Deepika’s Lucky Fans

Deepika wake up from bed and remembered that she promised her 3 fans that today she will spend time with her. They were 3 boys. They were hardcore fans of deepika and wrote her many mails, messages and letters. Finally deepika was impressed and promised them she will spent a complete day with them. She also told ranveer to avoid all other things and be at home so that her fans can see him also. Unfortunately ranveer had an important shooting at US so he went to US.
Deepika woke up quickly. She took bath and dressed. She was ready to welcome them. Today there were no servants or security in her house. She gave them all leave and thought to spend the day only with the boys. Raj,Ajith and kumar arrived in front of her house. They found the gate closed. They phoned deepika. Deepika pressed a remote and the gate was open. They went inside. Deepika opened the door. She smiled at them and hugged each of them.
Deepika as you all know is very tall. She is almost 173cm height. Raj was 162cm. Ajith was 165cm and kumar was only 150cm. They all felt very short infront of deepika. When she hugged them they felt like small kids hugging mom. She led them to a room and made them sit on some chairs. “Ok boys what are you doing” aked deepika “Madam we all are college students. We are doing degree in physics”. “Ok very good. And no need to call me madam. You can call me didi or deepika ok? ” “Ok madam… sorry didi”. “Hahaha” laughed deepika.
“Ok boys now i will go and make you some drink. What do you want” asked deepika The boys were very shy to ask anything and they looked among themselves. Seeing this deepika smiled and said “ok i will give you pineapple juice”. After sometime deepika came back with four glass of juice. She gave them and took one. she sat near kumar and started to drink.
“Ok boys tell something. Why are you people so silent” asked deepika. Actually madam….sorry didi we are little bit exited and afraid to talk to you. Its our dream moment” said kumar. Hearing this deepika smiled. She pulled kumar onto her lap. Kumar was shocked he cant believe he is sitting on deepikas lap. He tried to stand up but deepika hold him tight. He felt a powerful pair of arms holding him. “See i am very friendly with you no need to be afraid. Look i think you as my own brothers. Be free with me. Look kumar here is just so cute and cant help but to take him in my lap. Dont worry kumar. I like you all” said deepika. Now the boys were little relieved and they started to talk. They said about her acting performances in different movies.
They praised her performances and she felt very happy. ” you guys are great. Now boys tell me how do you want to see me in upcoming movies” asked deepika. “Didi we wish you should play very strong characters. Like a fighter girl or a biker girl. You should do a female version of dhoom and all. A female don will also suit you.” said ajith. “Didi i think you should play as a sport person. A badminton player or a wrestler.” Said Raj “Hmmm what is your wish kumar” asked deepika. All this time kumar was sitting on deepikas lap. ” didi i wish you act as a good elder sister and show the strong brother sister relationship like you are showing to me. And also you should play as a intelligent and strong police officer investigating a mystery case”.
“Oh kumar you are my greatest fan” saying this she stood up carrying kumar in a cradle.she just rotate with him funnily and put him down. Seeing this Ajith and Raj were stunned. She thought they were sad because she only lifted kumar. She went to them and she jusy lifted Ajith in a front lift and rotate once. She did same with Raj also. She said to them they are also her best friends.
It was lunch time. She lead them to dining hall. She already ordered the lunch. She told them to sit and she sat on a chair. Suddenly kumar sat on her lap. She laughed heavily and said “dont worry kumar didi will feed you today”. She feed him with her own hands and kumar was so happy that tears fall down his cheeks. Deepika saw it and asked “hey kumar why are you crying” ” didi we didnt thought you are so lovely and i am very happy because my didi is feeding me. In real life i dont have elder sister and always had a wish to be like this”. Deepika also got emotional but she resisted to cry and she very much caringly fed him. She also gave food to ajith and raj 2 or 3 times with her own hands.
After lunch they again started to chit chat but this time raj was sitting on her lap. She sometimes took kumar also on her lap. She sat both of them on both thighs. They were having fun talking and it was evening. Deepika told she want to go to gym but the boys were sad to leave so she said to accompany her. The gym was on the basement.
Deepika changed her saree into a shorts and Tshirt and they all went to gym. Inside the gym there were different equipment’s. Deepika told kumar to jump on her back. She carried him in piggyback then she stood on treadmill and started to run. She was running carrying kumar. All boys were stunned in her strength. She was carrying him like a feather. After sometimes she stopped running. Then she told ajith to sit on her shoulder. She then started to do squats. She was doing it really easy and she did 20 squats like nothing. Then she cradle carry Raj and started to curl him. She did 19 curls and stopped. Then she sat Ajith and Raj on her each feet and did 50 situps. Then deepika leg pressed kumar 30 times. Then she started to take pushups.
