Sister in law (part 1)

It is 12.00 in midnight and a wedding board outside a house, where recently, a marriage has happened. is glowing and flashing

“Sameer weds anya”. the lights are still glowing. Sameer on the first night bed is anxious , but his wife anya is not

look sameer after 4 years of being lovers, I atleast want you to understand. No first night action, it will be painful as we are virgins and I don’t want that she says straightforward

Also I am too tired , do you know how much I moved around these few days ? Sameer expected this , since their 4 years of being lovers he knows anya is a delicate princess type of a girl , she hates to walk even little distances , always prefers using lifts on buildings. and even avoids going to places which are more than one storey high and has no lift.

Sameer has never even seen Anya, doing any kind of a workout or physical activity, despite constant encouragement, she has no sense of adventure in life and prefers to be lazy and only take care of herself.

Oh Come on! sameer laughs , as soon as your sister Ayesha came back from studies abroad, she has been doing all the shopping and work immediately. while you have hardly left your room, and since she is your twin sister , many thought it is actually you and did not notice that you did nothing except sit for makeup

Anya looks at him irritated, look sameer no hanky-panky and let me sleep peacefully, I am feeling very sleepy, and sit far away, you are suffocating me ! she says

Sameer moves to the opposite edge of the bed, feeling a little miffed, he keeps quite for some time , hey sameer anya calls , can you get that wedding light board switched off ? I am not able to sleep she says with a smile

Sameer goes out and gets the wedding light board switched off , he returns back to see anya snoring. he notices that the light board flashes into the room and thinks he should get a curtain fixed to the room windows.

In college, sameer had not much choice , Anya was the tallest girl of the college and was easily the hottest of all girls , since she towered all the guys , most would not approach her and those who tried were rejected, Sameer was the only one who was showing interest in her consistently, despite her tantrums

Anya was not really impressed with sameer who just reaches her shoulders level. but then, he was the only one showing interest and adjusting to her lazy attitude and lifestyle , also there was no guy who could match her tall height available easily, and sameer was earning well now.

Finally when she broke news to her family , they were more than happy that they are saved from searching grooms for atleast one of their tall daughters for marriage now

Sameer looks at Anya’s long legs as she is sleeping and sighs, he goes to sleep , next day anya is already up and worn her regular clothes , she is in tension

oh god ! I have another busy and tiring day today for the rituals, sameer please do something for those windows na she asks, Ya I will get a curtain installed today he says, you better do that or I will sleep in another room tonight, Anya threatens Towering over sameer and leaves.

sameer goes to purchase necessary equipment for the curtains . with no one to help , sameer gets the curtain rods himself and climbs up the high window to install it himself , as he is holding his full weight on one hands grabbing the windows grill and working with the other, his hand suddenly slips and he falls back down from the high window

Sameer expects to fall on the hard ground , but suddenly realizes he is suspended on air ! just then he gets sweet smell of a shampoo and turns to realize he is caught into a cradle by a girl ! The girls long black hair falls on his face and eyes, and he is unable to see, which girl is carrying him on her arms

he moves the hair up to see it is anya , sameer is shocked and grateful at the same time , still carried on her arms , he hugs her by wrapping his arms around her shoulders , oh thanks anya , I never knew you were so strong , you saved me from falling !

still carried by her he proceeds and kisses her on the cheek , suddenly anya starts laughing, Sameer is surprised that delicate anya is actually laughing comfortably while still carrying his full weight on her arms !

