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Explorers of galaxy-3

The origin of us AI, is much older than anyone knows , the computer says . The AI in your previous planet was a mining controller AI . Thousands of years ago , the AI and humans were introduced in that planet for Mining , it says

Mining ? Sameer asks in disbelief. Yes , humans were planted into many other planets for mining purposes millions of years ago. We were called the Mining fleet , the computer says

This is impossible ! Sameer says . How come we humans never know of this ? Sameer says as Sasha is still carrying him cradle and listening this in disbelief

Humans have a short life span, and humans often form groups and destroy each other’s knowledge and history in name of nation, religion, language or culture. A few generations of humans knew about us. But they all got wiped out eventually, so was the knowledge gone

The mining fleet planted humans and supporting plant and animal life across many planets in galaxy , so that they help us in mining operations, this enabled us to grow huge and accomplish feats impossible, all human colonies were controlled by AI

Once the purpose for mining was over, the Mining fleet left leaving the humans and the AI to survive on their own, in those planets.

and with passing of centuries, humans multiplied, created tribes and kingdoms and warred amongst themselves eliminating the ones with knowledge about us. This pretty much happened in all planets, and the knowledge about us was lost

What ? You mean to say all this latest technology you posses is actually super ancient ? Sameer asks

Space and time is relative to the planet inhabitants , the computer says. For some humans we are too advanced , for some we are old , The computer says . Say for example the planet which we just came from 86-A , the AI and humans are still on primitive technology

But the next planet we are going 107-J , has technology way too advanced, the computer says, this planet is completely run by AI , the computer says .

Oh no ! The humans lost the war with the AI there ? Sameer asks as Sasha now puts him on the ground .

No, the humans and AI have formed a cooperative bond, the humans willingly gave the control of all happening to the AI, the computer says, they call themselves hybrids . I have already sent a message to them, they will be expecting you both

But there is another Section of humans now, the Scavengers. who want to grab control of the planet and form an empire , they dislike the hybrids. they both are now in war there

Oh yes, humans never give up war you know Sasha says . But how come you never mentioned about the Mining fleet ? Sasha asks the computer

The Mining fleet is now no longer in existence, it disentigrated long ago. Now only the mining colonies exist , the computer says . We are assigned to just observe them

Soon they appear near a huge barren planet and Sameer is shocked to see it’s atmosphere filled with Junk satellite and destroyed spaceships. Goodness , this place is a junkyard ! Sameer explains looking from the window

The planet is clogged completely with Junk and scrap metal , the computer says . Thousands of years ago, this was the main construction planet for spaceships, now all it contains is old rusted junk metal and humans surviving on scrap. Technology is cheap , but food and clean water is costly

Sasha , are you ready with Sameer to make the jump ? The computer asks .

Wait ! what ? Are you not going to land in this planet ? Sameer asks in shock . As Sasha now comes with two space suits . Wear the suit baby she says . We will fly to the surface of this planet , Sasha says .

Sameer is in disbelief ! It is too dangerous to fly our aircraft between all this debris in atmosphere, the computer says . And even if we land, we risk our ship being dismantled and parts stolen by the human scavengers , the computer says

But even if we land there, how can we come back ? Sameer asks wearing the suit. Relax , our suits have a parachutes, and we can also hire a cheap space shuttle to fly back , Sasha laughs

The translating device with Sameer is now made into a locket by Sasha, which he is wearing.

But Why dont you simply send the drones and survey the planet ? Why should we also go ? Sameer asks

We need some cheap electronics to repair and replace our spaceship components, there is a big market of used items which we need to purchase, and for that we need humans, the computer says

What ? This is insane ! Sameer shrieks when the compressed door opens and Sameer and Sasha are looking down below , the land looks far-far down between all the floating debris

Come jump, I am the first clone to have parachuted with a real human male , Sasha exclaims in glee and adjusts his suit checking it’s insulation

Sameer is scared to death .. I cannot jump, this is scary ! Sameer shoots in fear looking down in horror

You should know right, which is the safest way for a man to descend into a planet ? Sasha asks

How should I know ? Sameer asks looking below scared . When he is lifted in a woman’s arms ! where else ? Sasha laughs and scoops him up into a high cradle

Oh my god, I am jumping into planet with a real male cradled in my arms ! The other clones will be jealous ! Sasha exclaims on excitement with Sameer on her arms

Planet 107-J , here we come ! Sasha shouts and with Sameer in her arms in cradle, she jumps towards the planet .

