Explorers of the galaxy – 4

The AI’s voice now starts fading and suddenly General Sonia’s voice is now heard in the transmission

How dare you disobey my direct order ! And Escape with the hybrids, Sonia thunders. Sameer and Sasha must pay for this disobedience ! She says

Enough of this Sonia ! You have no rights to capture our guests spaceship. Release the AI of the ship , they are not your enemies .. General Zoe replies

Silent, you slaves of the machines ! Sonia shouts back . You not only freed our captives but are now also helping them .

We will never forget the treachery you did to the humans by siding with the machines ! Sonia replies , and this will be the last time you hybrids hurt the free humans

Thanks to capturing this explorer ship, the Scavengers are now in an advantage ! Sonia laughs . This ship is loaded with high impact missiles , which when launched from outer space, will destroy the hybrid cities to dust !

And right now my dear Zoe, we have one locked directly to the tower you are in ! Sonia threatens

What ? Impossible ! ours is a explorer ship, not a battle ship. Where will get such powerful weapons ? Sasha asks surprised. 😲

Well it is true ! General Zoe replies , your explorer ship is basically a Battle ship which was later modified to a explorer one. The information is totally classified and secret , Your ship AI would have probably been under strict rules to not disclose it . she says

Our Ship AI was so protective of us ! How can it withhold so much information from us ? Sasha replies in sadness . 😟

Just like people, AI also develop personality with time You are infact lucky , you are with a AI which cares for you . Zoe replies

Enough ! You have only one option, give Sameer to us and we will give back the ship ! Sonia demands . A scavenger bus now drives in .

Tall Captian Kia walks out from it wearing a dark heavy armour and carrying a big gun

We have no option ! General Zoe says . We are already getting signals from the explorer ship that missiles are locked and ready to launch

As Sameer is ready to leave, General Zoa gives him a little communication device , attaching it along with his translation device hung on neck. Give it to Sonia she whispers to the puzzled Sameer

Captain Kia now stands on front as Sameer walks alone towards the bus . General Zoe and Sasha are watching with devastated look on their faces as Sameer nears Kia 😥

Kia, looking at the smaller and shorter Sameer with lust , places her gun into the holster and immediately grabs him by the back and lifts him up into a front piggyback while hugging him tightly

She smooches him tightly on the lips as she walks towards the Bus and climbs up the steps lost smooching him. Sameer is helpless, overpowered and lifted up by the tall and strong Scavenger captain in front hug and kissed by her

No ! Sasha exclaims in disappointment as captain Kia closes the doors and the bus starts driving away from the city with Samer held captive inside

This is proposterous ! The hybrid AI leader announces from the speaker, the natural born earth Male is becoming a critical factor in our war with the scavengers . Hybrid warriors, prepare for war ! It announces. The male should be with us at all costs

Wait a minute ! the voice of your AI leader seems different ! Sasha says in suspicion, has it been changed ?

General Zoe starts smiling, I will explain that to you later, she whispers to Sasha

You know, we have a saying here , only three things can cause a war in our planet . Land, Gold Or A Male ! Zoe says

We have fought plenty of battles over land and Gold, but now we are finally fighting for a Male ! Prepare for battle Hybrids ! Zoe announces.

But Sameer will be under risk! Sasha replies. Don’t worry, we know what they will do with Sameer! The hybrid AI says , we just have to wait, Zoe says

Good ! Captain Kia is already enjoying Sameers arrival throughly ! Sonia exclaims in glee. You can have your spaceship back, she says and they soon detatch from the explorer ship

Meanwhile in the bus, Captain Kia kissing Sameer deeply, lays him on the seat and starts opening her body armour , as she removes her hard shoulder armour , Sameer is surprised at her muscular and hard shoulders

Opening her top armour, she proceeds to remove her leg protection, Sameer is turned on by her six pack and rock hard biceps

Sameer is lifted on the shoulders of Kia from the front when General Sonia speaks from the communicator

General Kia ! please don’t damage the only natural born male we have now… She says

Sameer is moaning both in pain and pleasure as he is lifted on the shoulders of such a tall and muscular woman. Him seated on the muscular and strong shoulders of the tall Kia has actually turned him on

As the bus is now wading through the ruined buildings inside the Scavengers territory, Kia climbs up the steps from the inside of the bus to the roof, carrying the helpless and tired Sameer in cradle

The tall female soldiers cheer in glee as the bus enters the gate. Kia has lifted up Sameer on her shoulders now.