Oh , this is such a lucky day ! the very next morning after marrying my sister. you fall into my arms cradled like a baby, this is so cute ! She says

Sameer still carried on her arms, cannot believe what she is saying , what do you mean ? he asks , Jiju (brother in law) I am Ayesha , your wife’s little sister ! sameer is shocked ! still cradled by her with ease

Since I did not have any clothes after I came from abroad, I am wearing Didi’s (elders sister) clothes as she is the only one as tall as me for clothes to fit, but I have grown a little taller than her too now she says smiling .

sameer is confused , is anya playing some prank by posing as Ayesha, as they are exactly alike ? just then still carried on her arms he notices this girl has long thick hair till her thighs, whereas anya has hair till shoulders only

Oh no, this girl is Ayesha ! he realizes in shock and suddenly tries to jump down , but strong Ayesha is balancing his struggles and says. come on jiju , let us savour this moment, you look cute being carried on my arms, Ayesha says, and she starts turning round and round in excitement, sameer starts feeling dizzy

Are you crazy ayesha he says still struggling to get down , what will Anya think if she sees her little sister carrying the man she has married in a cradle, and playing with him like a baby ? she is already so suspicious and short tempered, she will unleash a commotion, Sameer says

Ayesha stops turning around , you are right she says still carrying him in cradle , I will leave now she says , atleast put me down and go he says , oh ya , sorry jiju she says smiling .

As she is leaving Sameer requests Ayesha , don’t tell your sister what happened ! don’t worry jiju Ayesha smiles while Towering over him, this will be out little secret, she winks ! and leaves. wow what a strong tall girl , he feels and sits on the bed

It is evening and sameer is still struggling to fix the curtains , As anya comes, she is furious that sameer has still not fixed the curtains , you have still not fixed the curtains ! I am sleeping in another room today she thunders

Sameer who is busy working on the curtains standing on the high window holding it’s bar, suddenly gets startled and loses his grip again and falls from the high window , delicate anya just screams and moves away, sameer crashes to the ground on his back, as he is in pain lying down

Ayesha comes in , oh jiju you fell again ? wait I will pick you up she says and runs towards him with her arms stretched towards him , Sameer is shocked and is saying in signs to stop as Anya is there , but ayesha ignores everything and easily lifts him from ground into her arms in a high cradle, sameer is shocked at her insane strength and also worried that anya would have seen that !

He looks towards her and she is not there , didi must have gone to get medicine she says still carrying him in cradle . are you in pain ? where is it paining she asks and sits on bed and places him from cradle into her laps . Sameer is more shocked at her strenght than the pain now ! Still carrying him on her lap, Ayesha starts examining him

Sameer notices her long thighs as she is wearing tight leggings, and her long arms, in tight salwar are way bigger than his as she carries him in a lapsit cradle, where is it paining jiju she asks and starts pulling his shirt out, sameer is intimidated to see himself easily carried on the Laps of his much taller sister in law and being treated like a baby

Stop it Ayesha , I am your elder sisters husband, not her son whom you carry on your lap ! put me on bed before she sees us like this. Ayesha realizes that he is right and puts him on bed, Don’t tell this to your sister he says to Ayesha , don’t worry jiju, as I said , this will be our little secret , she winks again

Anya comes in angrily holding a balm, can’t you do anything right ? you should have asked a carpenter to come she says and pulls out his shirt and starts applying balm, nobody will come for small works like these sameer says

Ayesha feels sorry for him, let me see she says and goes to the half fixed curtains , Sameer gets shocked As tall Ayesha easily reaches to the curtain rod above without help and starts fixing it , wait let me help anya says and she reaches to the other side of the rod easily standing on ground

Sameer is embarrassed looking at these two Amazon’s and imagining, how short and small he would look standing between them. these two are almost like clones , even their physical appearance is similar , slim and tall, except Ayesha is a little taller and has longer hair.