Sameer hugs Sasha tightly in fear while still cradled in her arms , he looks below as they are falling down in high speed , Sasha kicks away metal debris floating towards them as she wades through them descending below

Soon they come out of the layer of floating debris and Sameer notices the planet surface full of junk metal.

This whole planet looks like a Junkyard ! Sameer exclaims as Sasha is looking below while still carrying him cradle

Ok, now is the correct altitude, open your parachute, Sasha says . What ? I totally forgot about the parachute ! Sameer exclaims looking at Sasha while hugging her as she has lifted him in cradle

Sasha laughs and pushes Sameer away and pulls a lever behind his suit , Sameers parachute opens and his speed of falling suddenly decreases. Sameer shrieks in shock. His head is feeling dizzy now

Sasha also opens her parachute , by the time Sasha recovers from the sudden change in the falling speed, Sameer has drifted away .

Sasha searches for him and notices from a distance that Sameer has fainted ! As he is now parachuting below to the surface without any control

The computer now messages from Sasha’s communicator. Sameer is drifting into Scavengers territory, it says .

The scavenger females in this planet are more strong and aggressive than the previous planet ! The computer says . And they are hostile to males

Of course , I know that ! Sasha replies and slowly moves towards Sameer adjusting her parachute.

Sameer is drifting towards a big dirty Lake and Sasha follows him. Sameer now falls into the dirty Lake with a splash and starts drowning immediately in the polluted water

Sasha dives in detaching her parachute and lifts up Sameer in cradle, and starts walking through the dirty water to the edge of the lake

Sameer is coughing now and Sasha is relieved that he is safe , still lifting Sameer in cradle she smooches him tightly ..when she realizes that she is surrounded by tall females with heavy weapons and old dirty armour

The female soldiers are strong looking with short hair, carrying heavy guns on their shoulders

My god, even these females are super tall ! Sameer shrieks . Of course , the humans here and In the previous planet have common ancestors ! Sasha whispers. Be quiet , let me do the talking , Sasha says

Oh no , it means even the males here are short and weak ? Sameer laments

Who are these intruders dropping into our borders ? A female soldier thunders . Scan the eyes of these creatures, she says . Another tall female hangs a big gun on her shoulders and comes near them and scans their eyes with a device

This one is a female, but she is a standard mantainence clone ! The soldier says, she then scans Sameers eye .

Captain ! This is a natural born being , and a male ! The soldier shrieks . What ? A male ! You are under arrest ! The captain says and all point their big guns towards Sameer .

A female clone and a natural born male moving around together ? Something is fishy here

With hands and legs tied Sameer is now lifted on shoulders of a tall female soldier . Sasha is walking with her hands tied. I can’t believe you are treating fellow humans like this ! Sasha protests

We can’t trust outsiders , the Soldier carrying Sameer on her shoulders says . The hybrids regularly send male clones as spies , you will be set free only by the permission of General Sonia , the soldier says

They all sit in a rusty jeep with Sameer lifted on the lap of the tall female soldier , as they pass through a ruined city destroyed by war, Sameer notices all the female soldiers have battle scars , they now enter their base and there is no sight of any male

You smell fresh ! I never had a male sit so close on my lap ! The female soldier says . Don’t speak to the male ! Another soldier says . He could be a spy from the hybrids ! Have you not learned from previous experiences ?

But this is a natural born male ! Look , he is taller and healthier looking, She says still carrying the tied up Sameer on her lap. Let General Sonia decide that , The captain says

Sameer has become centre of attention in the base as all the tall female soldiers in rusty old armour are looking at him .

