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One day at the mall 😱 – 1

A lift in a mall has stopped in between floors, people on the floors above and below are waiting for the lift to start working so that they could use it

Inside the lift , Mona, a young girl in her twenties has lifted up her friend Sameer in a cradle and looking into his eyes, Sameer who is also in his twenties is feeling very uncomfortable lifted up on her arms

Standing inside the lift carrying a fully grown heavier man in a cradle like some child, strong Mona is standing without a slightest of discomfort despite carrying a much heavier person than her

Sameer is lost in her big eyes as he is lifted up in cradle on her arms, he is still trying to digest the fact that a shorter and slimmer girl has actually lifted him up in a cradle and is standing in the lift looking into his eyes, as if he weighs nothing to her !

All this is my fault ! Sameer thinks to himself as Mona is still looking into his eyes while carrying him, If I had only controlled my urge to show off, this situation would have never happened ! And now it turns out that this Mona is stronger than me , curse it !

Well ? So I think I won the challenge is it ? Mona smiles looking at Sameer. still lifted up in cradle by Mona, Sameer is feeling like crying and starts repenting for his folly as he starts remembering In flashback as to what happened, all this while still lifted up in a cradle by her

It is a month back when Sameer gets up from his bed and is yawning, Misha his younger sister looks at him with a frown, Bro, what is this tummy you are having , it seems to fit this whole locality ! She complains

All the brothers of my friends looks so trendy and trim, Misha says in gladness. Sara’s brother looks like a model 😍, we girls are so excited when we visit each other’s house, but when they come to my house, I am always embarrassed! She says with a frown

How dare you stare at other boys, and tell that in front of your elder brother ! Sameer thunders. Enough of over acting bro, even you look at my friends and the sisters of your friends, don’t think I have not observed ! Misha says , Sameer is embarrassed

At least why don’t you come jogging with me at morning, your stamina will improve and that tummy of yours will come in shape ! Misha says. Don’t come to advice your elder brother, go mind your business ! Sameer scolds her. Misha stomps her feet and storms out of the room

Why should I go jogging and all, I will do body building ! Sameer thinks and lies down to do pushups, he is surprised to realize that he can’t even do one pushup properly ! Misha is giggling outside looking into his room from afar

Later that day , Sameer is at his office working in his computer when A new joiner enters the office , Sameer is immediately mesmerized by her looks as she looks really beautiful and cute . Oh my , finally a hottie has joined our office ! Sameer thinks in happiness

Hi, I am Mona, the girl says and introduces herself to him, please help me out with the process in office as I am new ! She says. Sameer immediately agrees to it . Mona is really a pleasant girl and Sameer is also really careful to not show that he is crazy about her

They both have a good relationship as colleagues and also as friends, and keep working together. Sameer now is slowly able to perform pushups and feels he is getting stronger each day . At home, Misha is noticing that her elder brother looks happy these days and suspects something is up

It has Been a few weeks, Sameer and Mona have really bonded well, Sameer is desperate to tell Mona that he likes her, but he feels it is too early and thinks to give it a few months

One day Mona comes out of the boss cabin happily , Yahoo ! My job has been confirmed within just a month ! The boss is impressed by my work and my temporary position is now permanent ! Misha exclaims in joy . Congratulations ! Sameer replies

You know , this would have not been possible, if you had not helped me at every step in my work, I think I should give you a party ! Mona says looking into his eyes . Yes why not ! Sameer says

The next day at lunch time , Sameer and Mona go to a mall which is near their office, the mall has some good restaurants and Mona wants to have a small lunch party with Sameer. Both are really happy and search for a lift as the restaurant is in top floor

Sameer also has slightly improved his physique as he has been doing push-ups, he has folded up the sleeves of his shirt, to showoff his biceps which are looking in a little in shape now compared to before

A lift mechanic is repairing a lift and comes out to fetch a warning board to place in the lift telling that the lift is out of order . Sameer and Mona walk inside the lift and are busy chatting, both enter the lift and he presses the button for top floor

The mechanic realizes what has happened and comes running but the lift door closes and the lift starts moving up ! Sameer is feeling his biceps when Mona exclaims looking at him, looks you have been working out ! Mona says , Sameer feels excited when she says that.

