The Wizard’s daughter – 2

I should reach the grandmasters castle fast , before Shirin and her father realize that I have captured this boy from future ! the female wizard thinks and starts riding the horse fast

After some distance riding, Ishaan who is tied up and almost naked, except for a cloth covering his privates, is shivering in the cold.

I thought a cute naked man, tied up and lying helpless in front of me, will keep me pleased till the end of journey. but this boy is in bad shape now . I should have atleast taken his clothes along with him, she thinks riding the horse.

Grandmaster had said that I should deliver this boy in proper health and unharmed. I better make him wear some warm clothes now , she thinks

The girl stops the horse near an old abandoned hut. Come future boy, let’s get you dressed up, she says and lifts up Ishaan on her shoulders, holding an old bag in her hand she enters inside the hut.

Tired and shivering, Ishaan is in no state to run, the girl unties his hands and dresses him up with the old set of clothes she has. Ishaan looks at himself inside the dress and is shocked that he is wearing a girl’s dress !

What ? A skirt and a frilled top ? What have you dressed me up with ? Ishaan asks in desperation. Did you not get anything else for me to wear ? He asks looking up at her. The girl is now tying her long black hair

Be happy that I atleast had this old dress of mine in my bag, the girl laughs. I used to wear this when I was young and small. I am glad this fits you perfectly, she says feeling his back and waist for the fitting

She now walks behind looking at how Ishaan is appearing when wearing her dress. Oh my , I never thought a fully grown man will look so attractive wearing my own clothes, the girl says

Ishaan is feeling miserable realizing that he is so short compared to this tall girl, that her childhood dress is fitting him perfectly. He starts feeling nervous when she now comes close to him, looking below at him in lust

Look at you, with that smooth and glowing skin wearing my own dress. I don’t know why I am getting such a strong urge to make love to you, when looking at you wearing my own dress. The girl says touching his lips with her fingers

She then bends down and inserts her palm below Ishaans short skirt and starts grabbing him. Ishaan is feeling helpless when she scoops him up into her arms in a cradle

Carrying the helpless and short Ishaan who is wearing her own old clothes. the girl sits on a big stone and places him on her lap now

Ishaan is looking at her scared, the girl starts feeling his chest and neck and starts kissing him deeply. While still carrying him on her lap. Her hands slowly goes inside his skirt again

Ishaan is now trying to free himself as she has held him on her lap forcefully , aggressively kissing and feeling his backside, she now starts rubbing him . Ishaan starts moaning in passion

Oh no. The master had said that I should deliver this boy unharmed and untouched , the girl thinks and puts him down. Ishaan wearing the frilled top and short skirt is now standing near her

Looking at Ishaan wearing a short skirt, with his thighs visible, the girl gets another strong surge of lust looking at him.

To ruin with everything ! the girl says and suddenly bends down grabbing Ishaan in a bearhug and stands up lifting him in a high front lift. Ishaan is feeling himself like a toy, lifted up so high by the girl

She carries Ishaan and holds him up high against the old wall inside the abandoned hut, pushing her arms under his backside and raising his weight up, she is now carrying him on a front shoulder sit.

Ishaan already humiliated in the girls dress, and dominated by being lifted up by the tall girl, Ishaan is powerless and his helpless moans and cries is now heard outside the old hut

Meanwhile, Shirin is searching for Ishaan and spots his clothes near the freshwater stream. Oh No ! Ishaan is missing, did he get washed away in the stream ? Shirin asks worried

I sense that a female wizard was also here, Shirins father says. After the grandmaster Wizard took over the castle, he imprisoned the king, his wife and Son. Most of the female wizards learning magic, including my own students, joined him.

What.. But why ? Shirin asks. The grandmaster wizard promised the girls, with whatever they wished for. They all now train and work for him, while living in the castle quarters. some of the girls usually patrol on horses and report any movement in these lands, Shirins father says

Oh my god ! Do you mean to say a female wizard patrolling this area, must have spotted the poor Ishaan ? she would have easily overpowered him, and carried him with her to the grandmaster wizard ! Shirin exclaims in horror

Maybe yes , the wizard says and turns back. Poor Ishaan, had he not met me, he would have never suffered this terrible fate. Shirin thinks in sadness and collects Ishaans clothes

Dad ! Shirin says getting an Idea, you were mentioning that The grandmasters wizard gets magical tattoos on all his students , which also signals him of their location, right ? She asks. Yes, her father replies

You also said that those tattoos glow and become active whenever they have a high heart beat right ? Shirin asks

Yes. But why are you telling all this ? The wizard says, The tattoos glow slightly and give signals whenever the heart beat of the host increases, like during a fight. So that the wizard knows their location

Thats it ! We already know that the one who carried away Ishaan is a female wizard, and the ones patrolling would obviously be young and strong.