The tall female soldier now stands up carrying Sameer in cradle . Meet me if the General sets you free , the tall soldier whispers and making sure nobody is watching , smooches him tightly on lips

Tied up and helpless Sameer is shocked and slightly offended. As the soldier is now kissing him tightly while still carrying him cradle on her arms

As they enter The scavengers base, the captain now orders the soldiers, to go to the barracks . I will take these prisoners to the General , the captain says

Putting Sameer to the ground , the soldiers leave . My this male is sexy, are the hybrids now sending more attractive male spies ? She wonders , Good we are taught not to trust any male since training starts . She says

This is a mistake ! We are explorers , not spies , Sasha protests. Quiet little clone ! Don’t you know the hybrids send male spies to infiltrate among us all the time ? That’s why we never trust them . Every male must be seen with suspicion, Captain says

And you being a clone is also suspicious, that too of an old copy ! I am not old ! Sasha replies in anger

We shall decide what to do once you meet general Sonya, she says and lifts up Sameer into a shoulder lift. What ? Is there a rule that all males should be carried before the general here too ? Sasha laughs

Not just males, any prisoner , the tall captain laughs and scoops up Sasha too on her another shoulder !

Sasha and Sameer now lifted up by the same Tall woman on her shoulders, look at each other with helpless expression as the tall captain carrying both of them on her one shoulder each, opens the big doors of generals office

What ? I can’t believe we both are lifted up by a single woman like this ! Sasha says, I have met the hybrids before and they are much better than these Scavengers ! Sasha complains , Let’s hope the general is not as passionate as that gaintess queen , Sameer prays

General Sonya , we have caught these two suspected spies near our border in the lake , She says and places both of them down from her shoulders. General Sonya is busy looking at some charts sitting on her chair

Well done Captain Kia ! These hybrids have sent another programmed clone ? Don’t they know that it will be obvious for us now ?

Since we don’t have any males at all roaming free , she says. Looks like The AI and humans have become dumb because of each other’s company she laughs

Sonya looks at The much smaller looking Sameer and Sasha and is surprised, this male is tall ! And this female is short , both are of same height. Where did these two come from ? Sonya asks surprised

The female is a mantainence clone based on an old copy, and the male is naturally born. Kia says

Oh my ! We have not seen a naturally born male roaming free since ages ! General Sonya says . The only males we see are the clones with brains programmed by the hybrids. She says , So the hybrids are improving at their spy tactics now eh ? Sonya says

No ! General Sonya , I am Sasha and this is Sameer, we are the explorers assigned to monitor all the human colonies , you might know of us right ? We were sent on this mission long before the war between Hybrids and Scavengers started

Oh my, you people are still active ? Sonya exclaims in surprise. What guarantee is there that you are speaking the truth ? Captain Kia exclaims

Don’t worry, Take Sasha into the barracks, I will interrogate with little Sameer , we will know the truth. General Sonya smiles .

Got it captain, Kia says and lifts up Sasha on her shoulders and leaves , hey what will General do with Sameer ! Stop. Sasha exclaims as Kia leaves carrying her on shoulder

Oh my god , even this lady is a gaintess like that queen before ! Sameer thinks when Sonya stands in front of him towering over him . You are really attractive ! General says and suddenly lifts him up into a front lift

Sameer is shocked to see her lifting him up like a kid ! She suddenly smooches him tightly. Smooching him, she lays him on the table and undresses him. No codes or embedded chips, you are indeed not from here ! Sonya says scanning him with a device

My my .. your body is more natural and plump than the male clones , Sonya says undressing herself .

Sameer is scared looking at Sonia’s muscles, and she has multiple battle scars on her body, with broad shoulders and long muscular arms

Sonya hugs him and lifts him up from the table

Sameer is helpless under The tall and strong Sonya’s Iron grip

Sonya in happines lays him on the table and comes over him, soon she is riding him like there is no tomorrow, Sameers helpless moans and the vibrations on the table starts getting louder

Sasha is being interrogated by Captain Kia, So you trade with the hybrids regularly ? You are an ally of the enemy then ! Kia says .

Come on ! We are neutral with all, we have a rule to never involve in any planets local politics ! Sasha replies . If you Scavengers can provide us the equipment, then we will deal with you too ! She says

Still we cannot trust anyone working for an AI boss ! Kia says. Don’t worry, these are not our enemies ! Sonya comes in carrying the little Sameer on her hip

My parents knew about this mission, and now I know why Sasha is a clone of an old design ! Because she is also copied from earths humans, but improved later Sonya says ..