Oh my god, she has been noticing ! I am so lucky ! He screams inside his mind. Yeah, I have been doing push-ups since a month ! Sameer says in confidence to Mona, don’t I look muscular ? He asks Mona feeling his biceps

Well you look good compared to when I first saw you a month ago ! Mona smiles . I think I am easily the strongest man in the office now ! He brags. Suddenly the lift stops and sparks start coming from the wires above . Oh no ! What happened ! Mona exclaims in worry

Don’t worry, you are with a strong man ! Sameer exclaims in confidence, maybe there is a power cut, don’t worry it is common in this city, the lift will start moving once power comes back ! Sameer says. It is more than twenty minutes now and Mona is chatting with Sameer to pass time

While chatting on different topics, they come to the topic of strength, I think I am much stronger than before ! Sameer says . I think I am twice your strength ! He exclaims to Mona while comparing that his biceps are bigger looking than hers.

Ya your physique is not that bad, and you are quite taller than me too ! Mona says laughing and comparing their heights, but I think I am still strong than you ! Mona says . It is impossible ! Sameer says

Don’t you believe me ? Lets have a challenge, if I can carry you, then the party will be from your side ! Mona challenges. Sameer agrees immediately. Great then, be prepared ! Mona says and stands beside Sameer and extends her arms

Slowly but firmly , Mona lifts up Sameer in her arms and Sameer is in disbelief as he starts rising up, he hugs Mona in worry when he realizes that Mona has lifted him up into a cradle now !

I can’t believe this ! Sameer thinks as Mona even rises up her upper body carrying Sameer on her arms and now she is standing in the lift carrying a much heavier guy in a high cradle ! Oh my god, this is so embarrassing ! Sameer thinks in despair

He looks below at Mona who has lifted him up comfortably in cradle and looking into his eyes with a smile , so I won the bet right ? So the party is from your today ! She says . To hell with the party, this girl is much stronger than me ! What have I done to deserve this ? Sameer despairs

It has been quite a while and Mona Is still standing in the lift carrying Sameer in cradle , please put me down , Sameer requests Mona who is still carrying him in cradle . Come on ! This is the first time I have carried a friend from office in cradle, let me enjoy the moment ! She smiles

Sameer cannot believe this ! This girl wants to enjoy carrying me like this ! This is scary, she looks so firm and planted despite carrying my full weight , her body looks so solid and firm while carrying me, looks like she can carry even heavier guys than me ! Sameer thinks

Just a second, please hold on to me ! Mona suddenly says as Sameer is slowly feeling uncomfortable on her arms, she corrects her stance and gently bounces him up into the air and catches him back ! Sameer is feeling desperate in disbelief! sorry for tossing you like that, I was feeling a bit uncomfortable, Mona smiles. Sameer does not know how to react and is looking at her with  a shocked expression

It is getting hot and since Mona is carrying a heavier guy in a cradle from quite some time, she is also sweating and her deo smell is slowly coming to Sameer’s nose, her warm breath is reaching him and Sameer is feeling a little stiff below and thinks, it is better to divert attention before the situation gets worse

Please don’t tell anyone ! Sameer requests Mona who is still carrying him cradle, What should I not tell ? Mona asks . Don’t tell anyone in office that you can carry me on your arms like this, otherwise will became a joker ! Sameer says . Come on , there is nothing unusual to be lifted up by a girl ! Mona laughs

This is not the first time you have lifted a boy in your arms is it ? Sameer asks Mona. Of course not, I have lifted many boys before ! Mona says. Sameer’s heart is sinking now. Who ? he asks. My brothers ! Mona laughs, come one, every sister can carry her brother right ? Mona asks. Not my sister ! Sameer replies while still lifted up in cradle by her

Suddenly the lift door opens , the mechanic and some people on the mall are surprised to see a slim girl carrying a heavy guy in cradle and standing inside the lift , some people even take photographs in cellphone before Mona puts him down and both walk away embarrassed

Great, that lift only went one floor up , we still have to climb up three floors now ! Mona says, Sameer is still in shock that he was just lifted up in cradle by the small and delicate looking Mona, he does not reply at all

Hey, now that you know how strong I am, shall I carry you up the stairs ? Mona asks Sameer in excitement . What ? No way ! Are you not satisfied carrying me for that long in that lift ? Sameer asks in surprise

Come on ! I will carry you in a piggyback ok ? and don’t worry, you will be safe when lifted up by me, also the party will still be from my side. Now that I have carried a man in cradle, I want to maintain the streak and carry him in piggyback too, please don’t say no ! Mona says looking into Sameer’s eyes

Alright ! Sameer says when Mona is really glad and turns with her back towards him, jump on my back ! She says , I will carry you piggyback. Sameer is unsure looking at the slim waist and delicate looking back of Mona, are you sure that you can handle my weight ? He asks. Come on, even smaller girls can piggyback you, don’t think just jump ! She says

Sameer jumps on her back and is surprised how she catches his full weight on her back and even bounces him up to adjust properly in a piggyback, she then grabs his legs supporting them and looks above . Lean on to me and hug me from behind, I will climb each flight if stairs in a single run ! She says

What ? Wait ! Sameer is about to say when Mona carrying Sameer piggyback, runs the entire stretch upstairs for one floor . Mona is now sweating slightly and even Sameer is feeling her warmth . Damn, I am feeling weird he thinks as Mona still carrying him piggyback is preparing to run the next flight of stairs

Goodness, this girl is even climbing up the stairs carrying my full weight on her ! She is much stronger than she looks, I must be really very careful with her ! Sameer thinks and is reconsidering whether to propose to her

Hey Sameer, your phone is ringing, the vibration of your phone is reaching even my back ! Mona says . Still lifted up in piggyback by Mona, Sameer reached to his phone and answers it .

His little sister Misha is talking from the other side. She is literally shouting. Bro, where are you now and What are you doing ? She asks in a assertive tone , confused by her sudden questioning , Sameer replies, I am sitting on Monas back in a piggyback, and she is carrying me up the stairs in the mall !

Mona slaps her face in despair, why did you have to say exactly what we are doing ? She exclaims.

What ????  Misha screams hearing Sameer’s reply, her voice echoes throughout the apartment, why are you roaming around the city being lifted up and carried by a slim girl like that ! That poor girl looks so tiny in front of you ! Misha exclaims

What ? How did you know that I am lifted up by a girl now ? Sameer asks in shock to Misha, Mona is also hearing with her ears open while still carrying Sameer on a piggyback. One of my friends clicked picture of you being lifted up on the arms of that slim girl in a lift and forwarded it to me ! She was asking, is that your elder brother , what should I reply ? Misha asks in despair

Bro, switch on your camera, what exactly are you doing ? do it now ! Misha commands assertively. Sameer still lifted up in piggyback by Mona gets fidgety and in confusion presses the video button, Mona is trying to say no but it is too late, the camera call starts and Misha spots her elder brother lifted up in piggyback by a much slimmer and smaller girl from a top angle !

Oh my god ! my elder bro is in the mall being carried by a unknown girl ! you all stay there, I am coming in my scooter right now ! Misha thunders and disconnects

Oh my god ! Sameer and Mona both shout in horror while she is still standing on the staircase carrying him piggyback

To be continued…..

A lift in a mall has stopped in between floors, people on the floors above and below are waiting for the lift to start working so that they could use it

Inside the lift , Mona, a young girl in her twenties has lifted up her friend Sameer in a cradle and looking into his eyes, Sameer who is also in his twenties is feeling very uncomfortable lifted up on her arms

Standing inside the lift carrying a fully grown heavier man in a cradle like some child, strong Mona is standing without a slightest of discomfort despite carrying a much heavier person than her

Sameer is lost in her big eyes as he is lifted up in cradle on her arms, he is still trying to digest the fact that a shorter and slimmer girl has actually lifted him up in a cradle and is standing in the lift looking into his eyes, as if he weighs nothing to her !

All this is my fault ! Sameer thinks to himself as Mona is still looking into his eyes while carrying him, If I had only controlled my urge to show off, this situation would have never happened ! And now it turns out that this Mona is stronger than me , curse it !

Well ? So I think I won the challenge is it ? Mona smiles looking at Sameer. still lifted up in cradle by Mona, Sameer is feeling like crying and starts repenting for his folly as he starts remembering In flashback as to what happened, all this while still lifted up in a cradle by her

It is a month back when Sameer gets up from his bed and is yawning, Misha his younger sister looks at him with a frown, Bro, what is this tummy you are having , it seems to fit this whole locality ! She complains

All the brothers of my friends looks so trendy and trim, Misha says in gladness. Sara’s brother looks like a model 😍, we girls are so excited when we visit each other’s house, but when they come to my house, I am always embarrassed! She says with a frown

How dare you stare at other boys, and tell that in front of your elder brother ! Sameer thunders. Enough of over acting bro, even you look at my friends and the sisters of your friends, don’t think I have not observed ! Misha says , Sameer is embarrassed

At least why don’t you come jogging with me at morning, your stamina will improve and that tummy of yours will come in shape ! Misha says. Don’t come to advice your elder brother, go mind your business ! Sameer scolds her. Misha stomps her feet and storms out of the room

Why should I go jogging and all, I will do body building ! Sameer thinks and lies down to do pushups, he is surprised to realize that he can’t even do one pushup properly ! Misha is giggling outside looking into his room from afar

Later that day , Sameer is at his office working in his computer when A new joiner enters the office , Sameer is immediately mesmerized by her looks as she looks really beautiful and cute . Oh my , finally a hottie has joined our office ! Sameer thinks in happiness

Hi, I am Mona, the girl says and introduces herself to him, please help me out with the process in office as I am new ! She says. Sameer immediately agrees to it . Mona is really a pleasant girl and Sameer is also really careful to not show that he is crazy about her

They both have a good relationship as colleagues and also as friends, and keep working together. Sameer now is slowly able to perform pushups and feels he is getting stronger each day . At home, Misha is noticing that her elder brother looks happy these days and suspects something is up

It has Been a few weeks, Sameer and Mona have really bonded well, Sameer is desperate to tell Mona that he likes her, but he feels it is too early and thinks to give it a few months

One day Mona comes out of the boss cabin happily , Yahoo ! My job has been confirmed within just a month ! The boss is impressed by my work and my temporary position is now permanent ! Misha exclaims in joy . Congratulations ! Sameer replies

You know , this would have not been possible, if you had not helped me at every step in my work, I think I should give you a party ! Mona says looking into his eyes . Yes why not ! Sameer says

The next day at lunch time , Sameer and Mona go to a mall which is near their office, the mall has some good restaurants and Mona wants to have a small lunch party with Sameer. Both are really happy and search for a lift as the restaurant is in top floor

Sameer also has slightly improved his physique as he has been doing push-ups, he has folded up the sleeves of his shirt, to showoff his biceps which are looking in a little in shape now compared to before

A lift mechanic is repairing a lift and comes out to fetch a warning board to place in the lift telling that the lift is out of order . Sameer and Mona walk inside the lift and are busy chatting, both enter the lift and he presses the button for top floor

The mechanic realizes what has happened and comes running but the lift door closes and the lift starts moving up ! Sameer is feeling his biceps when Mona exclaims looking at him, looks you have been working out ! Mona says , Sameer feels excited when she says that.

Oh my god, she has been noticing ! I am so lucky ! He screams inside his mind. Yeah, I have been doing push-ups since a month ! Sameer says in confidence to Mona, don’t I look muscular ? He asks Mona feeling his biceps

Well you look good compared to when I first saw you a month ago ! Mona smiles . I think I am easily the strongest man in the office now ! He brags. