Home Tuition – 1

A train is about to start from the station and One man is saying goodbye to his brother from outside , Best of luck Aryan for your new job he smiles, and hey there is a surprise , your bhabhis cousin stays with his family in the same Apartment where you have rented a flat now.

Thats good Aryan says in a pleased tone, now I wont be much bored and cooking will not be a problem .

The brother then says, I hope you get into shape there atleast, start exercising daily he says, you have exercised your brain enough all these years, exercise your body too, start with that fat belly of yours he laughs and gives a friendly punch to his stomach.

I am not that fat ! Aryan protests. Oh But you are ! the brother says. You should be atleast 10 kg lighter for your height of 5.6. Do something before people name you Chubby . the train starts moving and he leaves

Aryan is both excited and happy, Being a topper in studies he had bagged a plum government job in another city, He had rented an apartment there and was hoping for a 3 month leisure ahead after which he was to join at work.

New city, new home , new Job and a full 3 months to laze around aryan smiles to himself . Soon the city arrives and aryan reaches the apartment. He is struggling with his heavy luggage. When some boys from the apartment run past him.

one of the kids shouts while running , “uncle use our apartment lift” ! he checks but there is no lift in the apartment, the watchman then says not to take the kids words seriously . He reaches his flat and moves all his things into it . As he gets settled , he gets his first visitor .

You are aryan arent you ? a middle aged person ask. Yes , you are the one my brother was talking about. Cousin of his wife right ? Yes the middle aged man says. In fact I work in the same department where you are joining ! Aryan is pleased. Why dont you join us for lunch ? he says . Aryan agrees Immediately

Lunch time comes and Aryan knocks the door, the man opens the door and invites him, he then asks about Aryan and his family, Aryan says how he was a topper all his student life and now got selected for a government job.

Thats very good the middle aged man says, since you are free for 3 months, would you mind helping my daughter Nagma with her studies ? she has reached marriage age now, but she is not clearing her exams. as a result we will not be able to fix her marriage.

Oh you want me to take tutions to her at home ? no problems, Aryan says .Wait I will introduce her to you he says and goes inside , Aryan is then looking at the scenery out of the window when he hears a girls voice , “Hi, I am nagma” .

Aryan turns back and the first thing that comes to his eyes are two big and perky assets ! he embarrassingly looks up to a very tall girl ! yet a cute face, long brownish thick hair, Big light brown eyes, She is a babe.

My dad was telling you will help me with my studies , thanks for that. Aryan is shocked. yes her father was tall, but Nagma was towering her father too. Just then Nagmas mom comes inside the house with groceries, and yes she is very tall. Aryan now understands Nagma has inherited this height from her mother.

Nagmas father sure is a lucky man , Aryan thinks. his wife is very tall, and his daughter towers them both, amazing ! he thinks. Please help nagma, the mother says, she is of marriagable age and it is already tough as she is too tall. and she is failing her subjects . We cannot delay further in searching for a groom.

Aryan consoles her , come on ! There are many guys who like tall girls , besides I will make sure she will pass this time . Nagma seems happy hearing this

Soon the next day , he goes into nagmas room, her room is like any usual girls room, a table , chairs , computer , bed and plenty of clothes in wardrobe.

Sir, Nagma says,you can use my computer whenever you want to browse. Dad says you are a far relative to us, dont feel like an outsider.

Aryan laughs , hey I am only a few years older than you , consider me as your friend. I feel I am old when you call me a sir. Nagma immediately gives a comfortable smile , shall we sit ? aryan says

actually Aryans neck is paining because he has to raise his head high to talk with tall Nagma.

both sit and Nagma shows her syllabus, He notices that her hands and palm are way bigger than his . Aryan takes his time to understand, yet He realizes that her syllabus is quite easy

Aryan is surprised Such a beautiful girl like nagma is not so smart. On the contrary all the beautiful girls he had come across were very smart and some rather cunning too. many had flirted with him and took tips in studies and later dumped him. Well, there are some rare exceptions, Aryan thinks.

How many times have you taken exam for this ? Aryan asks . Three times , nagma replies in embarrassment which makes her look even cute , Aryan bursts into laughter, Nagma suddenly starts to sob

I know I am an embarrassment to my parents , My father thinks I am dumb and stopped me from playing basketball too, and she starts crying. Aryan is worried her parents might suspect he has done something wrong with her to make her cry

He walks to where she is seated and tries to console her. Nobody knows what I am going through. I had suffered a heartbreak and my boyfriend had dumped me and married another girl. I was actually in depression Nagma says.