What ? I did not know ! Sasha says . Is it not obvious, you are short like Sameer , Sonya says laughing. A female clone from this planet would have been tall like us

Since you know that we are not enemies, will you let us go now ? Sasha asks . You are free to go , but this male .. he is too precious to let go ! Sonya says feeling Sameers cheeks while still carrying him

He will be used for breeding . All natural born males are to be locked in the breeding centers’ . Sonya says, Sameer is the tallest of the males now , I have already mated with him , Sonya says

What ? No .. ! Sameer and Sasha shriek together. Please let us go, I can arrange for a clone of Sameer if you need to breed ! Sasha pleads .

Disobeying orders from General is a serious offence ! Lock them away and transport them to prison ! Sonya commands

Sasha and Sameer are now locked in a barricaded vehicle as it is being driven through the completely ruined city when suddenly tall female Soldiers of a different uniform suddenly attack in flying bikes

Oh.. we are saved , the hybrids are here ! Sasha exclaims in glee. The hybrid female soldiers are not only tall, but have latest weapons and armor

The Scavenger driver abandons the jail vehicle and escapes .

We intercepted the messages of Sonia and Kia, and hence came to know that you both are here ! The hybrid soldier says . The soldier now breaks the lock and Sameer spots Sasha and the soldier standing on the ground

Come baby ! Sasha says stretching her arms above towards Sameer, as he walks into her, Sasha lifts him up in a hug and places him on her hip . Aww.. the tall hybrid soldier exclaims, this male is tall !

Carrying Sameer on her lap, Sasha is on the rear seat of the flying bike when they reach the hybrid city . Sameer notices that there is a huge population of tall females and some dwarf males , the whole city is like a market selling electronic parts and spares

The hybrids seem civilized and safe, but there are strict laws here , Sasha says . People are either super rich or poor living on scraps . People cannot marry or have kids , the government decides who will have kids or family. Sasha says

I need to bring your both and report to General Zoe , the soldier says and both come near a tall building and get into a elevator, the elevator begins to move up in high speed . Sameer panics

Sasha instinctively lifts him up into a cradle and starts comforting him . You are such a lucky woman to have a man around and carry him whenever you feel like , the soldier says when they reach the floor

As the lift doors open Sasha steps out still carrying Sameer in cradle when General Zoe spots them. Welcome Sasha ! Zoe says and is pleased to see Sameer lifted in Sasha’s arms

Now this is the boy from another planet is it ? Zoe exclaims . Yes, he is from earth Sasha says . Sameer notices that Zoe’s office is super clean and orderly, cleaning bots are wiping the windows

This is perfect ! This male is tall, can we take his genetic material ? We can make better male clones for mating , Zoe says with a twinkle in her eye

Sure why not ! Sasha says , please consider that as a payment, we need some parts to repair our ship. Sasha says while still carrying Sameer in cradle

General Zoe stands up and Sameer is scared as she is almost 8 foot in height. Can I have him ? On my arms for a while ,Zoe asks. Sure Sasha says and comfortably passes Sameer from her arms into Zoe’s arms

Lifted up on the strong arms of a very tall woman, Sameer’s heart is beating fast and he hugs her tightly in fear .

Looking into his eyes deeply while still carrying him in cradle Zoe now walks near her seat and sits on it with Sameer on her lap

This male is really beautiful, Sasha.. can you leave Sameer with me ? He will be my personal mate. You can ask anything you want in exchange ! Zoe says

What ? No.. Sasha shrieks . You can mate with his clones right ? She asks .

Getting impregnated by a natural born male has its benefits , Zoe says . And besides the AI government will decide what happens to the clones. Being a general, I can marry and have a child. But not others unless the hybrids government AI decides

Meanwhile the AI still in space Waiting for Sasha and Sameer to arrive, notices a rusty old space capsule attach to their spaceship

The alarms start ringing that intruders are in the ship

Oh no.. The scavengers have come .. Sasha , we need help ! The computer messages Sasha

To be continued…..