So if one of them caught a young and attractive guy like Ishaan, that too when he is naked, will she not be…. tempted by him ? Shirin asks

You are right ! girls with magical training will have increased level of strength and aggression . And with the shortage of young men in these parts, it is very likely that she will force herself upon him ! The wizard exclaims

Thats it then ! Shirin exclaims. Even we can track any female wizard emiting this signal nearby, in that case. Shirin says. thats a brilliant Idea ! The wizard replies and both run inside

Ishaan after a rough session of making love is now resting on the ground, the girl now pleased and satisfied, gives him some fruits to eat. Combing her long black hair. She sits in front of him, Ishaan notices that some spots on her tattoos are glowing slightly

Do you love Shirin ? She asks. What ? No ! Ishaan replies eating the fruits in relish

How do you know Shirin ? Ishaan asks surprised. Me and Shirin trained together in the kings palace you know , the girl laughs tying her long hair. But this was before the king banished her and her father, the Royal wizard. The girl says

But why ? Ishaan asks. They say Shirin was having an affair with the prince. But the king and Queen did not want him to marry a Wizard’s daughter. But by banishing the wizard, they brought their own doom

On one side, Shirin disappeared forever, and on the other side, the grand Master wizard, taking advantage of the absence of Shirins father, used magic and usurped the throne, imprisoning the king and his family. The girl says

But Why are you working for him then ? Ishaan asks. We Young Girls here don’t have much options. But I can stop working for him…. if you agree to marry me ! The girl says in hesitation, looking into Ishaans eyes

Ishaan busy munching the fruits in his mouth stops in shock ! What Are you saying ?

Girls in my time think of marriage as something bad. They feel their freedom will be lost ! Ishaan says. And here you are ready to betray your boss for marriage ?

I don’t know about the situation in future, but here there are hardly any young Men of marriageable age left alive ! The girl replies. How is that possible ? Ishaan asks surprised

Of course, half of the young men are killed due to wars and battles, and the rest are killed by wild animals, dacoits or desease. Life for the menfolk is really dangerous here. The girl says in sadness. You will hardly find any young man in cities or towns.

Ishaan is looking in disbelief !

While It is true, that many girls are working for the grandmaster wizard, in hopes of gaining power, wealth and fame…

There are some girls like me, to whom the grandmaster promised a suitable groom to marry, and have a family with. That’s why we are working for him, the girl says.

Not all girls are lucky to have a family and settle down you see, the girl says… specially in these times

Ishaan and the girl now come out from the old hut. Ishaan realizes that his hands and legs are not tied up, maybe It is a good opportunity to run inside those trees, she will not be able to pursue me on that horse ! Ishaan thinks

The tall girl now holds his hand looking down below at him, If you say Yes, We can run away together to someplace far. She says

I will no longer work for the grandmaster, and will devote myself to you. I will provide and protect you. What do you say ? The girl asks Ishaan, looking at his eyes and comes close to him

Ishaan is in total dilemma, how can I settle down here in the past ? Specially with this unknown girl who had just kidnapped me ? Ishaan thinks. It now starts to rain slowly

Come on it is getting dark, and is starting to rain. Let’s spend the night in my wizards quarters, it is not far now. the girl says

Are you crazy ? You will take me to the same castle where the grandmaster lives ? Ishaan asks in shock

Of course, you will be totally safe there, until you don’t say that you are a boy, The girl says.

The grandmaster is not in the Castle today . And all the female wizards are searching for a young boy from the future , nobody cares if it is a girl. She laughs

But, I am not sure, Ishaan says. Come on, The girl says, you look so beautiful and feminine wearing that dress of mine, and your skin is so soft and glowing, you can easily make anyone believe you are a girl. She says

But why should I pose as a girl, if the grandmaster is not there recognize my face in the first place ? Ishaan asks.

