The Wizard’s daughter – 3

So, you have taken Mayah into your side, and freed the king and his family too eh ? The Grandmaster thinks in his mind remembering the Royal wizard

This big and tall Mayah was known more for her strength, than her magic. And in her lust for the future boy, she has sided with my old enemy. The grandmaster think in anger

It does not matter, I will have the Prince, and that boy from future in my custody soon, And I will do that in such a way, which the royal wizard would have never imagined ! the Grandmaster wizard laughs

The Royal wizard is now asleep with his family, The king and his wife are asleep in another room. Ishaan is still in girls clothes as his old clothes have not dried yet. He is now walking around the hall in tension opening the battery of his wet cellphone

The prince is in deep sleep inside the hall snoring. This Royal prince is sleeping with so much enjoyment, And here I am yearning to go back to my time ! Ishaan says to himself and keeps the cellphone to dry

I am missing my parents, my comfortable room, my tv shows. The fast food on the streets. Ishaan thinks sadly. But because of this conflict with that Grandmaster, I am stuck here, Ishaan laments.

He now lies on the cot now and falls asleep, It is midnight when Shirins younger sister, the wizards younger daughter. now comes near him.

Ishaan suddenly gets disturbed by his sleep when he realizes that his hands and legs are tied up, even his mouth is gagged !

What ? Who did this ? Ishaan thinks in shock, when the wizards younger daughter comes near him and easily lifts him up on her arms Into a high cradle from the cot !

Ishaan can’t believe that he is lifted up in cradle by a much slimmer and shorter girl than him ! She now starts walking downstairs carrying Ishaan on her arms in cradle. Helpless Ishaan is shaking violently in protest. But the girl is too strong to be affected by it

She now comes out of the Wizard’s home and walks towards Mayahs horse. Ishaan helpless and desperately carried in cradle by the girl notices that her eyes have a dull red glow in her eyes. She places Ishaan on the ground, lifts him up from front, and puts him on the horse

Ishaan is shocked at the slim girls strength, when she starts walking back into the house as he is now lying on the horse with his hands and mouth tied up.

No need to worry, the Prince will realize that I am missing. After all he is a Royal prince from olden times, he will surely sense that something is wrong and save me. Ishaan thinks in hope

Shirins sister now comes out, with the prince lifted up on her shoulder now, Ishaan is crying in despair !

The Prince with his hands, legs and mouth tied up is looking with his eyes wide in shock as he is being carried by a much petite girl. The girl lifts up the Prince and places him on the horse beside Ishaan

The girl now jumps on the big horse, and starts riding it with the two helpless bigger men tied up and lying in front of her

Ishaan and the Prince are now looking at each other in disbelief ! that they were tied up, carried and placed on the horse and now being kidnapped by a much smaller girl, and that too single handedly by her !

The Wizards youngest daughter now rides the horse in full speed, not caring for the cold and rain throughout the night. Why is this girl acting like she is possesed. Ishaan thinks shivering in the cold. But Why is she doing all this in the first place !!! Ishaan is thinking all the way

After a full night of riding the horse, the girl now stops the horse with the two men tied up and lying on it. Ishaan and the prince are shivering in the cold and fully exhausted now.

Shirins sister now gets down from the horse, The smaller girl easily pulls down Ishaan from the horse and lifts him up into a fireman’s carry

The prince is still in disbelief that the slim wizards daughter is strong enough to do all this, as he watches her walking comfortably carrying the much heavier Ishaan on her shoulders ! Ishaan needs to use the bathroom but lifted up in a firemans lift on the shoulders of the girl and tied up, he is helpless.

The girl now starts walking through the mist early in the morning, into a camp full of soldiers and wizards. Ishaan carried on her shoulders notices many female wizards having tattoos like Mayah

The girl carrying Ishaan, walks right into the camp and enters the biggest tent. Master, I have brought the future boy and the Prince as you have commanded, the girl says, while standing with him on her shoulders. Ishaan is confused !

Ha.. My spell worked flawlessly ! A tall and fearsome looking man, dressed up like the Royal wizard laughs.

Ishaan is looking with his eyes wide open. Goodness !!! This must be the grandmaster wizard. He recognizes in shock !

Shirins sister now places him on the ground and goes to collect the Prince . Grandmaster wizard walks around Ishaan looking at him in a girl’s dress, in disgust

The Wizard now looks down at the scared Ishaan. Ever since you dropped here travelling through time, you have only brought bad luck to me. The wizard says.

