always look cute when together ! Kabir thinks when the power suddenly goes and the lift stops midway . Oh no ! We will have to wait until the power back up will start, this can take upto 5 minutes. Kabir says

No problem Kabir sir, we can do some time pass till then, Tahsin says , how How about Birthday bumps to the birthday boy ? Nishat proposes

Nooo ! Kabir replies in despair. Come on , Birthday bumps is for the girls, boys are special, We should give him Birthday Bounce ! Tahsin replies. Birthday bounce ? What is this new thing ? Kabir asks in curiosity

I will show you, jump on me piggyback, Nishat says and turns behind. What ? I am already tired by being piggybacked by Neelima for a long time today morning ! Kabir says . What ? Neelima has already piggybacked you ? That girl is fast ! Tahsin says

If a smaller girl like Neelima can carry you, then I am taller than her, you should definitely be confident that I can carry you ! Nishat laughs . But it feels wrong ! Kabir says , come on sir, many girls have this fantasy to bounce people by carrying them in a lift, please let us fulfill this ! Nishat says

Seeing that he has no other way, Kabir slowly jumps on Nishats back and is surprised as she bounces up using her legs as soon as be rests his full weight on her back

Happy birthday to you ! Nishat says and bounces him up once , happy birthday to you ! Nishat sings and bounces him up higher . Happy birthday to you Kabir Sir ! She bounces him up again , Happy birthday to you ! Nishat says and now stands up on one leg while still carrying him piggyback

Oh my god, that was beautiful ! Tahsin claps while Nishat is still carrying Kabir piggyback on one leg and looking at him smiling

I wanted to carry you on my shoulders, but the lift height is so less. Your head would have definitely hit above, Nishat says. Kabir is in disbelief !

My turn now ! Tahsin says . Fine, I will jump on your back too, you girls have it your way ! Kabir says . Why Kabir sir, did you not like being piggybacked by me ? Nishat asks with a little sadness in her eyes . Arey not like that , I am bored of being carried by girls today, that’s all ! He says

See how sweet Kabir sir is ? Tahsin says, such nice men deserve to get lifted up on a girls arms , not on her back ! She says . What ? You want to carry me in cradle ? Why are you girls bent upon carrying a middle aged guy like me ? Kabir asks

Come on ! Any girl will feel happy to carry someone on his birthday, even we enjoy it ! Tahsin says and points her arms towards him, today is Kabir’s sirs birthday and he will be my baby ! Come please

Kabir comes near Near Tahsin when she easily scoops him up into her arms in a cradle within a flash. Kabir is feeling desperate, even this Tahsin is strong enough to carry me . Happy birthday to you ! Tahsin sings looking at his eyes and bounces him up from her arms . As she catches him back into a cradle , Kabir is shocked to realise that he is being bounced on the arms of the much smaller amd slimmer Tahsin

Nishat is looking with her mouth covered in shock. Oh my god ! You bounced Kabir sir on your arms on cradle ! Happy birthday to you ! Tahsin sings and bounces him again and catches him back .

Happy birthday to you Kabir sir Tahsin sings catching him back into her arms , Happy birthday to you , she says and still carrying him in cradle, kisses him on his cheek. Hey don’t forget me ! Nishat says and kisses Kabir’s other cheek, while Tahsin is kissing Kabir’s cheek while cradling him

This is not enough ! Tahsin says looking with a jealous look in her eyes Nishat, put him down, I will cradle Kabir sir , while you jump on me piggyback, I will carry both of you together. I am the stronger twin ! Tahsin says . Suddenly the power comes back

Thank God I am saved ! Kabir thinks while NishaT is still carrying him in cradle . Awww.. looks like we had only this much time to have an opportunity to carry you ! Tahsin says

Kabir comes to his workstation and realizes that all his colleagues are missing, he recieves a message on his phone , Kabir sir ! Our boss suddenly held an urgent meeting in the conference room, come fast ! Jia, his junior colleague has messaged

Kabir runs to the conference room and just makes it in time as the Boss is asking for him at that very moment. Kabir, did you complete the task I had asked you to do yesterday ? He commands. Kabir is stuttering to speak when Jia says it is done !