She was surprised when kumar climbed on her back while doing pushups. She smiled and started again suddenly some extra weight was there she saw Raj also climbing on her. It was now difficult. Then she understood Ajith is also climbing. She was at that position. ” hey boys i cant bear this weight please get down”. ” come on didi you are strong you can do it” said kumar. Deepika put all her strength and she was able to do 2 pushups. Then she fell sidewards and all 4 were on floor.
The boys were laughing and deepika too felt funny but she decided to play with them. She started to tickle all 3 of them. They suddenly rolled away. She stood on her knees and challenged them to try and get her. All three of them jumped on her. It was like a 3 on 1 wrestling match. They started to roll on the floor. They were rolling for several minutes and finally Ajith was trapped in head lock in her hands. Raj was in a head scissors and Kumar was under deepika so he was unable to move. She didnt squeeze them hard because she dont want them to be in pain. She had them under control and then she left them. They were breathing heavily. She was also breathing heavily. “Who won” asked deepika. “You won didi ” the three of them told at same time. “Hehe” she laughed.
she then took kumar on her hip and told them that they can go for a bike ride. Kumar was sitting on deepikas hip and he said ” but didi none of us know to ride bike” ” what none of you know. Are you should learn this. You are 20-22 years old. Ok i will teach you afterwards anyway today i will ride” “But we are 4 people how can we go in a bike” “Dont worry i will manage it.
Ok there are plenty of bathrooms in this house all of you go and take bath. Wear same dress as ranveer’s dress will be big for you. I will also take bath. Then we can go for ride”. Saying this she put kumar down and patted on his behind as a signal to go and take bath quickly. All of them bathed and this time deepika wore a shirt and jeans. She had a helmet in her hand. Otherwise people will recognize her and it will be problem.
She leads them to garage. There was many bikes and cars all were ranveers collection. She walked to a Royal Enfield Himalayan. The boys were stunned that she is gonna ride that bike. She opened the shutter of garage. She took kumar in a front carry. She told him to wrap his legs around her waist. She then mounted on top of the bike still carrying kumar.
Now kumar is sitting on the petrol tank. He is sitting facing her. She told both of them to get on back. She started the bike. She went to a road which is straight and less vehicle. She told them to hug her as she is gonna move faster. Kumar hugged her tight from front. Ajith and Raj hugged her from behind. She increased the speed and she felt the boys fearing and hugging her tight. She was enjoying the ride. The boys were really afraid. Hehe just same as ranveer she thought.
Deepika wake up from bed and remembered that she promised her 3 fans that today she will spend time with her. They were 3 boys. They were hardcore fans of deepika and wrote her many mails, messages and letters. Finally deepika was impressed and promised them she will spent a complete day with them. She also told ranveer to avoid all other things and be at home so that her fans can see him also. Unfortunately ranveer had an important shooting at US so he went to US.
Deepika woke up quickly. She took bath and dressed. She was ready to welcome them. Today there were no servants or security in her house. She gave them all leave and thought to spend the day only with the boys. Raj,Ajith and kumar arrived in front of her house. They found the gate closed. They phoned deepika. Deepika pressed a remote and the gate was open. They went inside. Deepika opened the door. She smiled at them and hugged each of them.
Deepika as you all know is very tall. She is almost 173cm height. Raj was 162cm. Ajith was 165cm and kumar was only 150cm. They all felt very short infront of deepika. When she hugged them they felt like small kids hugging mom. She led them to a room and made them sit on some chairs. “Ok boys what are you doing” aked deepika “Madam we all are college students. We are doing degree in physics”. “Ok very good. And no need to call me madam. You can call me didi or deepika ok? ” “Ok madam… sorry didi”. “Hahaha” laughed deepika.
“Ok boys now i will go and make you some drink. What do you want” asked deepika The boys were very shy to ask anything and they looked among themselves. Seeing this deepika smiled and said “ok i will give you pineapple juice”. After sometime deepika came back with four glass of juice. She gave them and took one. she sat near kumar and started to drink.
“Ok boys tell something. Why are you people so silent” asked deepika. Actually madam….sorry didi we are little bit exited and afraid to talk to you. Its our dream moment” said kumar. Hearing this deepika smiled. She pulled kumar onto her lap. Kumar was shocked he cant believe he is sitting on deepikas lap. He tried to stand up but deepika hold him tight. He felt a powerful pair of arms holding him. “See i am very friendly with you no need to be afraid. Look i think you as my own brothers. Be free with me. Look kumar here is just so cute and cant help but to take him in my lap. Dont worry kumar. I like you all” said deepika. Now the boys were little relieved and they started to talk. They said about her acting performances in different movies.