The Royal wizard got back his daughter, Mayah changed sides and, now even the king and his family is free from my prison ! The grandmaster says

I usually send Men who have travelled through time to mate with the female wizards. But now that I see you in person. You don’t deserve to reproduce ! The wizard says. Weak, and perverted guys like you are useless, he says

Shirins sister now comes carrying the Prince who is struggling to free himself, on her shoulders now. Ahh, You are the useless son of a worthless king ! Grandmaster exclaims looking at the prince who is still lifted up on the girls shoulders

I know how stong girls can be, thats why I managed to enchant the Royal wizards youngest daughter to carry you both and bring here, he says. with weak boys like you, any girl can overpower and carry you away, he laughs

Shirins sister now drops the Prince from her shoulders to the ground, and walks towards the Grandmaster and stands close to him

Suddenly the Grandmaster spots a small locket on the girls neck. what ? this locket has magical spell on it, and it is glowing blue ! why did the guards not notice this ?

That old devil , this is an old Ploy of the Royal Wizard ! which means he had already guessed what I would have done, and now he knows this location because of the locket ! very smart my cursed old friend ! he thinks

Angrily he looks at Ishaan, the Prince and the The younger Daughter of Royal Wizard. All of you deserve to get crushed by enemy horses, the wizard says

Soon three female wizards arrive and lift up Ishaan, the prince and the wizards younger daughter, who is still under grandmasters spell.

The Female wizards are now carrying all three of them towards the horses. Some female wizards, students of the grandmaster are looking in dismay as Ishaan and the prince are helplessly tied up and being carried away by the strong female wizards

This is so Unfair, The female Wizard carrying Ishaan says, With the already shortage of young men here, the Grandmaster is ordering more of them to get killed, that too in such a horrible way ! she says feeling Ishaans behind while carrying him on her shoulders

Why dont we do like that Mayah ? she asks another female wizard who has lifted up the prince on her arms , lets escape with these boys. maybe we could marry and live with them in some far off land. she says and places Ishaan who is tied up and struggling, on her horse

she now climbs up on the horse, and looks towards the other female wizard who is carrying the prince, The female wizard carrying the Prince is already sitting on the horse and is carrying the prince in a cradle now. I always had a thing for the the kings son you know, she says and starts kissing the scared prince on the lips deeply

The Prince who is tied up, and helplessly lifted on the arms in cradle of the female wizard , is shocked as she kisses him tightly and passionately thrusting her tongue into his mouth

Ishaan lying on the horse looks in shock, as the strong female wizard has lifted up the prince on her arms, while she herself is seated on the horse and kissing him deeply. Oh well… atleast the prince got lucky at the end moment, Ishaan thinks feeling warm

Are you both crazy ? the Female Wizard carrying Shirins younger sister says to the other two. Mayah has protection from the Royal wizard, as she was his old student. But there will be no one to save us , if we go against the Grandmaster, she says. besides what about the Big future ambitions of you girls, are you ready to throw it all for the lust of a boy ? she asks

Ya, she is right ! the other two female wizards agree.

Amazing, these girl thinks exactly like the modern girls ! Ishaan realizes

Soon the female wizards make all the three lie on an open field and leave

What in the name of devil ? What is happening here ? Ishaan thinks in shock when he senses movement of a large number of horses moving towards them .

It is the soldiers of the Enemy of Grandmaster, coming on horses towards them, Grandmaster wizard has placed the three on the way of horses so that they are killed by being crushed by the heavy horses

That’s it. I never thought I will die like this. Ishaan cries now.

Heck anyways I am going to die, let me pee in my skirt itself, Ishaan thinks. When suddenly the wizards younger daughter stands up in shock now, after waking up from the spell.

Oh my god, what happened ? Why am I here ? Ishaan, did you bring me here ? How dare you ! She thunders

What ? You single handedly lifted up and carried me and the Prince on the horse, kidnapped and brought us here, and now you are asking me ? Ishaan asks in shock

Oh the Prince is tied up and lying on the ground ! Shirin will never forgive me, if anything happens to the Prince when I am around. Shirins younger sister says

The younger daughter now runs towards the prince and unties his legs. but she realizes that the horses are too close for them to run. she lifts up the prince on her hip now and holds out her palm towards the soldiers coming on horses, asking them to stop. Please stop ! she shouts

The enemy riders are surprised to see a petite girl standing, and carrying a fully grown tied up man on her hip. In the middle of the battle ground. signalling to stop. All slow their horses

A portal suddenly opens now , the Wizard and Shirin now comes out of the portal. please stop ! The wizard shouts holding a white flag towards the opposite Army

Ishaan Manages to stand up and notices another horse rushing from the side of the battlefield alone, he looks to see Mayah racing towards him riding a big horse

Ishaan is mesmerized to see the Mayah with her shiny long black hair, and wearing battle armour coming towards him riding the big horse. She is not slowing down her horse

Ishaan is scared, Mayah rides beside him and in a swift move, grabs him with her hand and lifts him up single handedly. Lifting him using her hand, she pulls him onto the horse carrying his full weight. Ishaan can’t believe what just happened !