Aryan is worried her parents might hear her cry and tries to pacify her , he starts rubbing her shoulders like a friend

You are the only person to whom I am telling all of this , come here, she tells and pulls him into her lap ! Aryan is shocked, sit properly she says and pulls his legs of the floor onto her lap so that both his feet are off ground and he is sitting with his full weight on her long legs .

Are you crazy ? If your parents come to know that instead of helping their daughter with studies, I am sitting on her lap, they will kill me ! Aryan says . Aryan notices that Nagmas big eyes are filled with tears

Though shocked, Aryan is more concerned to stop her from crying. he clears the long thick hairs of hers from the face and wipes her big eyes off tears while still sitting on her lap.

Relax, Aryan says , tell me everything. Lighten your mind, Nagma then hugs him tightly and starts to cry again, still carrying him on her lap like a little kid.

Aryan realizes that though nagma is a very big and strong girl, she is very emotional one.

Nagmas father shouts from the hall, “me and your mom are going for a walk now, we are locking the door, you keep studying “.And the sound of door closing is heard.

Aryan is somewhat relieved, he tries to get up, but Nagma has hugged him tightly, Dont you dare get up from my lap ! listen to my painful story she says . Ok, Aryan says somewhat intimidated by her strength. While still lifted on her lap

I used to study well before. My father gifted a scooter on my 18th birthday and I used to study, go to gym and started coaching for basketball too. Thats when I met my ex-boyfriend in the gym,she tells. things were going so well. Nagma says

Well what happened ? Aryan asks . My ex-boyfriend was into body building and one of the very few boys who would match up to my height. we were almost ready to get married , when one day we had a huge fight ! fight ? for what ? aryan asks .

my ex-boyfriend was a local kabaddi player, I had gone to see a match, he singlehandedly won the match. I was so happy and jubilant, I ran upto him and picked him up in a cradle in front of all the people while photos were taken, this dented his ego, the evening we had a huge fight and he accused me of showing off my strenght. Then what happened ? Aryan asks

I got really mad that day and beat him up badly. From that day he completely cut off all contact from me. after a few days I heard he got married to another girl who was wooing him in college , nagma says crying while still carrying Aryan on her lap

Aryan is amazed ! you carried your muscular boyfriend ! and beat him up too ? this is unbelievable he says with his mouth open

Nagma becomes angry , This is exactly one thing I dont like about you boys . Why make that a big thing, specially a male ego issue ? I am a physical girl, I like getting physical with my close ones, thats how I feel connected with them.

I hug often, spank, lift and carry my close ones while posing for pics or while spending quality time with them. for example like now. I like to carry someone close on my lap, and speak my heart out with them. I do that with girls and boys alike. Thats how my mom bought me up.

Sure I may be strong but thats how I feel comfortable with someone. I never intend to show off my strength or humiliate anyone , she starts crying. Aryan , still sitting on her lap starts to feel sorry for her. Hey come on, he says .

There are some guys who actually like getting carried by girls you know (ahem ahem). Aryan says still sitting in Nagmas lap

You are feeling I am a freak arent you ? she says wiping her tears. Naa , Aryan says, let us just say that you are a dream come true for some people , Aryan smiles. Nagmas expression changes from a sad one to a happy one as soon as she hears these words from Aryan.

Feeling very happy, Nagma embraces the shorter Aryan tightly with her arms , while still carrying him on her lap. Aryan is feeling suffocated and being crushed inside her strong arms

Now shall I stand on my legs ? aryan asks .. Oh yes nagma says with a happy expression now

But there is a problem, Fat Aryan is so unfit, and because he has also sat in a unusual position for long time, his muscles have stiffened

Aryan gives a painful groan and tells that his muscles might have cramped. Nagma in a worried tone tells him to stay seated. dont hurt yourself she says

Wait, let me see what I can do , then she wraps one arm around his hips, another around his legs and gets up straight from the chair, cradling him !

Aryan is shocked ! he has never been carried before since adulthood, and specially from a girl and that too so easily. and a very attractive at that.

He looks down to confirm, and realizes that he is really lifted on her arms in a cradle , the ground of course seems too far below ! Nagma is least strained by it , and carries him towards her bed, just then she stops suddenly on way

What happened ? Aryan asks . I am looking at the mirror nagma says , and Aryan sees a fat guy being carried comfortably in a cradle by a beautiful tall girl in the mirror, Nagma is so comfortable she is even posing in the mirror while still cradling him !