Hail Captain Kia ! All shout in unison as the muscular Kia has seated Sameer on her single shoulder and flexing her biceps while standing on the roof of the bus

Well done captain Kia ! General Sonia exclaims In the communicator, as she is coming back in space shuttle from the explorers space ship.

By entering our gates carrying the tall male on you shoulders in front of our people. You have given them a huge boost in confidence . This is the ultimate symbol of strength of us scavengers ! Sonia says

Now all the warrior women of us will be extra motivated to fight against the hybrid machines. Sonia says

Yeah.. It is the scavenger girls who will carry the males on their shoulders ! Captain Kia shouts to the Cheering soldiers shooting In the air

General Sonia now comes out of her compact space shuttle as Kia who has worn her armor is standing with Sameer on her hip. Let’s prepare for battle with the Hybrids. Sonia says, prepare the electromagnetic guns, tune it to destroy their war machines and AI

But what about the hybrid human soldiers ? Kia asks

The coming of this human male has changed the direction of this war. Sonia smiles as Sameer is puzzled, while still lifted on the hip of Kia

Now enough of walking around carrying the male on your hip ! Give him to me. General Sonia laughs and lifts up Sameer on her hip now

As Sonia is walking to her base carrying the little Sameer on her hip, Sameer passes on the communication device given by Zoe.

Aah. Finally ! Zoe has offered her hand for friendship ! General Sonia exclaims in happiness. What ? Sameer shrieks in disbelief. 😲

Sonia smooches him hard and places Sameer’s hand on her shoulder, while carrying him on her hip and kissing him.

We have a whole night for you to explain that ! Sonia exclaims and carrying Sameer on her hip, she starts climbing the stairs to her quarters

I did not know that you helped Queen Sheena win the war over the Robotoids before coming to this planet ! Sonia says gleefully while carrying Sameer on her hip and opening the lock of her quarters with another hand

But how do you know this ? Sameer asks shocked .

I got this info when we hacked into your explorer ship silly ! Sonia laughs and places him on her bed . It was then I decided that your explorer AI , Along with Sasha are our friends ! Sonia says

Sonia now takes the communication device from Sameer and inserts it in her speaker device

Greeting Sonia ! General Zoe can be heard in the recording, you were right that the AI members of the hybrids are now slowly working against their own humans .

Recently they even removed the human supporters from their AI board, the new leader likes humans even less ! It is only a matter of time when the AI will start working against all humans openly ! Zoe says in worry

Sameer is a stroke of luck for us humans ! We human hybrids and the AI which supports humans are coming together to rebel against the hybrid AI , which wants total dominance and exterminate all humans. But we need your help . Zoe says

Finally, you hybrid humans gained some sense ! Sonia exclaims in excitement. Let’s establish a secure connection for communicating in secret ! Zoe says

This calls for a celebration ! Sonia says and pours drinks into glasses.

Soon a few days later General Zoe and the human hybrids come in their armored vehicles . Sasha is with them carrying a big Gun and with clean and shiny armor of the hybrids .

General Sonia and captain Kia are waiting for them wearing their Scavenger armor and modified guns .

The Scavenger Army consisting of tall and tough females wearing rusty armour are behind her .

Sasha has shaved her head on the sides and has tied a long ponytail from the top with armored shoulder blades. She has also worn the tall enhanced shoes and is almost matching the Hybrid and Scavenger females in height

Darn, that’s so hot Sasha , you are looking exactly like the warrior females of our planet, I loved your style ! Sonia exclaims . Sasha is staring at Sameer now

Sameer is already getting a hard on looking at the new tough look of Sasha and is also feeling a little jealous

Hey ! How come I don’t get any armor or weapons ? Sameer asks . Captain Kia laughs and walks behind Sameer, she grabs his armpits and lifts him up overhead easily

Oh my .. Sasha exclaims , Laughing, Kia lowers Sameer lifted overhead and makes him sit on her shoulders. The male wants to fight, this is cute..

War is the domain of women , sexy boy ! Kia says looking up at Sameer. Just stay safe and leave the fighting to us ok ? we will make sure nothing will happen to you . She says

The AI leadership is expecting that we will fight amongst ourselves, but what should we do now ? Sonia asks Zoe when suddenly they hear movement of something heavy from a distance arriving

A huge robot almost all tall as 20 storied building now stands some distance away . The humans are looking at the scene in disbelief ! 😐

Do you think the hybrid AI council is stupid ? We already knew General Zoe and Sonia are communicating with each other , the AI leader announces through communicator

The arrival of the natural born human will bring lot of changes in this war , and we knew it ! The AI leader announces.

A human male will attract all the females to mate with him and forget their mutual enmity. The urge to reproduce is the biggest weakness of you humans

Now we have the Scavengers and the traitor Hybrids together with the Male . This is a fine chance to exterminate all of you together ! The AI leader says

The robot arms it’s weapons and releases a barrage of missiles , Scavengers release your scramblers ! Sonia shouts , Soon small flying objects releasing heat spread out confusing the Hybrid missiles and they all start exploding on the way

The scavengers and hybrids start firing from their cannons with electromagnetic bursts . The giant robot activates a heat cannon and fires towards Sonia.

The Scavengers barely escape from the impact but their vehicles are literally melted by the heat blast!

The hybrids hover around the Giant robot with their flying bikes aiming at the weak spots when Sasha jumps near Sameer with the help of her enhanced Armored boots

Before Sameer could realize, Sasha scoops him up into a high cradle and smooches him tightly .

Sameer can’t believe that Sasha is lost kissing him while carrying him on her arms right in the middle of the battle field ! 😣

Satisfied after a long kiss, Sasha still carrying Sameer in cradle Jumps high in the air thanks to the enhanced Boots . Excellent Sasha ! The explorer AI speaks in the communicator .

Now that Sameer is lifted up safely in your arms , let’s Try to target the weak spot of the battle Robot, it says

What ? Are you crazy ? How do you know the weak spot of that battle Robot ? Sameer asks while Sasha is still running fast with Sameer lifted on her arms in cradle

Relax human, even this Giant robot is a battle machine based on old plans , but I see the Hybrids AI has improved it considerably . But I still see a weakness in it . The explorer AI says

Get under the thrusters placed on its feet and launch a freezer shot directly on its turbine, the AI instructs.

Hug me into a front piggyback ! Sasha tells Sameer who is still lifted on her arms . Sameer does as told.

With her hands free, Sasha brings out her cannon and sets it into freeze mode , she jumps just beside the Gaint robot and aims her cannon straight into the thruster

With Sameer lifted in a front piggyback and balancing with both their weights , Sasha fires the freeze shot and the impact throws her behind

The Shot freezes a thruster of the Gaint robot and it loses balance , it starts falling down as the scavengers pounce on it and start firing inside the armour

The Gaint robot is down ! Thanks to Sasha and Sameer ! Kia shrieks and scoops up Sasha into a cradle in joy , Sonia now comes up and grabs Sameer by his armpits and lifts him up high in the air into a overhead lift

Splendid ! Zoe shouts… when another three gaint robots now come walking from a distance.

Oh no , our hands were full with just one of them , now there are three more ! Kia exclaims in worry when missiles start coming from the sky and starts striking the giant robots

I was finally able to navigate those missiles through all that trash in the atmosphere ! The Explorer AI says in the communicator , the missiles are high impact and the giant robots recieve heavy damage from their hits

Sasha’s explorer AI is helping us by launching the missiles from its spaceship ! Zoe announces in elation 😀

The scavengers and hybrid soldiers start attacking the giant robots now . Soon the giant robots are down and the scavengers are already dismantling it

Sasha is now standing with Zoe, Sonia and Kia . Sameer dwarfed completely by the tall warrior women is shorter than even Sasha as she has worn enhanced Boots

This is a time for celebration, but It is no longer safe for you both to stay here, Zoe says . But why ? Sameer and Sasha ask together

The hybrid AI has put out a reward on the heads of Sameer and Sasha , I just got the broadcast , Zoe says.