Because it is a girl’s quarters silly ! if they get to know that you are a boy, they will devour you like hungry wolves, and If you somehow stay alive, they will handover you to the grandmaster. She says

Ishaan is scared ! Fine, I will do as you say. He says and stands near the tall horse, trying to catch the horse saddle

The girl grabs Ishaan by his backside , lifts him up and places him on her hip again. Ishaan finding himself lifted up again on the girl’s hip feels warm now. Climb on to horse now, the girls says

Looking deep into her eyes, he moves her thick hair away from the face. What is your name ? Ishaan asks

The girl still carrying Ishaan on her hip, starts laughing

So is this what a girl has to do ? To get a guy interested in her, and ask her name ?

Looks like the girls in future have to work very hard to impress you guys, she says

What ? It is the opposite in fact, Ishaan says in confusion.

Come on… I carried you cradle on my arms in the stream, kidnapped you on my shoulders and tied you up on the horse naked, lifted and made love to you with full aggression. And now, when lifted on my hip, you think of asking my name ? She laughs

Still lifted on her hip, Ishaan is left speechless by her words ! No It is not like that, he responds

I was joking silly, the girl laughs.. My name is…

MAYAH… How dare you ? Shirin shouts from behind

Mayah still lifting Ishaan on her hip turns back to see Shirin and her dad the Royal Wizard, coming from inside the Old hut

What ? How did Shirin and her dad detect me ? Mayah asks in surprise

Are you that Same Mayah who trained with me when young ?

You kidnap my dear friend when naked , make him wear a girls clothing forcefully, and now standing there carrying him on your hip ? This is so gross ! Shirin says in disgust

Shirin covers her eyes, unable to see Ishaan wearing a girl’s dress and lifted up on the hip of the much taller Mayah

Take your hands away from his backside , and put him down from your hip ! What have you done to him ? Shirin asks in shock

You be careful my child, Shirins dad says, Mayah after finishing weapons training with you, was my student before she joined the grandmaster. Her tattoos indicate that she has trained in more deadlier forms of magic

So Ishaan is your dear friend eh ? Mayah asks jealously. I will be easy on you Shirin, just because you had been my friend when young . I will use only my weapons training and not magic against you . Mayah says and unsheaths her sword, while still carrying Ishaan on her hip

By the devil ! Look at that big sharp sword ! Ishaan thinks in shock. Forget fighting with it, I cannot even lift it up ! He thinks as Mayah swings the shiny sword into an attacking stance

Still carrying Ishaan on her hip, Mayah smooches him tightly on the lips. wish luck for me, she says and puts him down

Shirin unsheaths an equally big sword and Ishaan is in disbelief. I will not last a second in front of these warrior girls, Ishaan thinks nervously.

Shirin and Mayah run agressively towards each other, both swing their heavy swords, as their swords touch, the impact creates a shrill loud noise scaring all the birds and animals nearby

This is not good ! Both these girls are skilled warriors and their strength has increased many folds due to their training in magic, if they continue fighting, even the grandmaster will sense it. Shirins father thinks

Enough ! Shirins father shouts and raises his staff, his staff creates a big glow of blue light, Shirin and Mayah are stunned and stand still under the spell of the glow.

Suddenly all are now standing without weapons inbetween an isolated spot. Ishaan can’t believe what is happening !

Please, Mayah was not going to hand me over to the Grandmaster, Ishaan pleads, Here I am desperate to get back to my own time, but things are only getting more complicated here, he says

let me and Ishaan go, Mayah pleads, I was planning to escape with him into a far off land, leaving everything behind. marry and have a family with him. She says

It is too late now. Shirins father says to Mayah. One of the magical tattoos you have, glows and signals the superiors whenever you are excited. That’s how we came to know that you both are inside this old hut, he says

Oh no ! it must have given a signal when we were making love ! Ishaan whispers to Mayah.

It would have sent a signal to the grandmaster no matter wherever you are, so you can never be free from him, Shirins father says.

The grandmaster is not in the castle ! Mayah says. he has recently left with his army of wizards and warriors to make war with the neighbouring kingdom. They would have already crossed the borders of our kingdom, and must be face to face with the enemy now. Mayah says

So the castle is emptied of all its powerful wizards and warriors then, except for a few guards ? This is excellent time then ! The Royal wizard says

I have a plan, but I need help of Mayah and Ishaan, listen to me carefully now, the wizard says….

Mayah is now riding the horse with the shorter Ishaan in girls clothing, sitting in front of her like a kid.

Ishaan is looking at the huge tall towers of the big castle in disbelief ! How come we never learnt about this in our history books ? Ishaan exclaims. The size and scale of this castle is epic, He says

History books never tell you everything . Mayah smiles

The prison doors of the castle open and Mayah enters carrying Ishaan in a front piggyback.