Go ahead, post these pics in social network sites Aryan says sarcastically . Nagma realizes her folly and puts him on her bed. as she places him on her bed, her long hair has completely covered Aryans face . Aryan is lost in the moment. He is still in shock remembering what has happened

Nagma goes to search for pain relief balm or spray, he watches her going and starts admiring her beauty, such a a curvy behind, such a slim waist and those long long legs, they were looking too good even when she is wearing a salwar. Her thick hair almost reaches her waist . What a fool her ex boyfriend is , Aryan wonders

Here , nagma says and brings the balm to him, she goes to apply the balm when Aryan feels embarrassed

Come on ! Nagma says, you have become such a big emotional support to me now, you are a close friend to me , where is the cramp she asks, my waist he tells, she pulls out his shirt and applies the balm on his waist, aryan notices that her arms and shoulders are way bigger than his. and though she is gentle , her arms are very firm and strong.

Ok, I have applied the balm, Nagma says . Fine, then let’s start the classes from tomorrow. Aryan says

Oh you plan to leave ? Then let me give our guest a proper send off ! Nagma smiles and stands near Aryan as she towers over him. Grabbing Aryan from the side. She lifts him up high and places him on her hip

Aryan is looking I’m disbelief as he is now lifted up again by the tall and strong Nagma, but this time on her hip ! Why are you doing this ? Does any girl lift up an older guy who has come as her tution teacher , on her hip like this ? Aryan asks

Arey, since you have injured your hip, I thought I will take you till the door on my hip ! Nagma says and comfortably walks till the door carrying her tuition teacher , Aryan on her hip

Aryan is feeling like a monkey which is sitting on a big strong tree and hugging the tree stump.

Here, Nagma says and puts Aryan on the floor near the door. Have a nice day, she says and slaps his behind.

by then Aryan has understood that it is her usual nature and leaves for the day. Wondering what more fascinating things this girl will do in future

to be continued..

A train is about to start from the station and One man is saying goodbye to his brother from outside , Best of luck Aryan for your new job he smiles, and hey there is a surprise , your bhabhis cousin stays with his family in the same Apartment where you have rented a flat now.

Thats good Aryan says in a pleased tone, now I wont be much bored and cooking will not be a problem .

The brother then says, I hope you get into shape there atleast, start exercising daily he says, you have exercised your brain enough all these years, exercise your body too, start with that fat belly of yours he laughs and gives a friendly punch to his stomach.

I am not that fat ! Aryan protests. Oh But you are ! the brother says. You should be atleast 10 kg lighter for your height of 5.6. Do something before people name you Chubby . the train starts moving and he leaves

Aryan is both excited and happy, Being a topper in studies he had bagged a plum government job in another city, He had rented an apartment there and was hoping for a 3 month leisure ahead after which he was to join at work.

New city, new home , new Job and a full 3 months to laze around aryan smiles to himself . Soon the city arrives and aryan reaches the apartment. He is struggling with his heavy luggage. When some boys from the apartment run past him.

one of the kids shouts while running , “uncle use our apartment lift” ! he checks but there is no lift in the apartment, the watchman then says not to take the kids words seriously . He reaches his flat and moves all his things into it . As he gets settled , he gets his first visitor .

You are aryan arent you ? a middle aged person ask. Yes , you are the one my brother was talking about. Cousin of his wife right ? Yes the middle aged man says. In fact I work in the same department where you are joining ! Aryan is pleased. Why dont you join us for lunch ? he says . Aryan agrees Immediately

Lunch time comes and Aryan knocks the door, the man opens the door and invites him, he then asks about Aryan and his family, Aryan says how he was a topper all his student life and now got selected for a government job.

Thats very good the middle aged man says, since you are free for 3 months, would you mind helping my daughter Nagma with her studies ? she has reached marriage age now, but she is not clearing her exams. as a result we will not be able to fix her marriage.

Oh you want me to take tutions to her at home ? no problems, Aryan says .Wait I will introduce her to you he says and goes inside , Aryan is then looking at the scenery out of the window when he hears a girls voice , “Hi, I am nagma” .

Aryan turns back and the first thing that comes to his eyes are two big and perky assets ! he embarrassingly looks up to a very tall girl ! yet a cute face, long brownish thick hair, Big light brown eyes, She is a babe.