The course of the war is already changed now ! Sonia says in glee, with the combined might of Human hybrids and Scavengers we are are invincible ! even the hybrid AI’s which supports humans are with us now .

Sameers arrival to this planet has brought us good fortune, Zoe says . We can’t waste time, the Hybrids AI is now weak with most of the machine army yet to come back to base . We should attack by night fall !

I Suggest Sasha and Sameer return back to the spaceship, The AI exclaims in the communicator, there is a bounty on you both, All the hybrid AI allies.. machines and human spies will be hunting you soon

But how do we fly back to the Explorer ship ? It is above the planet atmosphere and we don’t even have a spaceship to take us above , Sameer says

Then this is a fine chance to test our new scavenger fly suit ! Captain Kia says

A splendid idea ! Behold, our latest invention, and the latest pinnacle of Scavenger technology ! General Sonia says and opens a box with armour

What ? This is just another rusty armor ! Sameer says

This my darling, is retrofitted with compact thrusters , designed to make a human fly to highest of altitudes. Kia says .

The Scavenger soldiers slowly start assembling the armor pieces and start fastening it on Captain Kia

Soon Kia is ready with the armor assembled on her body. Our esteemed guests will be escorted back to the spaceship on this . Sonia says

What ? Sameer and Sasha respond in shock. But how can 3 people travel using a single suit ? Sasha asks

This suit is designed to carry much heavier weight. And any woman in the planet will be more than happy to carry a man on her shoulders ! Kia says

But what about me ? Sasha asks .

On my arms ! Kia laughs .Dont worry, I have already carried them together before , she says to the puzzled Zoe 😐

Carrying Sameer on a shoulder sit , Kia now scoops up Sasha into a cradle . Sameer and Sasha are now in airtight suits when Kia starts the thrusters and soon carrying the combined weight of Sameer and Sasha starts soaring up

I hope the Hybrid AI does not send any flying drones ! Kia says . What ? How can we escape if they attack ? Sasha screams and looks down realizing that they are already very high up

Oh god ! Save us.. Sameer prays while sitting on Kia’s shoulders and closes his eyes . Don’t look down and panic you both ! 😅 Kia says and starts gaining attitude making sure that balance is not lost

I never imagined that I will enter a planet carried on a Woman’s arms, and now leaving the same planet sitting on another woman’s shoulders ! Sameer exclaims

I am grateful to get such an opportunity, Kia says . Please contact me whenever you come back to this planet , Kia says looking up at Sameer who is still sitting on her shoulders

The compressed doors in the explorer ship opens and Sasha now enters carrying Sameer on her arms in cradle, as he is motionless due to fear

You might not know, but Sameer has been mated handsomely by our leaders , If he does manage to impregnate us, then it will be a bonus for us ! More good luck , Kia says in excitement

Keep in touch earthlings ! Captain Kia says and smooches Sameer while he is still lifted on Sasha’s arms , and then jumps back into the planets atmosphere.

Soon the explorer ship is back in Space heading for a new planet

Oh my god. I am tired of being dominated and overpowered by tall women in both the planets ! Sameer laments while Sasha stands carrying him cradle .

Sleep peacefully my Man. Sasha says , we have some time to rest, no Tall female will overpower you now

We will now visit the planet where men and women are equal in size. No super tall women there , Sasha smiles

Finally ! A normal planet for a change ! Sameer says .

You will be sleeping for approximately 100 hours in earths time . The AI says ..what.. but why ? Sameer asks

We will now pass quite close to, but at safe distance from the Black hole in the center of the galaxy now . The time will now be much slower now compared to the other two planets . The AI says

Sasha you need to command the spaceship now .. the AI says

What ? We are actually going closer to the largest blackhole of the Galaxy ? Nooo.. 😱 Sameer shrieks as the spaceship picks up speed .

Suddenly all things appear in slow-motion now to Sameer while Sasha is still carrying him in cradle

To be continued….