The meeting gets over and all leave the conference room. Only Jia and Kabir are in the room now . Thanks Jia, you saved my life today ! Kabir says in gratitude. You have helped me so much when I joined this company, this is nothing compared to that ! Jia laughs

By the way happy birthday ! Jia smiles . Congratulations for another round around the sun ! She laughs, thanks, Kabir says . So have all your ex-girlfriend’s wished you already ? She winks

Come on, No girl ever found me attractive when I was in my twenties , why will they call me now ? Kabir laughs . Don’t tell like that sir ! So What if a jewel is of old design ? it is still valuable.

There are many girls who have a spark in their eyes when they see you even now ! Jia says . Old jewel ? Kabir reacts in surprise.

Have you not noticed sir ? That girl Neelima, those two twins Tahsin and Nishat still look at you and breath deeply, you still have it in your sir ! Jia smiles

Oh no ! These same girls wished me immediately when I saw them today, they even lifted Me up saying it is my birthday ! Kabir says. What ? That mongoose Neelima and those two hyenas Tahsin and Nishat not only wished you first, but also lifted you up on occasion of your birthday ? Jia reacts in annoyance

This is propestorous ! I have been working with you all these years and have been your close associate and confidant , yet these girls lifted you up first on your birthday ? This is unacceptable ! I demand to lift you now on the occassion of your birthday right here ! Jia announces

What ? You too ? Can’t you wish me in any other way ? Kabir asks while Jia is already tying her hair making ready to carry him. Come on sir, let me carry you on my shoulders, Jia says. Before Kabir could react, she grabs his hand bends down and lifts him up into a fireman’s lift

Kabir is confused and unable to believe that even the small Jia is able to carry him, that too inside the office ! Happy birthday sir ! Jia says looking at Kabir and squats once . Oh my god literally all the women I work with in my life have lifted me today ! Kabir laments

Jia is still standing inside the conference room carrying her senior Kabir on her shoulders in a firemans left . Yes ! I finally lifted up Kabir sir on my shoulders ! Jia says and flexes her bicep.

Jia now suddenly squats and gets up carrying Kabir and repeats it for a few times

Put me down before someone spots us like this ! Kabir says . Sure but I want to do this first, Jia says and still carrying Kabir on a firemans lift, starts turning round and round . Oh my god ! Stop it , Kabir shrieks when Jia loses balance and both fall down on the carpet !

It is now tea time in the evening, and all Kabir’s collegaues ask him to come to canteen . They cut a cake celebrating Kabir’s birthday and then smother his face with the cakes cream and have fun . The cream for the cake enters Kabir’s eyes and he runs into the common restroom .

With the cream already inside Kabir’s eyes , Kabir has now closed his eyes as it is irritating him, he is searching for the wash basin when suddenly he senses some one near him. He smells a ladies perfume which is somewhat familiar to him

Who is this ? Please help me ! Kabir asks when suddenly the person grabs him by his butt and lifts him up easily into a high front lift . Oh my god ! Now who has lifted me up ? Kabir asks in desperation and holds his lifters shoulders. Happy birthday Kabir ! A female voice is heard . Damn it ! This is a very familiar voice ! Kabir thinks, trying hard to open his eyes, but the cream on his eyes is preventing him

Still lifted up in a high front lift, he is struggling to remember who is this lady who has lifted him up, Goodness ! It is Nagma , his Ex girlfriend . But she was transferred to another office in the city . Why is she here ? Kabir thinks in horror remembering whose voice it was

Hi Nagma. Please put me down, my eyes are burning ! Kabir pleads here as he is still lifted up on a high front lift . No ! Nagma says laughing, I have met you after so long, how can I put you down so easily ? She laughs

Oh no ! If somebody spots me lifted up like this by my ex-girlfriend, that too in the washroom , I will be screwed ! Kabir thinks

To be continued….

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I write stories of Fm lift and carry, FF lift and carry, Tall girls (no lifts), Bollywood lift and carry, Hindi Lift and carry (FM) and Biker girls . Please write in comments what kind of stories you prefer

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