Tall and strong Mayah is carrying the fully grown Ishaan comfortably like a kid and walking fast

Act like you have fallen asleep and don’t speak at any cost. Mayah whispers. Ishaan lifted by her in a front piggyback rests his head on her shoulder, faking like he is asleep

Who is this girl ? The prison warden asks. Ishaan hides his face. Ishaan lifted in a front piggyback by Mayah is covered by her thick long hair and is not recognizable easily.

This is a relative of the former king, Mayah replies, I made her unconscious by magic and brought her to put in prison, let grandmaster decide what to do later. Mayah says

The king, Queen and Prince are surprised to see the The tall mayah enter their cell carrying a fully grown girl in a front piggyback

Mayah puts Ishaan who is still wearing a girl’s dress and leaves. Actually I was feeling so hot and comfortable carried by Mayah, Ishaan thinks

I am already having a tough time saving my son from the female guards, why did that female wizard put a girl in our cell ? The queen asks

I am not a girl, I am a boy from the future ! Ishaan says.

What ? Boys from the future are like this ? The queen asks in disgust looking at Ishaan in skirt from head to toe. She pulls The prince behind in fear, away from Ishaan

Ishaan lifts up his skirt, All cover their eyes in disgust, He pulls out a blue colored chalk from inside

Using the chalk, Ishaan draws a door on the prison wall, the drawing starts glowing with blue light and suddenly the Royal wizard opens the door right through the wall, coming through a portal from the other side !

The king and wizard hug each other, Shirin runs and hugs the shocked Prince and lifts him up into a front lift in glee, turning round and round she lowers him slowly and both kiss as she is still carrying him.

Satisfied after a long kiss, with the prince still lifted up by Shirin. They come back to senses and are shocked to see all of them looking at these two now !

The king and the wizard laugh at the display of affection by these two. The king and his family are now having good food and wine after a long time, in the wizards place.

Mayah is sitting on a chair with Ishaan still wearing the skirt on her lap. Try this she says, giving him a mug, this is one of the finest wine available here, she says

The king and the wizard are having a small feast, in celebration of their renewed friendship. All are having a moment of fun and revelry

The prince and Ishaan are feeling Mayahs biceps as she is flexing them, showing off her strength.

That’s the hardest biceps I have ever seen ! The prince explains in shock. I am not surprised, we have many female bodybuilders in future you know, Ishaan says. Who is a bodybuilder ? All ask

The wizards younger daughter is playing flute near fire place as all are having fun and making merry, while eating and drinking.

Do you boys want to know, how much strong I am really ? Mayahs asks, as the prince and Ishaan are looking above at her while drunk

Shirin and the queen enter the hall bringing food from the kitchen, when Mayah stands up with the prince sitting on her one shoulder, and Ishaan on her another shoulder. The drunk Ishaan and Prince, lifted together on Mayahs shoulders are amazed at her strength !

Ha ha… This is Mayahs old party trick ! The royal wizard laughs drinking wine. The queen and king are looking at Mayah in disbelief

This Mayah was always a showoff ! Shirin thinks and lifts up the prince on her shoulder now and starts performing dance steps to the music, with him carried on her shoulder

Curse it, I can’t believe we guys are being carried so easily and casually by these strong attractive girls ! Ishaan thinks, I should not let this moment go waste

Where is my cellphone ? It was in my clothes. Ishaan asks, remembering that it was in his pants when he left it.

Ehh we had kept your clothes soaked in water to wash, Shirin says still carrying the prince and dancing. What ? Ishaan exclaims in despair and finds his cellphone soaked in water

There you are ! Mayah who is drunk finds Ishaan, she scoops him up into a high cradle and walks into the center hall, she then squats carrying him, all are laughing and cheering the tall and strong Mayah now

Ishaan is struggling while lifted cradle on Mayahs arms, his face is smothered by her long black hair and The strong Mayah is showing no signs of tiredness while sitting and standing up carrying him on her arms

Oh no ! What if Mayahs tattoos glow again ? Shirin exclaims in worry

Let it glow. Don’t worry, the Royal wizard smiles

The grandmaster wizard is now in his tent inside the battlefield, preparing to face the enemy next morning, he suddenly senses the tattoos from Mayah

Mayah ? She has eloped with that boy from the future ! The grandmaster realizes

To be continued….