My dad was telling you will help me with my studies , thanks for that. Aryan is shocked. yes her father was tall, but Nagma was towering her father too. Just then Nagmas mom comes inside the house with groceries, and yes she is very tall. Aryan now understands Nagma has inherited this height from her mother.

Nagmas father sure is a lucky man , Aryan thinks. his wife is very tall, and his daughter towers them both, amazing ! he thinks. Please help nagma, the mother says, she is of marriagable age and it is already tough as she is too tall. and she is failing her subjects . We cannot delay further in searching for a groom.

Aryan consoles her , come on ! There are many guys who like tall girls , besides I will make sure she will pass this time . Nagma seems happy hearing this

Soon the next day , he goes into nagmas room, her room is like any usual girls room, a table , chairs , computer , bed and plenty of clothes in wardrobe.

Sir, Nagma says,you can use my computer whenever you want to browse. Dad says you are a far relative to us, dont feel like an outsider.

Aryan laughs , hey I am only a few years older than you , consider me as your friend. I feel I am old when you call me a sir. Nagma immediately gives a comfortable smile , shall we sit ? aryan says

actually Aryans neck is paining because he has to raise his head high to talk with tall Nagma.

both sit and Nagma shows her syllabus, He notices that her hands and palm are way bigger than his . Aryan takes his time to understand, yet He realizes that her syllabus is quite easy

Aryan is surprised Such a beautiful girl like nagma is not so smart. On the contrary all the beautiful girls he had come across were very smart and some rather cunning too. many had flirted with him and took tips in studies and later dumped him. Well, there are some rare exceptions, Aryan thinks.

How many times have you taken exam for this ? Aryan asks . Three times , nagma replies in embarrassment which makes her look even cute , Aryan bursts into laughter, Nagma suddenly starts to sob

I know I am an embarrassment to my parents , My father thinks I am dumb and stopped me from playing basketball too, and she starts crying. Aryan is worried her parents might suspect he has done something wrong with her to make her cry

He walks to where she is seated and tries to console her. Nobody knows what I am going through. I had suffered a heartbreak and my boyfriend had dumped me and married another girl. I was actually in depression Nagma says.

Aryan is worried her parents might hear her cry and tries to pacify her , he starts rubbing her shoulders like a friend

You are the only person to whom I am telling all of this , come here, she tells and pulls him into her lap ! Aryan is shocked, sit properly she says and pulls his legs of the floor onto her lap so that both his feet are off ground and he is sitting with his full weight on her long legs .

Are you crazy ? If your parents come to know that instead of helping their daughter with studies, I am sitting on her lap, they will kill me ! Aryan says . Aryan notices that Nagmas big eyes are filled with tears

Though shocked, Aryan is more concerned to stop her from crying. he clears the long thick hairs of hers from the face and wipes her big eyes off tears while still sitting on her lap.

Relax, Aryan says , tell me everything. Lighten your mind, Nagma then hugs him tightly and starts to cry again, still carrying him on her lap like a little kid.

Aryan realizes that though nagma is a very big and strong girl, she is very emotional one.

Nagmas father shouts from the hall, “me and your mom are going for a walk now, we are locking the door, you keep studying “.And the sound of door closing is heard.

Aryan is somewhat relieved, he tries to get up, but Nagma has hugged him tightly, Dont you dare get up from my lap ! listen to my painful story she says . Ok, Aryan says somewhat intimidated by her strength. While still lifted on her lap

I used to study well before. My father gifted a scooter on my 18th birthday and I used to study, go to gym and started coaching for basketball too. Thats when I met my ex-boyfriend in the gym,she tells. things were going so well. Nagma says

Well what happened ? Aryan asks . My ex-boyfriend was into body building and one of the very few boys who would match up to my height. we were almost ready to get married , when one day we had a huge fight ! fight ? for what ? aryan asks .

my ex-boyfriend was a local kabaddi player, I had gone to see a match, he singlehandedly won the match. I was so happy and jubilant, I ran upto him and picked him up in a cradle in front of all the people while photos were taken, this dented his ego, the evening we had a huge fight and he accused me of showing off my strenght. Then what happened ? Aryan asks

I got really mad that day and beat him up badly. From that day he completely cut off all contact from me. after a few days I heard he got married to another girl who was wooing him in college , nagma says crying while still carrying Aryan on her lap

Aryan is amazed ! you carried your muscular boyfriend ! and beat him up too ? this is unbelievable he says with his mouth open

Nagma becomes angry , This is exactly one thing I dont like about you boys . Why make that a big thing, specially a male ego issue ? I am a physical girl, I like getting physical with my close ones, thats how I feel connected with them.