The AI’s voice now starts fading and suddenly General Sonia’s voice is now heard in the transmission

How dare you disobey my direct order ! And Escape with the hybrids, Sonia thunders. Sameer and Sasha must pay for this disobedience ! She says

Enough of this Sonia ! You have no rights to capture our guests spaceship. Release the AI of the ship , they are not your enemies .. General Zoe replies

Silent, you slaves of the machines ! Sonia shouts back . You not only freed our captives but are now also helping them .

We will never forget the treachery you did to the humans by siding with the machines ! Sonia replies , and this will be the last time you hybrids hurt the free humans

Thanks to capturing this explorer ship, the Scavengers are now in an advantage ! Sonia laughs . This ship is loaded with high impact missiles , which when launched from outer space, will destroy the hybrid cities to dust !

And right now my dear Zoe, we have one locked directly to the tower you are in ! Sonia threatens

What ? Impossible ! ours is a explorer ship, not a battle ship. Where will get such powerful weapons ? Sasha asks surprised. 😲

Well it is true ! General Zoe replies , your explorer ship is basically a Battle ship which was later modified to a explorer one. The information is totally classified and secret , Your ship AI would have probably been under strict rules to not disclose it . she says

Our Ship AI was so protective of us ! How can it withhold so much information from us ? Sasha replies in sadness . 😟

Just like people, AI also develop personality with time You are infact lucky , you are with a AI which cares for you . Zoe replies

Enough ! You have only one option, give Sameer to us and we will give back the ship ! Sonia demands . A scavenger bus now drives in .

Tall Captian Kia walks out from it wearing a dark heavy armour and carrying a big gun

We have no option ! General Zoe says . We are already getting signals from the explorer ship that missiles are locked and ready to launch

As Sameer is ready to leave, General Zoa gives him a little communication device , attaching it along with his translation device hung on neck. Give it to Sonia she whispers to the puzzled Sameer

Captain Kia now stands on front as Sameer walks alone towards the bus . General Zoe and Sasha are watching with devastated look on their faces as Sameer nears Kia 😥

Kia, looking at the smaller and shorter Sameer with lust , places her gun into the holster and immediately grabs him by the back and lifts him up into a front piggyback while hugging him tightly

She smooches him tightly on the lips as she walks towards the Bus and climbs up the steps lost smooching him. Sameer is helpless, overpowered and lifted up by the tall and strong Scavenger captain in front hug and kissed by her

No ! Sasha exclaims in disappointment as captain Kia closes the doors and the bus starts driving away from the city with Samer held captive inside

This is proposterous ! The hybrid AI leader announces from the speaker, the natural born earth Male is becoming a critical factor in our war with the scavengers . Hybrid warriors, prepare for war ! It announces. The male should be with us at all costs

Wait a minute ! the voice of your AI leader seems different ! Sasha says in suspicion, has it been changed ?

General Zoe starts smiling, I will explain that to you later, she whispers to Sasha

You know, we have a saying here , only three things can cause a war in our planet . Land, Gold Or A Male ! Zoe says

We have fought plenty of battles over land and Gold, but now we are finally fighting for a Male ! Prepare for battle Hybrids ! Zoe announces.

But Sameer will be under risk! Sasha replies. Don’t worry, we know what they will do with Sameer! The hybrid AI says , we just have to wait, Zoe says

Good ! Captain Kia is already enjoying Sameers arrival throughly ! Sonia exclaims in glee. You can have your spaceship back, she says and they soon detatch from the explorer ship

Meanwhile in the bus, Captain Kia kissing Sameer deeply, lays him on the seat and starts opening her body armour , as she removes her hard shoulder armour , Sameer is surprised at her muscular and hard shoulders

Opening her top armour, she proceeds to remove her leg protection, Sameer is turned on by her six pack and rock hard biceps

Sameer is lifted on the shoulders of Kia from the front when General Sonia speaks from the communicator

General Kia ! please don’t damage the only natural born male we have now… She says

Sameer is moaning both in pain and pleasure as he is lifted on the shoulders of such a tall and muscular woman. Him seated on the muscular and strong shoulders of the tall Kia has actually turned him on

As the bus is now wading through the ruined buildings inside the Scavengers territory, Kia climbs up the steps from the inside of the bus to the roof, carrying the helpless and tired Sameer in cradle

The tall female soldiers cheer in glee as the bus enters the gate. Kia has lifted up Sameer on her shoulders now.