I should reach the grandmasters castle fast , before Shirin and her father realize that I have captured this boy from future ! the female wizard thinks and starts riding the horse fast

After some distance riding, Ishaan who is tied up and almost naked, except for a cloth covering his privates, is shivering in the cold.

I thought a cute naked man, tied up and lying helpless in front of me, will keep me pleased till the end of journey. but this boy is in bad shape now . I should have atleast taken his clothes along with him, she thinks riding the horse.

Grandmaster had said that I should deliver this boy in proper health and unharmed. I better make him wear some warm clothes now , she thinks

The girl stops the horse near an old abandoned hut. Come future boy, let’s get you dressed up, she says and lifts up Ishaan on her shoulders, holding an old bag in her hand she enters inside the hut.

Tired and shivering, Ishaan is in no state to run, the girl unties his hands and dresses him up with the old set of clothes she has. Ishaan looks at himself inside the dress and is shocked that he is wearing a girl’s dress !

What ? A skirt and a frilled top ? What have you dressed me up with ? Ishaan asks in desperation. Did you not get anything else for me to wear ? He asks looking up at her. The girl is now tying her long black hair

Be happy that I atleast had this old dress of mine in my bag, the girl laughs. I used to wear this when I was young and small. I am glad this fits you perfectly, she says feeling his back and waist for the fitting

She now walks behind looking at how Ishaan is appearing when wearing her dress. Oh my , I never thought a fully grown man will look so attractive wearing my own clothes, the girl says

Ishaan is feeling miserable realizing that he is so short compared to this tall girl, that her childhood dress is fitting him perfectly. He starts feeling nervous when she now comes close to him, looking below at him in lust

Look at you, with that smooth and glowing skin wearing my own dress. I don’t know why I am getting such a strong urge to make love to you, when looking at you wearing my own dress. The girl says touching his lips with her fingers

She then bends down and inserts her palm below Ishaans short skirt and starts grabbing him. Ishaan is feeling helpless when she scoops him up into her arms in a cradle

Carrying the helpless and short Ishaan who is wearing her own old clothes. the girl sits on a big stone and places him on her lap now

Ishaan is looking at her scared, the girl starts feeling his chest and neck and starts kissing him deeply. While still carrying him on her lap. Her hands slowly goes inside his skirt again

Ishaan is now trying to free himself as she has held him on her lap forcefully , aggressively kissing and feeling his backside, she now starts rubbing him . Ishaan starts moaning in passion

Oh no. The master had said that I should deliver this boy unharmed and untouched , the girl thinks and puts him down. Ishaan wearing the frilled top and short skirt is now standing near her

Looking at Ishaan wearing a short skirt, with his thighs visible, the girl gets another strong surge of lust looking at him.

To ruin with everything ! the girl says and suddenly bends down grabbing Ishaan in a bearhug and stands up lifting him in a high front lift. Ishaan is feeling himself like a toy, lifted up so high by the girl

She carries Ishaan and holds him up high against the old wall inside the abandoned hut, pushing her arms under his backside and raising his weight up, she is now carrying him on a front shoulder sit.

Ishaan already humiliated in the girls dress, and dominated by being lifted up by the tall girl, Ishaan is powerless and his helpless moans and cries is now heard outside the old hut

Meanwhile, Shirin is searching for Ishaan and spots his clothes near the freshwater stream. Oh No ! Ishaan is missing, did he get washed away in the stream ? Shirin asks worried

I sense that a female wizard was also here, Shirins father says. After the grandmaster Wizard took over the castle, he imprisoned the king, his wife and Son. Most of the female wizards learning magic, including my own students, joined him.

What.. But why ? Shirin asks. The grandmaster wizard promised the girls, with whatever they wished for. They all now train and work for him, while living in the castle quarters. some of the girls usually patrol on horses and report any movement in these lands, Shirins father says

Oh my god ! Do you mean to say a female wizard patrolling this area, must have spotted the poor Ishaan ? she would have easily overpowered him, and carried him with her to the grandmaster wizard ! Shirin exclaims in horror

Maybe yes , the wizard says and turns back. Poor Ishaan, had he not met me, he would have never suffered this terrible fate. Shirin thinks in sadness and collects Ishaans clothes

Dad ! Shirin says getting an Idea, you were mentioning that The grandmasters wizard gets magical tattoos on all his students , which also signals him of their location, right ? She asks. Yes, her father replies

You also said that those tattoos glow and become active whenever they have a high heart beat right ? Shirin asks

Yes. But why are you telling all this ? The wizard says, The tattoos glow slightly and give signals whenever the heart beat of the host increases, like during a fight. So that the wizard knows their location

Thats it ! We already know that the one who carried away Ishaan is a female wizard, and the ones patrolling would obviously be young and strong.