They praised her performances and she felt very happy. ” you guys are great. Now boys tell me how do you want to see me in upcoming movies” asked deepika. “Didi we wish you should play very strong characters. Like a fighter girl or a biker girl. You should do a female version of dhoom and all. A female don will also suit you.” said ajith. “Didi i think you should play as a sport person. A badminton player or a wrestler.” Said Raj “Hmmm what is your wish kumar” asked deepika. All this time kumar was sitting on deepikas lap. ” didi i wish you act as a good elder sister and show the strong brother sister relationship like you are showing to me. And also you should play as a intelligent and strong police officer investigating a mystery case”.
“Oh kumar you are my greatest fan” saying this she stood up carrying kumar in a cradle.she just rotate with him funnily and put him down. Seeing this Ajith and Raj were stunned. She thought they were sad because she only lifted kumar. She went to them and she jusy lifted Ajith in a front lift and rotate once. She did same with Raj also. She said to them they are also her best friends.
It was lunch time. She lead them to dining hall. She already ordered the lunch. She told them to sit and she sat on a chair. Suddenly kumar sat on her lap. She laughed heavily and said “dont worry kumar didi will feed you today”. She feed him with her own hands and kumar was so happy that tears fall down his cheeks. Deepika saw it and asked “hey kumar why are you crying” ” didi we didnt thought you are so lovely and i am very happy because my didi is feeding me. In real life i dont have elder sister and always had a wish to be like this”. Deepika also got emotional but she resisted to cry and she very much caringly fed him. She also gave food to ajith and raj 2 or 3 times with her own hands.
After lunch they again started to chit chat but this time raj was sitting on her lap. She sometimes took kumar also on her lap. She sat both of them on both thighs. They were having fun talking and it was evening. Deepika told she want to go to gym but the boys were sad to leave so she said to accompany her. The gym was on the basement.
Deepika changed her saree into a shorts and Tshirt and they all went to gym. Inside the gym there were different equipment’s. Deepika told kumar to jump on her back. She carried him in piggyback then she stood on treadmill and started to run. She was running carrying kumar. All boys were stunned in her strength. She was carrying him like a feather. After sometimes she stopped running. Then she told ajith to sit on her shoulder. She then started to do squats. She was doing it really easy and she did 20 squats like nothing. Then she cradle carry Raj and started to curl him. She did 19 curls and stopped. Then she sat Ajith and Raj on her each feet and did 50 situps. Then deepika leg pressed kumar 30 times. Then she started to take pushups.
She was surprised when kumar climbed on her back while doing pushups. She smiled and started again suddenly some extra weight was there she saw Raj also climbing on her. It was now difficult. Then she understood Ajith is also climbing. She was at that position. ” hey boys i cant bear this weight please get down”. ” come on didi you are strong you can do it” said kumar. Deepika put all her strength and she was able to do 2 pushups. Then she fell sidewards and all 4 were on floor.
The boys were laughing and deepika too felt funny but she decided to play with them. She started to tickle all 3 of them. They suddenly rolled away. She stood on her knees and challenged them to try and get her. All three of them jumped on her. It was like a 3 on 1 wrestling match. They started to roll on the floor. They were rolling for several minutes and finally Ajith was trapped in head lock in her hands. Raj was in a head scissors and Kumar was under deepika so he was unable to move. She didnt squeeze them hard because she dont want them to be in pain. She had them under control and then she left them. They were breathing heavily. She was also breathing heavily. “Who won” asked deepika. “You won didi ” the three of them told at same time. “Hehe” she laughed.
she then took kumar on her hip and told them that they can go for a bike ride. Kumar was sitting on deepikas hip and he said ” but didi none of us know to ride bike” ” what none of you know. Are you should learn this. You are 20-22 years old. Ok i will teach you afterwards anyway today i will ride” “But we are 4 people how can we go in a bike” “Dont worry i will manage it.
Ok there are plenty of bathrooms in this house all of you go and take bath. Wear same dress as ranveer’s dress will be big for you. I will also take bath. Then we can go for ride”. Saying this she put kumar down and patted on his behind as a signal to go and take bath quickly. All of them bathed and this time deepika wore a shirt and jeans. She had a helmet in her hand. Otherwise people will recognize her and it will be problem.
She leads them to garage. There was many bikes and cars all were ranveers collection. She walked to a Royal Enfield Himalayan. The boys were stunned that she is gonna ride that bike. She opened the shutter of garage. She took kumar in a front carry. She told him to wrap his legs around her waist. She then mounted on top of the bike still carrying kumar.
Now kumar is sitting on the petrol tank. He is sitting facing her. She told both of them to get on back. She started the bike. She went to a road which is straight and less vehicle. She told them to hug her as she is gonna move faster. Kumar hugged her tight from front. Ajith and Raj hugged her from behind. She increased the speed and she felt the boys fearing and hugging her tight. She was enjoying the ride. The boys were really afraid. Hehe just same as ranveer she thought.

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