Hail Captain Kia ! All shout in unison as the muscular Kia has seated Sameer on her single shoulder and flexing her biceps while standing on the roof of the bus

Well done captain Kia ! General Sonia exclaims In the communicator, as she is coming back in space shuttle from the explorers space ship.

By entering our gates carrying the tall male on you shoulders in front of our people. You have given them a huge boost in confidence . This is the ultimate symbol of strength of us scavengers ! Sonia says

Now all the warrior women of us will be extra motivated to fight against the hybrid machines. Sonia says

Yeah.. It is the scavenger girls who will carry the males on their shoulders ! Captain Kia shouts to the Cheering soldiers shooting In the air

General Sonia now comes out of her compact space shuttle as Kia who has worn her armor is standing with Sameer on her hip. Let’s prepare for battle with the Hybrids. Sonia says, prepare the electromagnetic guns, tune it to destroy their war machines and AI

But what about the hybrid human soldiers ? Kia asks

The coming of this human male has changed the direction of this war. Sonia smiles as Sameer is puzzled, while still lifted on the hip of Kia

Now enough of walking around carrying the male on your hip ! Give him to me. General Sonia laughs and lifts up Sameer on her hip now

As Sonia is walking to her base carrying the little Sameer on her hip, Sameer passes on the communication device given by Zoe.

Aah. Finally ! Zoe has offered her hand for friendship ! General Sonia exclaims in happiness. What ? Sameer shrieks in disbelief. 😲

Sonia smooches him hard and places Sameer’s hand on her shoulder, while carrying him on her hip and kissing him.

We have a whole night for you to explain that ! Sonia exclaims and carrying Sameer on her hip, she starts climbing the stairs to her quarters

I did not know that you helped Queen Sheena win the war over the Robotoids before coming to this planet ! Sonia says gleefully while carrying Sameer on her hip and opening the lock of her quarters with another hand

But how do you know this ? Sameer asks shocked .

I got this info when we hacked into your explorer ship silly ! Sonia laughs and places him on her bed . It was then I decided that your explorer AI , Along with Sasha are our friends ! Sonia says

Sonia now takes the communication device from Sameer and inserts it in her speaker device

Greeting Sonia ! General Zoe can be heard in the recording, you were right that the AI members of the hybrids are now slowly working against their own humans .

Recently they even removed the human supporters from their AI board, the new leader likes humans even less ! It is only a matter of time when the AI will start working against all humans openly ! Zoe says in worry

Sameer is a stroke of luck for us humans ! We human hybrids and the AI which supports humans are coming together to rebel against the hybrid AI , which wants total dominance and exterminate all humans. But we need your help . Zoe says

Finally, you hybrid humans gained some sense ! Sonia exclaims in excitement. Let’s establish a secure connection for communicating in secret ! Zoe says

This calls for a celebration ! Sonia says and pours drinks into glasses.

Soon a few days later General Zoe and the human hybrids come in their armored vehicles . Sasha is with them carrying a big Gun and with clean and shiny armor of the hybrids .

General Sonia and captain Kia are waiting for them wearing their Scavenger armor and modified guns .

The Scavenger Army consisting of tall and tough females wearing rusty armour are behind her .

Sasha has shaved her head on the sides and has tied a long ponytail from the top with armored shoulder blades. She has also worn the tall enhanced shoes and is almost matching the Hybrid and Scavenger females in height

Darn, that’s so hot Sasha , you are looking exactly like the warrior females of our planet, I loved your style ! Sonia exclaims . Sasha is staring at Sameer now

Sameer is already getting a hard on looking at the new tough look of Sasha and is also feeling a little jealous

Hey ! How come I don’t get any armor or weapons ? Sameer asks . Captain Kia laughs and walks behind Sameer, she grabs his armpits and lifts him up overhead easily

Oh my .. Sasha exclaims , Laughing, Kia lowers Sameer lifted overhead and makes him sit on her shoulders. The male wants to fight, this is cute..