Soon it is next day , Anya has gone shopping and sameer is lazing in his room watching tv , sameer is fully bored when suddenly neighborhood kids start knocking door , sameer is not happy , he opens and the kids say, bhaiyya please recover our badminton shuttle, it is stuck in your gardens tree, sameer is not in mood to go, but the kids pester him so much he goes

He notices that the shuttle is stuck in a high branch , he climbs on to the tree and reaches to it and throws it down , suddenly the branch he is standing on starts breaking , all kids are worried and shout bhaiyya ! sameer is now hanging on to that Broken branch which will detach anytime now

He looks down to see that he is suspended more than 10 feet above the ground and curses himself for being stupid to climb the tree, instead of throwing stones to get the shuttle shuttle

suddenly he notices that some one has grabbed his legs below, it is anya , quick leave the branch and drop onto my shoulders she says coming under his legs , what? he asks and the branch breaks , sameer falls some 3 feet before landing onto Anya’s shoulders with a thud

Strong anya is solidly standing carrying sameer despite falling from a height into a shoulder sit. she balances him by holding his hands, sameer is fully shocked , the kids are giggling , sameer bhaiyya , bhabhi is so much stronger and taller than you they say and run away

Still lifted on her shoulders while sitting on it, embarrassed sameer thanks her while still sitting on her shoulders, looking below, he is suspicious at first whether it is Ayesha , but she is looking above into his eyes with care and is holding his palms with hers warmly

Thanks a lot anya , how did you manage to withstand my weight falling from such height ? he asks , she starts laughing loudly , jiju it is me Ayesha. what ? sameer feels like he got fooled again ! how lucky it is today , you are now carried on my shoulders, wow ! she says bouncing a bit in excitement

Besides you were only a few feet above me, she says. sameer realizes that since Ayesha is more than six foot in height herself , it must have not been so high anyways, still sitting on her shoulders he asks her , take me near that compound so that I can get down . aww jiju so soon ? I think you look cute carried on my shoulders, Ayesha says

Nevertheless she takes him near the compound and he climbs down from her shoulders, again he loses balance and Ayesha catches him on her arms into a cradle , she is now laughing uncontrollably still carrying him. You are just like a kid jiju, what will you do to yourself, If I am not there to carry you, she asks laughing

Enough ayesha, put me down and don’t tell to your sister he says, she bounces him once and puts him down in the same flow and says, don’t worry jiju she says looking below to him. as I said , this will be our little secret , she winks again !

to be continued…

It is 12.00 in midnight and a wedding board outside a house, where recently, a marriage has happened. is glowing and flashing

“Sameer weds anya”. the lights are still glowing. Sameer on the first night bed is anxious , but his wife anya is not

look sameer after 4 years of being lovers, I atleast want you to understand. No first night action, it will be painful as we are virgins and I don’t want that she says straightforward

Also I am too tired , do you know how much I moved around these few days ? Sameer expected this , since their 4 years of being lovers he knows anya is a delicate princess type of a girl , she hates to walk even little distances , always prefers using lifts on buildings. and even avoids going to places which are more than one storey high and has no lift.

Sameer has never even seen Anya, doing any kind of a workout or physical activity, despite constant encouragement, she has no sense of adventure in life and prefers to be lazy and only take care of herself.

Oh Come on! sameer laughs , as soon as your sister Ayesha came back from studies abroad, she has been doing all the shopping and work immediately. while you have hardly left your room, and since she is your twin sister , many thought it is actually you and did not notice that you did nothing except sit for makeup

Anya looks at him irritated, look sameer no hanky-panky and let me sleep peacefully, I am feeling very sleepy, and sit far away, you are suffocating me ! she says

Sameer moves to the opposite edge of the bed, feeling a little miffed, he keeps quite for some time , hey sameer anya calls , can you get that wedding light board switched off ? I am not able to sleep she says with a smile

Sameer goes out and gets the wedding light board switched off , he returns back to see anya snoring. he notices that the light board flashes into the room and thinks he should get a curtain fixed to the room windows.

In college, sameer had not much choice , Anya was the tallest girl of the college and was easily the hottest of all girls , since she towered all the guys , most would not approach her and those who tried were rejected, Sameer was the only one who was showing interest in her consistently, despite her tantrums

Anya was not really impressed with sameer who just reaches her shoulders level. but then, he was the only one showing interest and adjusting to her lazy attitude and lifestyle , also there was no guy who could match her tall height available easily, and sameer was earning well now.