So if one of them caught a young and attractive guy like Ishaan, that too when he is naked, will she not be…. tempted by him ? Shirin asks

You are right ! girls with magical training will have increased level of strength and aggression . And with the shortage of young men in these parts, it is very likely that she will force herself upon him ! The wizard exclaims

Thats it then ! Shirin exclaims. Even we can track any female wizard emiting this signal nearby, in that case. Shirin says. thats a brilliant Idea ! The wizard replies and both run inside

Ishaan after a rough session of making love is now resting on the ground, the girl now pleased and satisfied, gives him some fruits to eat. Combing her long black hair. She sits in front of him, Ishaan notices that some spots on her tattoos are glowing slightly

Do you love Shirin ? She asks. What ? No ! Ishaan replies eating the fruits in relish

How do you know Shirin ? Ishaan asks surprised. Me and Shirin trained together in the kings palace you know , the girl laughs tying her long hair. But this was before the king banished her and her father, the Royal wizard. The girl says

But why ? Ishaan asks. They say Shirin was having an affair with the prince. But the king and Queen did not want him to marry a Wizard’s daughter. But by banishing the wizard, they brought their own doom

On one side, Shirin disappeared forever, and on the other side, the grand Master wizard, taking advantage of the absence of Shirins father, used magic and usurped the throne, imprisoning the king and his family. The girl says

But Why are you working for him then ? Ishaan asks. We Young Girls here don’t have much options. But I can stop working for him…. if you agree to marry me ! The girl says in hesitation, looking into Ishaans eyes

Ishaan busy munching the fruits in his mouth stops in shock ! What Are you saying ?

Girls in my time think of marriage as something bad. They feel their freedom will be lost ! Ishaan says. And here you are ready to betray your boss for marriage ?

I don’t know about the situation in future, but here there are hardly any young Men of marriageable age left alive ! The girl replies. How is that possible ? Ishaan asks surprised

Of course, half of the young men are killed due to wars and battles, and the rest are killed by wild animals, dacoits or desease. Life for the menfolk is really dangerous here. The girl says in sadness. You will hardly find any young man in cities or towns.

Ishaan is looking in disbelief !

While It is true, that many girls are working for the grandmaster wizard, in hopes of gaining power, wealth and fame…

There are some girls like me, to whom the grandmaster promised a suitable groom to marry, and have a family with. That’s why we are working for him, the girl says.

Not all girls are lucky to have a family and settle down you see, the girl says… specially in these times

Ishaan and the girl now come out from the old hut. Ishaan realizes that his hands and legs are not tied up, maybe It is a good opportunity to run inside those trees, she will not be able to pursue me on that horse ! Ishaan thinks

The tall girl now holds his hand looking down below at him, If you say Yes, We can run away together to someplace far. She says

I will no longer work for the grandmaster, and will devote myself to you. I will provide and protect you. What do you say ? The girl asks Ishaan, looking at his eyes and comes close to him

Ishaan is in total dilemma, how can I settle down here in the past ? Specially with this unknown girl who had just kidnapped me ? Ishaan thinks. It now starts to rain slowly

Come on it is getting dark, and is starting to rain. Let’s spend the night in my wizards quarters, it is not far now. the girl says

Are you crazy ? You will take me to the same castle where the grandmaster lives ? Ishaan asks in shock

Of course, you will be totally safe there, until you don’t say that you are a boy, The girl says.

The grandmaster is not in the Castle today . And all the female wizards are searching for a young boy from the future , nobody cares if it is a girl. She laughs

But, I am not sure, Ishaan says. Come on, The girl says, you look so beautiful and feminine wearing that dress of mine, and your skin is so soft and glowing, you can easily make anyone believe you are a girl. She says

But why should I pose as a girl, if the grandmaster is not there recognize my face in the first place ? Ishaan asks.

Because it is a girl’s quarters silly ! if they get to know that you are a boy, they will devour you like hungry wolves, and If you somehow stay alive, they will handover you to the grandmaster. She says

Ishaan is scared ! Fine, I will do as you say. He says and stands near the tall horse, trying to catch the horse saddle

The girl grabs Ishaan by his backside , lifts him up and places him on her hip again. Ishaan finding himself lifted up again on the girl’s hip feels warm now. Climb on to horse now, the girls says

Looking deep into her eyes, he moves her thick hair away from the face. What is your name ? Ishaan asks

The girl still carrying Ishaan on her hip, starts laughing

So is this what a girl has to do ? To get a guy interested in her, and ask her name ?