War is the domain of women , sexy boy ! Kia says looking up at Sameer. Just stay safe and leave the fighting to us ok ? we will make sure nothing will happen to you . She says

The AI leadership is expecting that we will fight amongst ourselves, but what should we do now ? Sonia asks Zoe when suddenly they hear movement of something heavy from a distance arriving

A huge robot almost all tall as 20 storied building now stands some distance away . The humans are looking at the scene in disbelief ! 😐

Do you think the hybrid AI council is stupid ? We already knew General Zoe and Sonia are communicating with each other , the AI leader announces through communicator

The arrival of the natural born human will bring lot of changes in this war , and we knew it ! The AI leader announces.

A human male will attract all the females to mate with him and forget their mutual enmity. The urge to reproduce is the biggest weakness of you humans

Now we have the Scavengers and the traitor Hybrids together with the Male . This is a fine chance to exterminate all of you together ! The AI leader says

The robot arms it’s weapons and releases a barrage of missiles , Scavengers release your scramblers ! Sonia shouts , Soon small flying objects releasing heat spread out confusing the Hybrid missiles and they all start exploding on the way

The scavengers and hybrids start firing from their cannons with electromagnetic bursts . The giant robot activates a heat cannon and fires towards Sonia.

The Scavengers barely escape from the impact but their vehicles are literally melted by the heat blast!

The hybrids hover around the Giant robot with their flying bikes aiming at the weak spots when Sasha jumps near Sameer with the help of her enhanced Armored boots

Before Sameer could realize, Sasha scoops him up into a high cradle and smooches him tightly .

Sameer can’t believe that Sasha is lost kissing him while carrying him on her arms right in the middle of the battle field ! 😣

Satisfied after a long kiss, Sasha still carrying Sameer in cradle Jumps high in the air thanks to the enhanced Boots . Excellent Sasha ! The explorer AI speaks in the communicator .

Now that Sameer is lifted up safely in your arms , let’s Try to target the weak spot of the battle Robot, it says

What ? Are you crazy ? How do you know the weak spot of that battle Robot ? Sameer asks while Sasha is still running fast with Sameer lifted on her arms in cradle

Relax human, even this Giant robot is a battle machine based on old plans , but I see the Hybrids AI has improved it considerably . But I still see a weakness in it . The explorer AI says

Get under the thrusters placed on its feet and launch a freezer shot directly on its turbine, the AI instructs.

Hug me into a front piggyback ! Sasha tells Sameer who is still lifted on her arms . Sameer does as told.

With her hands free, Sasha brings out her cannon and sets it into freeze mode , she jumps just beside the Gaint robot and aims her cannon straight into the thruster

With Sameer lifted in a front piggyback and balancing with both their weights , Sasha fires the freeze shot and the impact throws her behind

The Shot freezes a thruster of the Gaint robot and it loses balance , it starts falling down as the scavengers pounce on it and start firing inside the armour

The Gaint robot is down ! Thanks to Sasha and Sameer ! Kia shrieks and scoops up Sasha into a cradle in joy , Sonia now comes up and grabs Sameer by his armpits and lifts him up high in the air into a overhead lift

Splendid ! Zoe shouts… when another three gaint robots now come walking from a distance.

Oh no , our hands were full with just one of them , now there are three more ! Kia exclaims in worry when missiles start coming from the sky and starts striking the giant robots

I was finally able to navigate those missiles through all that trash in the atmosphere ! The Explorer AI says in the communicator , the missiles are high impact and the giant robots recieve heavy damage from their hits

Sasha’s explorer AI is helping us by launching the missiles from its spaceship ! Zoe announces in elation 😀

The scavengers and hybrid soldiers start attacking the giant robots now . Soon the giant robots are down and the scavengers are already dismantling it

Sasha is now standing with Zoe, Sonia and Kia . Sameer dwarfed completely by the tall warrior women is shorter than even Sasha as she has worn enhanced Boots

This is a time for celebration, but It is no longer safe for you both to stay here, Zoe says . But why ? Sameer and Sasha ask together

The hybrid AI has put out a reward on the heads of Sameer and Sasha , I just got the broadcast , Zoe says.