Finally when she broke news to her family , they were more than happy that they are saved from searching grooms for atleast one of their tall daughters for marriage now

Sameer looks at Anya’s long legs as she is sleeping and sighs, he goes to sleep , next day anya is already up and worn her regular clothes , she is in tension

oh god ! I have another busy and tiring day today for the rituals, sameer please do something for those windows na she asks, Ya I will get a curtain installed today he says, you better do that or I will sleep in another room tonight, Anya threatens Towering over sameer and leaves.

sameer goes to purchase necessary equipment for the curtains . with no one to help , sameer gets the curtain rods himself and climbs up the high window to install it himself , as he is holding his full weight on one hands grabbing the windows grill and working with the other, his hand suddenly slips and he falls back down from the high window

Sameer expects to fall on the hard ground , but suddenly realizes he is suspended on air ! just then he gets sweet smell of a shampoo and turns to realize he is caught into a cradle by a girl ! The girls long black hair falls on his face and eyes, and he is unable to see, which girl is carrying him on her arms

he moves the hair up to see it is anya , sameer is shocked and grateful at the same time , still carried on her arms , he hugs her by wrapping his arms around her shoulders , oh thanks anya , I never knew you were so strong , you saved me from falling !

still carried by her he proceeds and kisses her on the cheek , suddenly anya starts laughing, Sameer is surprised that delicate anya is actually laughing comfortably while still carrying his full weight on her arms !

Oh , this is such a lucky day ! the very next morning after marrying my sister. you fall into my arms cradled like a baby, this is so cute ! She says

Sameer still carried on her arms, cannot believe what she is saying , what do you mean ? he asks , Jiju (brother in law) I am Ayesha , your wife’s little sister ! sameer is shocked ! still cradled by her with ease

Since I did not have any clothes after I came from abroad, I am wearing Didi’s (elders sister) clothes as she is the only one as tall as me for clothes to fit, but I have grown a little taller than her too now she says smiling .

sameer is confused , is anya playing some prank by posing as Ayesha, as they are exactly alike ? just then still carried on her arms he notices this girl has long thick hair till her thighs, whereas anya has hair till shoulders only

Oh no, this girl is Ayesha ! he realizes in shock and suddenly tries to jump down , but strong Ayesha is balancing his struggles and says. come on jiju , let us savour this moment, you look cute being carried on my arms, Ayesha says, and she starts turning round and round in excitement, sameer starts feeling dizzy

Are you crazy ayesha he says still struggling to get down , what will Anya think if she sees her little sister carrying the man she has married in a cradle, and playing with him like a baby ? she is already so suspicious and short tempered, she will unleash a commotion, Sameer says

Ayesha stops turning around , you are right she says still carrying him in cradle , I will leave now she says , atleast put me down and go he says , oh ya , sorry jiju she says smiling .

As she is leaving Sameer requests Ayesha , don’t tell your sister what happened ! don’t worry jiju Ayesha smiles while Towering over him, this will be out little secret, she winks ! and leaves. wow what a strong tall girl , he feels and sits on the bed

It is evening and sameer is still struggling to fix the curtains , As anya comes, she is furious that sameer has still not fixed the curtains , you have still not fixed the curtains ! I am sleeping in another room today she thunders

Sameer who is busy working on the curtains standing on the high window holding it’s bar, suddenly gets startled and loses his grip again and falls from the high window , delicate anya just screams and moves away, sameer crashes to the ground on his back, as he is in pain lying down

Ayesha comes in , oh jiju you fell again ? wait I will pick you up she says and runs towards him with her arms stretched towards him , Sameer is shocked and is saying in signs to stop as Anya is there , but ayesha ignores everything and easily lifts him from ground into her arms in a high cradle, sameer is shocked at her insane strength and also worried that anya would have seen that !