Looks like the girls in future have to work very hard to impress you guys, she says

What ? It is the opposite in fact, Ishaan says in confusion.

Come on… I carried you cradle on my arms in the stream, kidnapped you on my shoulders and tied you up on the horse naked, lifted and made love to you with full aggression. And now, when lifted on my hip, you think of asking my name ? She laughs

Still lifted on her hip, Ishaan is left speechless by her words ! No It is not like that, he responds

I was joking silly, the girl laughs.. My name is…

MAYAH… How dare you ? Shirin shouts from behind

Mayah still lifting Ishaan on her hip turns back to see Shirin and her dad the Royal Wizard, coming from inside the Old hut

What ? How did Shirin and her dad detect me ? Mayah asks in surprise

Are you that Same Mayah who trained with me when young ?

You kidnap my dear friend when naked , make him wear a girls clothing forcefully, and now standing there carrying him on your hip ? This is so gross ! Shirin says in disgust

Shirin covers her eyes, unable to see Ishaan wearing a girl’s dress and lifted up on the hip of the much taller Mayah

Take your hands away from his backside , and put him down from your hip ! What have you done to him ? Shirin asks in shock

You be careful my child, Shirins dad says, Mayah after finishing weapons training with you, was my student before she joined the grandmaster. Her tattoos indicate that she has trained in more deadlier forms of magic

So Ishaan is your dear friend eh ? Mayah asks jealously. I will be easy on you Shirin, just because you had been my friend when young . I will use only my weapons training and not magic against you . Mayah says and unsheaths her sword, while still carrying Ishaan on her hip

By the devil ! Look at that big sharp sword ! Ishaan thinks in shock. Forget fighting with it, I cannot even lift it up ! He thinks as Mayah swings the shiny sword into an attacking stance

Still carrying Ishaan on her hip, Mayah smooches him tightly on the lips. wish luck for me, she says and puts him down

Shirin unsheaths an equally big sword and Ishaan is in disbelief. I will not last a second in front of these warrior girls, Ishaan thinks nervously.

Shirin and Mayah run agressively towards each other, both swing their heavy swords, as their swords touch, the impact creates a shrill loud noise scaring all the birds and animals nearby

This is not good ! Both these girls are skilled warriors and their strength has increased many folds due to their training in magic, if they continue fighting, even the grandmaster will sense it. Shirins father thinks

Enough ! Shirins father shouts and raises his staff, his staff creates a big glow of blue light, Shirin and Mayah are stunned and stand still under the spell of the glow.

Suddenly all are now standing without weapons inbetween an isolated spot. Ishaan can’t believe what is happening !

Please, Mayah was not going to hand me over to the Grandmaster, Ishaan pleads, Here I am desperate to get back to my own time, but things are only getting more complicated here, he says

let me and Ishaan go, Mayah pleads, I was planning to escape with him into a far off land, leaving everything behind. marry and have a family with him. She says

It is too late now. Shirins father says to Mayah. One of the magical tattoos you have, glows and signals the superiors whenever you are excited. That’s how we came to know that you both are inside this old hut, he says

Oh no ! it must have given a signal when we were making love ! Ishaan whispers to Mayah.

It would have sent a signal to the grandmaster no matter wherever you are, so you can never be free from him, Shirins father says.

The grandmaster is not in the castle ! Mayah says. he has recently left with his army of wizards and warriors to make war with the neighbouring kingdom. They would have already crossed the borders of our kingdom, and must be face to face with the enemy now. Mayah says

So the castle is emptied of all its powerful wizards and warriors then, except for a few guards ? This is excellent time then ! The Royal wizard says

I have a plan, but I need help of Mayah and Ishaan, listen to me carefully now, the wizard says….

Mayah is now riding the horse with the shorter Ishaan in girls clothing, sitting in front of her like a kid.

Ishaan is looking at the huge tall towers of the big castle in disbelief ! How come we never learnt about this in our history books ? Ishaan exclaims. The size and scale of this castle is epic, He says

History books never tell you everything . Mayah smiles

The prison doors of the castle open and Mayah enters carrying Ishaan in a front piggyback.