Placing him on the front , she now rides towards the Royal wizard who has made the enemy horses stop by waving the white flag. His younger Daughter is still standing while carrying the prince on her hip

It is the Royal wizard of the previous king, All soldiers say, recognizing the royal wizard.

Thank goodness we are saved, Ishaan thinks as Mayah now climbs down from the horse and unties him . Mayah now lifts up Ishaan into a cradle from the horse and brings him close to her. I was really scared for you, she says looking at Ishaan who is lifted on her arms

Aww. this is so cute ! Shirin exclaims as she notices Mayah in battle dress carrying Ishaan on her arms in cradle. But where is my Man ? she thinks and notices her younger sister still standing there carrying the prince on her hip . she runs towards her in gladness as the prince now climbs down to the ground, she grabs him and lifts him into a front piggyback

Carrying him in a front piggyback, Shirin kisses the prince deeply as the Royal wizard is looking at the antics of his daughter in discomfort. I should get these two married soon, he thinks

Now that we have our men safe and carried in our arms, I think it is our turn to reply the Grandmaster now. Shirin says in anger

Yes My daughter, we will make our move immediately, after you are done carrying the prince. The Royal Wizard laughs

Ishaan who is feeling warm and safe carried on Mayahs arms, notices the flag which is tied on the stick which the wizard is holding . I cant believe this ! did you not find any other cloth to use as a white flag ? Ishaan asks Shirin

What is wrong ? Mayah asks while still carrying Ishaan in cradle, this cloth is really unique, We had never seen such a bright and spotless white cloth before . thats why We decided to use it as flag. Mayah says

Thats my Brand New white Underwear ! Ishaan says lamenting , I had worn that only once

What ? all ask confused

to be continued….

So, you have taken Mayah into your side, and freed the king and his family too eh ? The Grandmaster thinks in his mind remembering the Royal wizard

This big and tall Mayah was known more for her strength, than her magic. And in her lust for the future boy, she has sided with my old enemy. The grandmaster think in anger

It does not matter, I will have the Prince, and that boy from future in my custody soon, And I will do that in such a way, which the royal wizard would have never imagined ! the Grandmaster wizard laughs

The Royal wizard is now asleep with his family, The king and his wife are asleep in another room. Ishaan is still in girls clothes as his old clothes have not dried yet. He is now walking around the hall in tension opening the battery of his wet cellphone

The prince is in deep sleep inside the hall snoring. This Royal prince is sleeping with so much enjoyment, And here I am yearning to go back to my time ! Ishaan says to himself and keeps the cellphone to dry

I am missing my parents, my comfortable room, my tv shows. The fast food on the streets. Ishaan thinks sadly. But because of this conflict with that Grandmaster, I am stuck here, Ishaan laments.

He now lies on the cot now and falls asleep, It is midnight when Shirins younger sister, the wizards younger daughter. now comes near him.

Ishaan suddenly gets disturbed by his sleep when he realizes that his hands and legs are tied up, even his mouth is gagged !

What ? Who did this ? Ishaan thinks in shock, when the wizards younger daughter comes near him and easily lifts him up on her arms Into a high cradle from the cot !

Ishaan can’t believe that he is lifted up in cradle by a much slimmer and shorter girl than him ! She now starts walking downstairs carrying Ishaan on her arms in cradle. Helpless Ishaan is shaking violently in protest. But the girl is too strong to be affected by it

She now comes out of the Wizard’s home and walks towards Mayahs horse. Ishaan helpless and desperately carried in cradle by the girl notices that her eyes have a dull red glow in her eyes. She places Ishaan on the ground, lifts him up from front, and puts him on the horse

Ishaan is shocked at the slim girls strength, when she starts walking back into the house as he is now lying on the horse with his hands and mouth tied up.

No need to worry, the Prince will realize that I am missing. After all he is a Royal prince from olden times, he will surely sense that something is wrong and save me. Ishaan thinks in hope

Shirins sister now comes out, with the prince lifted up on her shoulder now, Ishaan is crying in despair !

The Prince with his hands, legs and mouth tied up is looking with his eyes wide in shock as he is being carried by a much petite girl. The girl lifts up the Prince and places him on the horse beside Ishaan

The girl now jumps on the big horse, and starts riding it with the two helpless bigger men tied up and lying in front of her

Ishaan and the Prince are now looking at each other in disbelief ! that they were tied up, carried and placed on the horse and now being kidnapped by a much smaller girl, and that too single handedly by her !

The Wizards youngest daughter now rides the horse in full speed, not caring for the cold and rain throughout the night. Why is this girl acting like she is possesed. Ishaan thinks shivering in the cold. But Why is she doing all this in the first place !!! Ishaan is thinking all the way

After a full night of riding the horse, the girl now stops the horse with the two men tied up and lying on it. Ishaan and the prince are shivering in the cold and fully exhausted now.

Shirins sister now gets down from the horse, The smaller girl easily pulls down Ishaan from the horse and lifts him up into a fireman’s carry

The prince is still in disbelief that the slim wizards daughter is strong enough to do all this, as he watches her walking comfortably carrying the much heavier Ishaan on her shoulders ! Ishaan needs to use the bathroom but lifted up in a firemans lift on the shoulders of the girl and tied up, he is helpless.

The girl now starts walking through the mist early in the morning, into a camp full of soldiers and wizards. Ishaan carried on her shoulders notices many female wizards having tattoos like Mayah

The girl carrying Ishaan, walks right into the camp and enters the biggest tent. Master, I have brought the future boy and the Prince as you have commanded, the girl says, while standing with him on her shoulders. Ishaan is confused !

Ha.. My spell worked flawlessly ! A tall and fearsome looking man, dressed up like the Royal wizard laughs.

Ishaan is looking with his eyes wide open. Goodness !!! This must be the grandmaster wizard. He recognizes in shock !

Shirins sister now places him on the ground and goes to collect the Prince . Grandmaster wizard walks around Ishaan looking at him in a girl’s dress, in disgust

The Wizard now looks down at the scared Ishaan. Ever since you dropped here travelling through time, you have only brought bad luck to me. The wizard says.

The Royal wizard got back his daughter, Mayah changed sides and, now even the king and his family is free from my prison ! The grandmaster says

I usually send Men who have travelled through time to mate with the female wizards. But now that I see you in person. You don’t deserve to reproduce ! The wizard says. Weak, and perverted guys like you are useless, he says

Shirins sister now comes carrying the Prince who is struggling to free himself, on her shoulders now. Ahh, You are the useless son of a worthless king ! Grandmaster exclaims looking at the prince who is still lifted up on the girls shoulders

I know how stong girls can be, thats why I managed to enchant the Royal wizards youngest daughter to carry you both and bring here, he says. with weak boys like you, any girl can overpower and carry you away, he laughs

Shirins sister now drops the Prince from her shoulders to the ground, and walks towards the Grandmaster and stands close to him

Suddenly the Grandmaster spots a small locket on the girls neck. what ? this locket has magical spell on it, and it is glowing blue ! why did the guards not notice this ?

That old devil , this is an old Ploy of the Royal Wizard ! which means he had already guessed what I would have done, and now he knows this location because of the locket ! very smart my cursed old friend ! he thinks

Angrily he looks at Ishaan, the Prince and the The younger Daughter of Royal Wizard. All of you deserve to get crushed by enemy horses, the wizard says

Soon three female wizards arrive and lift up Ishaan, the prince and the wizards younger daughter, who is still under grandmasters spell.

The Female wizards are now carrying all three of them towards the horses. Some female wizards, students of the grandmaster are looking in dismay as Ishaan and the prince are helplessly tied up and being carried away by the strong female wizards

This is so Unfair, The female Wizard carrying Ishaan says, With the already shortage of young men here, the Grandmaster is ordering more of them to get killed, that too in such a horrible way ! she says feeling Ishaans behind while carrying him on her shoulders

Why dont we do like that Mayah ? she asks another female wizard who has lifted up the prince on her arms , lets escape with these boys. maybe we could marry and live with them in some far off land. she says and places Ishaan who is tied up and struggling, on her horse

she now climbs up on the horse, and looks towards the other female wizard who is carrying the prince, The female wizard carrying the Prince is already sitting on the horse and is carrying the prince in a cradle now. I always had a thing for the the kings son you know, she says and starts kissing the scared prince on the lips deeply

The Prince who is tied up, and helplessly lifted on the arms in cradle of the female wizard , is shocked as she kisses him tightly and passionately thrusting her tongue into his mouth

Ishaan lying on the horse looks in shock, as the strong female wizard has lifted up the prince on her arms, while she herself is seated on the horse and kissing him deeply. Oh well… atleast the prince got lucky at the end moment, Ishaan thinks feeling warm

Are you both crazy ? the Female Wizard carrying Shirins younger sister says to the other two. Mayah has protection from the Royal wizard, as she was his old student. But there will be no one to save us , if we go against the Grandmaster, she says. besides what about the Big future ambitions of you girls, are you ready to throw it all for the lust of a boy ? she asks

Ya, she is right ! the other two female wizards agree.

Amazing, these girl thinks exactly like the modern girls ! Ishaan realizes

Soon the female wizards make all the three lie on an open field and leave

What in the name of devil ? What is happening here ? Ishaan thinks in shock when he senses movement of a large number of horses moving towards them .

It is the soldiers of the Enemy of Grandmaster, coming on horses towards them, Grandmaster wizard has placed the three on the way of horses so that they are killed by being crushed by the heavy horses

That’s it. I never thought I will die like this. Ishaan cries now.

Heck anyways I am going to die, let me pee in my skirt itself, Ishaan thinks. When suddenly the wizards younger daughter stands up in shock now, after waking up from the spell.

Oh my god, what happened ? Why am I here ? Ishaan, did you bring me here ? How dare you ! She thunders

What ? You single handedly lifted up and carried me and the Prince on the horse, kidnapped and brought us here, and now you are asking me ? Ishaan asks in shock

Oh the Prince is tied up and lying on the ground ! Shirin will never forgive me, if anything happens to the Prince when I am around. Shirins younger sister says

The younger daughter now runs towards the prince and unties his legs. but she realizes that the horses are too close for them to run. she lifts up the prince on her hip now and holds out her palm towards the soldiers coming on horses, asking them to stop. Please stop ! she shouts

The enemy riders are surprised to see a petite girl standing, and carrying a fully grown tied up man on her hip. In the middle of the battle ground. signalling to stop. All slow their horses

A portal suddenly opens now , the Wizard and Shirin now comes out of the portal. please stop ! The wizard shouts holding a white flag towards the opposite Army

Ishaan Manages to stand up and notices another horse rushing from the side of the battlefield alone, he looks to see Mayah racing towards him riding a big horse

Ishaan is mesmerized to see the Mayah with her shiny long black hair, and wearing battle armour coming towards him riding the big horse. She is not slowing down her horse

Ishaan is scared, Mayah rides beside him and in a swift move, grabs him with her hand and lifts him up single handedly. Lifting him using her hand, she pulls him onto the horse carrying his full weight. Ishaan can’t believe what just happened !

Placing him on the front , she now rides towards the Royal wizard who has made the enemy horses stop by waving the white flag. His younger Daughter is still standing while carrying the prince on her hip

It is the Royal wizard of the previous king, All soldiers say, recognizing the royal wizard.

Thank goodness we are saved, Ishaan thinks as Mayah now climbs down from the horse and unties him . Mayah now lifts up Ishaan into a cradle from the horse and brings him close to her. I was really scared for you, she says looking at Ishaan who is lifted on her arms

Aww. this is so cute ! Shirin exclaims as she notices Mayah in battle dress carrying Ishaan on her arms in cradle. But where is my Man ? she thinks and notices her younger sister still standing there carrying the prince on her hip . she runs towards her in gladness as the prince now climbs down to the ground, she grabs him and lifts him into a front piggyback

Carrying him in a front piggyback, Shirin kisses the prince deeply as the Royal wizard is looking at the antics of his daughter in discomfort. I should get these two married soon, he thinks

Now that we have our men safe and carried in our arms, I think it is our turn to reply the Grandmaster now. Shirin says in anger

Yes My daughter, we will make our move immediately, after you are done carrying the prince. The Royal Wizard laughs

Ishaan who is feeling warm and safe carried on Mayahs arms, notices the flag which is tied on the stick which the wizard is holding . I cant believe this ! did you not find any other cloth to use as a white flag ? Ishaan asks Shirin

What is wrong ? Mayah asks while still carrying Ishaan in cradle, this cloth is really unique, We had never seen such a bright and spotless white cloth before . thats why We decided to use it as flag. Mayah says

Thats my Brand New white Underwear ! Ishaan says lamenting , I had worn that only once

What ? all ask confused

to be continued….

I write stories of Fm lift and carry, FF lift and carry, Tall girls (no lifts), Bollywood lift and carry, Hindi Lift and carry (FM) and Biker girls . Please write in comments what kind of stories you prefer

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Shield maiden 4

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