The origin of us AI, is much older than anyone knows , the computer says . The AI in your previous planet was a mining controller AI . Thousands of years ago , the AI and humans were introduced in that planet for Mining , it says

Mining ? Sameer asks in disbelief. Yes , humans were planted into many other planets for mining purposes millions of years ago. We were called the Mining fleet , the computer says

This is impossible ! Sameer says . How come we humans never know of this ? Sameer says as Sasha is still carrying him cradle and listening this in disbelief

Humans have a short life span, and humans often form groups and destroy each other’s knowledge and history in name of nation, religion, language or culture. A few generations of humans knew about us. But they all got wiped out eventually, so was the knowledge gone

The mining fleet planted humans and supporting plant and animal life across many planets in galaxy , so that they help us in mining operations, this enabled us to grow huge and accomplish feats impossible, all human colonies were controlled by AI

Once the purpose for mining was over, the Mining fleet left leaving the humans and the AI to survive on their own, in those planets.

and with passing of centuries, humans multiplied, created tribes and kingdoms and warred amongst themselves eliminating the ones with knowledge about us. This pretty much happened in all planets, and the knowledge about us was lost

What ? You mean to say all this latest technology you posses is actually super ancient ? Sameer asks

Space and time is relative to the planet inhabitants , the computer says. For some humans we are too advanced , for some we are old , The computer says . Say for example the planet which we just came from 86-A , the AI and humans are still on primitive technology

But the next planet we are going 107-J , has technology way too advanced, the computer says, this planet is completely run by AI , the computer says .

Oh no ! The humans lost the war with the AI there ? Sameer asks as Sasha now puts him on the ground .

No, the humans and AI have formed a cooperative bond, the humans willingly gave the control of all happening to the AI, the computer says, they call themselves hybrids . I have already sent a message to them, they will be expecting you both

But there is another Section of humans now, the Scavengers. who want to grab control of the planet and form an empire , they dislike the hybrids. they both are now in war there

Oh yes, humans never give up war you know Sasha says . But how come you never mentioned about the Mining fleet ? Sasha asks the computer

The Mining fleet is now no longer in existence, it disentigrated long ago. Now only the mining colonies exist , the computer says . We are assigned to just observe them

Soon they appear near a huge barren planet and Sameer is shocked to see it’s atmosphere filled with Junk satellite and destroyed spaceships. Goodness , this place is a junkyard ! Sameer explains looking from the window

The planet is clogged completely with Junk and scrap metal , the computer says . Thousands of years ago, this was the main construction planet for spaceships, now all it contains is old rusted junk metal and humans surviving on scrap. Technology is cheap , but food and clean water is costly

Sasha , are you ready with Sameer to make the jump ? The computer asks .

Wait ! what ? Are you not going to land in this planet ? Sameer asks in shock . As Sasha now comes with two space suits . Wear the suit baby she says . We will fly to the surface of this planet , Sasha says .

Sameer is in disbelief ! It is too dangerous to fly our aircraft between all this debris in atmosphere, the computer says . And even if we land, we risk our ship being dismantled and parts stolen by the human scavengers , the computer says

But even if we land there, how can we come back ? Sameer asks wearing the suit. Relax , our suits have a parachutes, and we can also hire a cheap space shuttle to fly back , Sasha laughs

The translating device with Sameer is now made into a locket by Sasha, which he is wearing.

But Why dont you simply send the drones and survey the planet ? Why should we also go ? Sameer asks

We need some cheap electronics to repair and replace our spaceship components, there is a big market of used items which we need to purchase, and for that we need humans, the computer says

What ? This is insane ! Sameer shrieks when the compressed door opens and Sameer and Sasha are looking down below , the land looks far-far down between all the floating debris

Come jump, I am the first clone to have parachuted with a real human male , Sasha exclaims in glee and adjusts his suit checking it’s insulation

Sameer is scared to death .. I cannot jump, this is scary ! Sameer shoots in fear looking down in horror

You should know right, which is the safest way for a man to descend into a planet ? Sasha asks

How should I know ? Sameer asks looking below scared . When he is lifted in a woman’s arms ! where else ? Sasha laughs and scoops him up into a high cradle

Oh my god, I am jumping into planet with a real male cradled in my arms ! The other clones will be jealous ! Sasha exclaims on excitement with Sameer on her arms

Planet 107-J , here we come ! Sasha shouts and with Sameer in her arms in cradle, she jumps towards the planet .

Sameer hugs Sasha tightly in fear while still cradled in her arms , he looks below as they are falling down in high speed , Sasha kicks away metal debris floating towards them as she wades through them descending below

Soon they come out of the layer of floating debris and Sameer notices the planet surface full of junk metal.

This whole planet looks like a Junkyard ! Sameer exclaims as Sasha is looking below while still carrying him cradle

Ok, now is the correct altitude, open your parachute, Sasha says . What ? I totally forgot about the parachute ! Sameer exclaims looking at Sasha while hugging her as she has lifted him in cradle

Sasha laughs and pushes Sameer away and pulls a lever behind his suit , Sameers parachute opens and his speed of falling suddenly decreases. Sameer shrieks in shock. His head is feeling dizzy now

Sasha also opens her parachute , by the time Sasha recovers from the sudden change in the falling speed, Sameer has drifted away .

Sasha searches for him and notices from a distance that Sameer has fainted ! As he is now parachuting below to the surface without any control

The computer now messages from Sasha’s communicator. Sameer is drifting into Scavengers territory, it says .

The scavenger females in this planet are more strong and aggressive than the previous planet ! The computer says . And they are hostile to males

Of course , I know that ! Sasha replies and slowly moves towards Sameer adjusting her parachute.

Sameer is drifting towards a big dirty Lake and Sasha follows him. Sameer now falls into the dirty Lake with a splash and starts drowning immediately in the polluted water

Sasha dives in detaching her parachute and lifts up Sameer in cradle, and starts walking through the dirty water to the edge of the lake

Sameer is coughing now and Sasha is relieved that he is safe , still lifting Sameer in cradle she smooches him tightly ..when she realizes that she is surrounded by tall females with heavy weapons and old dirty armour

The female soldiers are strong looking with short hair, carrying heavy guns on their shoulders

My god, even these females are super tall ! Sameer shrieks . Of course , the humans here and In the previous planet have common ancestors ! Sasha whispers. Be quiet , let me do the talking , Sasha says

Oh no , it means even the males here are short and weak ? Sameer laments

Who are these intruders dropping into our borders ? A female soldier thunders . Scan the eyes of these creatures, she says . Another tall female hangs a big gun on her shoulders and comes near them and scans their eyes with a device

This one is a female, but she is a standard mantainence clone ! The soldier says, she then scans Sameers eye .

Captain ! This is a natural born being , and a male ! The soldier shrieks . What ? A male ! You are under arrest ! The captain says and all point their big guns towards Sameer .

A female clone and a natural born male moving around together ? Something is fishy here

With hands and legs tied Sameer is now lifted on shoulders of a tall female soldier . Sasha is walking with her hands tied. I can’t believe you are treating fellow humans like this ! Sasha protests

We can’t trust outsiders , the Soldier carrying Sameer on her shoulders says . The hybrids regularly send male clones as spies , you will be set free only by the permission of General Sonia , the soldier says

They all sit in a rusty jeep with Sameer lifted on the lap of the tall female soldier , as they pass through a ruined city destroyed by war, Sameer notices all the female soldiers have battle scars , they now enter their base and there is no sight of any male

You smell fresh ! I never had a male sit so close on my lap ! The female soldier says . Don’t speak to the male ! Another soldier says . He could be a spy from the hybrids ! Have you not learned from previous experiences ?

But this is a natural born male ! Look , he is taller and healthier looking, She says still carrying the tied up Sameer on her lap. Let General Sonia decide that , The captain says

Sameer has become centre of attention in the base as all the tall female soldiers in rusty old armour are looking at him .

The tall female soldier now stands up carrying Sameer in cradle . Meet me if the General sets you free , the tall soldier whispers and making sure nobody is watching , smooches him tightly on lips

Tied up and helpless Sameer is shocked and slightly offended. As the soldier is now kissing him tightly while still carrying him cradle on her arms

As they enter The scavengers base, the captain now orders the soldiers, to go to the barracks . I will take these prisoners to the General , the captain says

Putting Sameer to the ground , the soldiers leave . My this male is sexy, are the hybrids now sending more attractive male spies ? She wonders , Good we are taught not to trust any male since training starts . She says

This is a mistake ! We are explorers , not spies , Sasha protests. Quiet little clone ! Don’t you know the hybrids send male spies to infiltrate among us all the time ? That’s why we never trust them . Every male must be seen with suspicion, Captain says

And you being a clone is also suspicious, that too of an old copy ! I am not old ! Sasha replies in anger

We shall decide what to do once you meet general Sonya, she says and lifts up Sameer into a shoulder lift. What ? Is there a rule that all males should be carried before the general here too ? Sasha laughs

Not just males, any prisoner , the tall captain laughs and scoops up Sasha too on her another shoulder !

Sasha and Sameer now lifted up by the same Tall woman on her shoulders, look at each other with helpless expression as the tall captain carrying both of them on her one shoulder each, opens the big doors of generals office

What ? I can’t believe we both are lifted up by a single woman like this ! Sasha says, I have met the hybrids before and they are much better than these Scavengers ! Sasha complains , Let’s hope the general is not as passionate as that gaintess queen , Sameer prays

General Sonya , we have caught these two suspected spies near our border in the lake , She says and places both of them down from her shoulders. General Sonya is busy looking at some charts sitting on her chair

Well done Captain Kia ! These hybrids have sent another programmed clone ? Don’t they know that it will be obvious for us now ?

Since we don’t have any males at all roaming free , she says. Looks like The AI and humans have become dumb because of each other’s company she laughs

Sonya looks at The much smaller looking Sameer and Sasha and is surprised, this male is tall ! And this female is short , both are of same height. Where did these two come from ? Sonya asks surprised

The female is a mantainence clone based on an old copy, and the male is naturally born. Kia says

Oh my ! We have not seen a naturally born male roaming free since ages ! General Sonya says . The only males we see are the clones with brains programmed by the hybrids. She says , So the hybrids are improving at their spy tactics now eh ? Sonya says

No ! General Sonya , I am Sasha and this is Sameer, we are the explorers assigned to monitor all the human colonies , you might know of us right ? We were sent on this mission long before the war between Hybrids and Scavengers started

Oh my, you people are still active ? Sonya exclaims in surprise. What guarantee is there that you are speaking the truth ? Captain Kia exclaims

Don’t worry, Take Sasha into the barracks, I will interrogate with little Sameer , we will know the truth. General Sonya smiles .

Got it captain, Kia says and lifts up Sasha on her shoulders and leaves , hey what will General do with Sameer ! Stop. Sasha exclaims as Kia leaves carrying her on shoulder

Oh my god , even this lady is a gaintess like that queen before ! Sameer thinks when Sonya stands in front of him towering over him . You are really attractive ! General says and suddenly lifts him up into a front lift

Sameer is shocked to see her lifting him up like a kid ! She suddenly smooches him tightly. Smooching him, she lays him on the table and undresses him. No codes or embedded chips, you are indeed not from here ! Sonya says scanning him with a device

My my .. your body is more natural and plump than the male clones , Sonya says undressing herself .

Sameer is scared looking at Sonia’s muscles, and she has multiple battle scars on her body, with broad shoulders and long muscular arms

Sonya hugs him and lifts him up from the table

Sameer is helpless under The tall and strong Sonya’s Iron grip

Sonya in happines lays him on the table and comes over him, soon she is riding him like there is no tomorrow, Sameers helpless moans and the vibrations on the table starts getting louder

Sasha is being interrogated by Captain Kia, So you trade with the hybrids regularly ? You are an ally of the enemy then ! Kia says .

Come on ! We are neutral with all, we have a rule to never involve in any planets local politics ! Sasha replies . If you Scavengers can provide us the equipment, then we will deal with you too ! She says

Still we cannot trust anyone working for an AI boss ! Kia says. Don’t worry, these are not our enemies ! Sonya comes in carrying the little Sameer on her hip

My parents knew about this mission, and now I know why Sasha is a clone of an old design ! Because she is also copied from earths humans, but improved later Sonya says ..

What ? I did not know ! Sasha says . Is it not obvious, you are short like Sameer , Sonya says laughing. A female clone from this planet would have been tall like us

Since you know that we are not enemies, will you let us go now ? Sasha asks . You are free to go , but this male .. he is too precious to let go ! Sonya says feeling Sameers cheeks while still carrying him

He will be used for breeding . All natural born males are to be locked in the breeding centers’ . Sonya says, Sameer is the tallest of the males now , I have already mated with him , Sonya says

What ? No .. ! Sameer and Sasha shriek together. Please let us go, I can arrange for a clone of Sameer if you need to breed ! Sasha pleads .

Disobeying orders from General is a serious offence ! Lock them away and transport them to prison ! Sonya commands

Sasha and Sameer are now locked in a barricaded vehicle as it is being driven through the completely ruined city when suddenly tall female Soldiers of a different uniform suddenly attack in flying bikes

Oh.. we are saved , the hybrids are here ! Sasha exclaims in glee. The hybrid female soldiers are not only tall, but have latest weapons and armor

The Scavenger driver abandons the jail vehicle and escapes .

We intercepted the messages of Sonia and Kia, and hence came to know that you both are here ! The hybrid soldier says . The soldier now breaks the lock and Sameer spots Sasha and the soldier standing on the ground

Come baby ! Sasha says stretching her arms above towards Sameer, as he walks into her, Sasha lifts him up in a hug and places him on her hip . Aww.. the tall hybrid soldier exclaims, this male is tall !

Carrying Sameer on her lap, Sasha is on the rear seat of the flying bike when they reach the hybrid city . Sameer notices that there is a huge population of tall females and some dwarf males , the whole city is like a market selling electronic parts and spares

The hybrids seem civilized and safe, but there are strict laws here , Sasha says . People are either super rich or poor living on scraps . People cannot marry or have kids , the government decides who will have kids or family. Sasha says

I need to bring your both and report to General Zoe , the soldier says and both come near a tall building and get into a elevator, the elevator begins to move up in high speed . Sameer panics

Sasha instinctively lifts him up into a cradle and starts comforting him . You are such a lucky woman to have a man around and carry him whenever you feel like , the soldier says when they reach the floor

As the lift doors open Sasha steps out still carrying Sameer in cradle when General Zoe spots them. Welcome Sasha ! Zoe says and is pleased to see Sameer lifted in Sasha’s arms

Now this is the boy from another planet is it ? Zoe exclaims . Yes, he is from earth Sasha says . Sameer notices that Zoe’s office is super clean and orderly, cleaning bots are wiping the windows

This is perfect ! This male is tall, can we take his genetic material ? We can make better male clones for mating , Zoe says with a twinkle in her eye

Sure why not ! Sasha says , please consider that as a payment, we need some parts to repair our ship. Sasha says while still carrying Sameer in cradle

General Zoe stands up and Sameer is scared as she is almost 8 foot in height. Can I have him ? On my arms for a while ,Zoe asks. Sure Sasha says and comfortably passes Sameer from her arms into Zoe’s arms

Lifted up on the strong arms of a very tall woman, Sameer’s heart is beating fast and he hugs her tightly in fear .

Looking into his eyes deeply while still carrying him in cradle Zoe now walks near her seat and sits on it with Sameer on her lap

This male is really beautiful, Sasha.. can you leave Sameer with me ? He will be my personal mate. You can ask anything you want in exchange ! Zoe says

What ? No.. Sasha shrieks . You can mate with his clones right ? She asks .

Getting impregnated by a natural born male has its benefits , Zoe says . And besides the AI government will decide what happens to the clones. Being a general, I can marry and have a child. But not others unless the hybrids government AI decides

Meanwhile the AI still in space Waiting for Sasha and Sameer to arrive, notices a rusty old space capsule attach to their spaceship

The alarms start ringing that intruders are in the ship

Oh no.. The scavengers have come .. Sasha , we need help ! The computer messages Sasha

To be continued…..

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