I hug often, spank, lift and carry my close ones while posing for pics or while spending quality time with them. for example like now. I like to carry someone close on my lap, and speak my heart out with them. I do that with girls and boys alike. Thats how my mom bought me up.

Sure I may be strong but thats how I feel comfortable with someone. I never intend to show off my strength or humiliate anyone , she starts crying. Aryan , still sitting on her lap starts to feel sorry for her. Hey come on, he says .

There are some guys who actually like getting carried by girls you know (ahem ahem). Aryan says still sitting in Nagmas lap

You are feeling I am a freak arent you ? she says wiping her tears. Naa , Aryan says, let us just say that you are a dream come true for some people , Aryan smiles. Nagmas expression changes from a sad one to a happy one as soon as she hears these words from Aryan.

Feeling very happy, Nagma embraces the shorter Aryan tightly with her arms , while still carrying him on her lap. Aryan is feeling suffocated and being crushed inside her strong arms

Now shall I stand on my legs ? aryan asks .. Oh yes nagma says with a happy expression now

But there is a problem, Fat Aryan is so unfit, and because he has also sat in a unusual position for long time, his muscles have stiffened

Aryan gives a painful groan and tells that his muscles might have cramped. Nagma in a worried tone tells him to stay seated. dont hurt yourself she says

Wait, let me see what I can do , then she wraps one arm around his hips, another around his legs and gets up straight from the chair, cradling him !

Aryan is shocked ! he has never been carried before since adulthood, and specially from a girl and that too so easily. and a very attractive at that.

He looks down to confirm, and realizes that he is really lifted on her arms in a cradle , the ground of course seems too far below ! Nagma is least strained by it , and carries him towards her bed, just then she stops suddenly on way

What happened ? Aryan asks . I am looking at the mirror nagma says , and Aryan sees a fat guy being carried comfortably in a cradle by a beautiful tall girl in the mirror, Nagma is so comfortable she is even posing in the mirror while still cradling him !

Go ahead, post these pics in social network sites Aryan says sarcastically . Nagma realizes her folly and puts him on her bed. as she places him on her bed, her long hair has completely covered Aryans face . Aryan is lost in the moment. He is still in shock remembering what has happened

Nagma goes to search for pain relief balm or spray, he watches her going and starts admiring her beauty, such a a curvy behind, such a slim waist and those long long legs, they were looking too good even when she is wearing a salwar. Her thick hair almost reaches her waist . What a fool her ex boyfriend is , Aryan wonders

Here , nagma says and brings the balm to him, she goes to apply the balm when Aryan feels embarrassed

Come on ! Nagma says, you have become such a big emotional support to me now, you are a close friend to me , where is the cramp she asks, my waist he tells, she pulls out his shirt and applies the balm on his waist, aryan notices that her arms and shoulders are way bigger than his. and though she is gentle , her arms are very firm and strong.

Ok, I have applied the balm, Nagma says . Fine, then let’s start the classes from tomorrow. Aryan says

Oh you plan to leave ? Then let me give our guest a proper send off ! Nagma smiles and stands near Aryan as she towers over him. Grabbing Aryan from the side. She lifts him up high and places him on her hip

Aryan is looking I’m disbelief as he is now lifted up again by the tall and strong Nagma, but this time on her hip ! Why are you doing this ? Does any girl lift up an older guy who has come as her tution teacher , on her hip like this ? Aryan asks

Arey, since you have injured your hip, I thought I will take you till the door on my hip ! Nagma says and comfortably walks till the door carrying her tuition teacher , Aryan on her hip

Aryan is feeling like a monkey which is sitting on a big strong tree and hugging the tree stump.

Here, Nagma says and puts Aryan on the floor near the door. Have a nice day, she says and slaps his behind.

by then Aryan has understood that it is her usual nature and leaves for the day. Wondering what more fascinating things this girl will do in future

to be continued..

I write stories of Fm lift and carry, FF lift and carry, Tall girls (no lifts), Bollywood lift and carry, Hindi Lift and carry (FM) and Biker girls . Please write in comments what kind of stories you prefer

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Shield maiden 4

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