The course of the war is already changed now ! Sonia says in glee, with the combined might of Human hybrids and Scavengers we are are invincible ! even the hybrid AI’s which supports humans are with us now .

Sameers arrival to this planet has brought us good fortune, Zoe says . We can’t waste time, the Hybrids AI is now weak with most of the machine army yet to come back to base . We should attack by night fall !

I Suggest Sasha and Sameer return back to the spaceship, The AI exclaims in the communicator, there is a bounty on you both, All the hybrid AI allies.. machines and human spies will be hunting you soon

But how do we fly back to the Explorer ship ? It is above the planet atmosphere and we don’t even have a spaceship to take us above , Sameer says

Then this is a fine chance to test our new scavenger fly suit ! Captain Kia says

A splendid idea ! Behold, our latest invention, and the latest pinnacle of Scavenger technology ! General Sonia says and opens a box with armour

What ? This is just another rusty armor ! Sameer says

This my darling, is retrofitted with compact thrusters , designed to make a human fly to highest of altitudes. Kia says .

The Scavenger soldiers slowly start assembling the armor pieces and start fastening it on Captain Kia

Soon Kia is ready with the armor assembled on her body. Our esteemed guests will be escorted back to the spaceship on this . Sonia says

What ? Sameer and Sasha respond in shock. But how can 3 people travel using a single suit ? Sasha asks

This suit is designed to carry much heavier weight. And any woman in the planet will be more than happy to carry a man on her shoulders ! Kia says

But what about me ? Sasha asks .

On my arms ! Kia laughs .Dont worry, I have already carried them together before , she says to the puzzled Zoe 😐

Carrying Sameer on a shoulder sit , Kia now scoops up Sasha into a cradle . Sameer and Sasha are now in airtight suits when Kia starts the thrusters and soon carrying the combined weight of Sameer and Sasha starts soaring up

I hope the Hybrid AI does not send any flying drones ! Kia says . What ? How can we escape if they attack ? Sasha screams and looks down realizing that they are already very high up

Oh god ! Save us.. Sameer prays while sitting on Kia’s shoulders and closes his eyes . Don’t look down and panic you both ! 😅 Kia says and starts gaining attitude making sure that balance is not lost

I never imagined that I will enter a planet carried on a Woman’s arms, and now leaving the same planet sitting on another woman’s shoulders ! Sameer exclaims

I am grateful to get such an opportunity, Kia says . Please contact me whenever you come back to this planet , Kia says looking up at Sameer who is still sitting on her shoulders

The compressed doors in the explorer ship opens and Sasha now enters carrying Sameer on her arms in cradle, as he is motionless due to fear

You might not know, but Sameer has been mated handsomely by our leaders , If he does manage to impregnate us, then it will be a bonus for us ! More good luck , Kia says in excitement

Keep in touch earthlings ! Captain Kia says and smooches Sameer while he is still lifted on Sasha’s arms , and then jumps back into the planets atmosphere.

Soon the explorer ship is back in Space heading for a new planet

Oh my god. I am tired of being dominated and overpowered by tall women in both the planets ! Sameer laments while Sasha stands carrying him cradle .

Sleep peacefully my Man. Sasha says , we have some time to rest, no Tall female will overpower you now

We will now visit the planet where men and women are equal in size. No super tall women there , Sasha smiles

Finally ! A normal planet for a change ! Sameer says .

You will be sleeping for approximately 100 hours in earths time . The AI says ..what.. but why ? Sameer asks

We will now pass quite close to, but at safe distance from the Black hole in the center of the galaxy now . The time will now be much slower now compared to the other two planets . The AI says

Sasha you need to command the spaceship now .. the AI says

What ? We are actually going closer to the largest blackhole of the Galaxy ? Nooo.. 😱 Sameer shrieks as the spaceship picks up speed .

Suddenly all things appear in slow-motion now to Sameer while Sasha is still carrying him in cradle

To be continued….

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I write stories of Fm lift and carry, FF lift and carry, Tall girls (no lifts), Bollywood lift and carry, Hindi Lift and carry (FM) and Biker girls . Please write in comments what kind of stories you prefer

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