Tall and strong Mayah is carrying the fully grown Ishaan comfortably like a kid and walking fast

Act like you have fallen asleep and don’t speak at any cost. Mayah whispers. Ishaan lifted by her in a front piggyback rests his head on her shoulder, faking like he is asleep

Who is this girl ? The prison warden asks. Ishaan hides his face. Ishaan lifted in a front piggyback by Mayah is covered by her thick long hair and is not recognizable easily.

This is a relative of the former king, Mayah replies, I made her unconscious by magic and brought her to put in prison, let grandmaster decide what to do later. Mayah says

The king, Queen and Prince are surprised to see the The tall mayah enter their cell carrying a fully grown girl in a front piggyback

Mayah puts Ishaan who is still wearing a girl’s dress and leaves. Actually I was feeling so hot and comfortable carried by Mayah, Ishaan thinks

I am already having a tough time saving my son from the female guards, why did that female wizard put a girl in our cell ? The queen asks

I am not a girl, I am a boy from the future ! Ishaan says.

What ? Boys from the future are like this ? The queen asks in disgust looking at Ishaan in skirt from head to toe. She pulls The prince behind in fear, away from Ishaan

Ishaan lifts up his skirt, All cover their eyes in disgust, He pulls out a blue colored chalk from inside

Using the chalk, Ishaan draws a door on the prison wall, the drawing starts glowing with blue light and suddenly the Royal wizard opens the door right through the wall, coming through a portal from the other side !

The king and wizard hug each other, Shirin runs and hugs the shocked Prince and lifts him up into a front lift in glee, turning round and round she lowers him slowly and both kiss as she is still carrying him.

Satisfied after a long kiss, with the prince still lifted up by Shirin. They come back to senses and are shocked to see all of them looking at these two now !

The king and the wizard laugh at the display of affection by these two. The king and his family are now having good food and wine after a long time, in the wizards place.

Mayah is sitting on a chair with Ishaan still wearing the skirt on her lap. Try this she says, giving him a mug, this is one of the finest wine available here, she says

The king and the wizard are having a small feast, in celebration of their renewed friendship. All are having a moment of fun and revelry

The prince and Ishaan are feeling Mayahs biceps as she is flexing them, showing off her strength.

That’s the hardest biceps I have ever seen ! The prince explains in shock. I am not surprised, we have many female bodybuilders in future you know, Ishaan says. Who is a bodybuilder ? All ask

The wizards younger daughter is playing flute near fire place as all are having fun and making merry, while eating and drinking.

Do you boys want to know, how much strong I am really ? Mayahs asks, as the prince and Ishaan are looking above at her while drunk

Shirin and the queen enter the hall bringing food from the kitchen, when Mayah stands up with the prince sitting on her one shoulder, and Ishaan on her another shoulder. The drunk Ishaan and Prince, lifted together on Mayahs shoulders are amazed at her strength !

Ha ha… This is Mayahs old party trick ! The royal wizard laughs drinking wine. The queen and king are looking at Mayah in disbelief

This Mayah was always a showoff ! Shirin thinks and lifts up the prince on her shoulder now and starts performing dance steps to the music, with him carried on her shoulder

Curse it, I can’t believe we guys are being carried so easily and casually by these strong attractive girls ! Ishaan thinks, I should not let this moment go waste

Where is my cellphone ? It was in my clothes. Ishaan asks, remembering that it was in his pants when he left it.

Ehh we had kept your clothes soaked in water to wash, Shirin says still carrying the prince and dancing. What ? Ishaan exclaims in despair and finds his cellphone soaked in water

There you are ! Mayah who is drunk finds Ishaan, she scoops him up into a high cradle and walks into the center hall, she then squats carrying him, all are laughing and cheering the tall and strong Mayah now

Ishaan is struggling while lifted cradle on Mayahs arms, his face is smothered by her long black hair and The strong Mayah is showing no signs of tiredness while sitting and standing up carrying him on her arms

Oh no ! What if Mayahs tattoos glow again ? Shirin exclaims in worry

Let it glow. Don’t worry, the Royal wizard smiles

The grandmaster wizard is now in his tent inside the battlefield, preparing to face the enemy next morning, he suddenly senses the tattoos from Mayah

Mayah ? She has eloped with that boy from the future ! The grandmaster realizes

To be continued….

I write stories of Fm lift and carry, FF lift and carry, Tall girls (no lifts), Bollywood lift and carry, Hindi Lift and carry (FM) and Biker girls . Please write in comments what kind of stories you prefer

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