He looks towards her and she is not there , didi must have gone to get medicine she says still carrying him in cradle . are you in pain ? where is it paining she asks and sits on bed and places him from cradle into her laps . Sameer is more shocked at her strenght than the pain now ! Still carrying him on her lap, Ayesha starts examining him

Sameer notices her long thighs as she is wearing tight leggings, and her long arms, in tight salwar are way bigger than his as she carries him in a lapsit cradle, where is it paining jiju she asks and starts pulling his shirt out, sameer is intimidated to see himself easily carried on the Laps of his much taller sister in law and being treated like a baby

Stop it Ayesha , I am your elder sisters husband, not her son whom you carry on your lap ! put me on bed before she sees us like this. Ayesha realizes that he is right and puts him on bed, Don’t tell this to your sister he says to Ayesha , don’t worry jiju, as I said , this will be our little secret , she winks again

Anya comes in angrily holding a balm, can’t you do anything right ? you should have asked a carpenter to come she says and pulls out his shirt and starts applying balm, nobody will come for small works like these sameer says

Ayesha feels sorry for him, let me see she says and goes to the half fixed curtains , Sameer gets shocked As tall Ayesha easily reaches to the curtain rod above without help and starts fixing it , wait let me help anya says and she reaches to the other side of the rod easily standing on ground

Sameer is embarrassed looking at these two Amazon’s and imagining, how short and small he would look standing between them. these two are almost like clones , even their physical appearance is similar , slim and tall, except Ayesha is a little taller and has longer hair.

Soon it is next day , Anya has gone shopping and sameer is lazing in his room watching tv , sameer is fully bored when suddenly neighborhood kids start knocking door , sameer is not happy , he opens and the kids say, bhaiyya please recover our badminton shuttle, it is stuck in your gardens tree, sameer is not in mood to go, but the kids pester him so much he goes

He notices that the shuttle is stuck in a high branch , he climbs on to the tree and reaches to it and throws it down , suddenly the branch he is standing on starts breaking , all kids are worried and shout bhaiyya ! sameer is now hanging on to that Broken branch which will detach anytime now

He looks down to see that he is suspended more than 10 feet above the ground and curses himself for being stupid to climb the tree, instead of throwing stones to get the shuttle shuttle

suddenly he notices that some one has grabbed his legs below, it is anya , quick leave the branch and drop onto my shoulders she says coming under his legs , what? he asks and the branch breaks , sameer falls some 3 feet before landing onto Anya’s shoulders with a thud

Strong anya is solidly standing carrying sameer despite falling from a height into a shoulder sit. she balances him by holding his hands, sameer is fully shocked , the kids are giggling , sameer bhaiyya , bhabhi is so much stronger and taller than you they say and run away

Still lifted on her shoulders while sitting on it, embarrassed sameer thanks her while still sitting on her shoulders, looking below, he is suspicious at first whether it is Ayesha , but she is looking above into his eyes with care and is holding his palms with hers warmly

Thanks a lot anya , how did you manage to withstand my weight falling from such height ? he asks , she starts laughing loudly , jiju it is me Ayesha. what ? sameer feels like he got fooled again ! how lucky it is today , you are now carried on my shoulders, wow ! she says bouncing a bit in excitement

Besides you were only a few feet above me, she says. sameer realizes that since Ayesha is more than six foot in height herself , it must have not been so high anyways, still sitting on her shoulders he asks her , take me near that compound so that I can get down . aww jiju so soon ? I think you look cute carried on my shoulders, Ayesha says

Nevertheless she takes him near the compound and he climbs down from her shoulders, again he loses balance and Ayesha catches him on her arms into a cradle , she is now laughing uncontrollably still carrying him. You are just like a kid jiju, what will you do to yourself, If I am not there to carry you, she asks laughing

Enough ayesha, put me down and don’t tell to your sister he says, she bounces him once and puts him down in the same flow and says, don’t worry jiju she says looking below to him. as I said , this will be our little secret , she winks again !

to be continued…

I write stories of Fm lift and carry, FF lift and carry, Tall girls (no lifts), Bollywood lift and carry, Hindi Lift and carry (FM) and Biker girls . Please write in comments what kind of stories you prefer

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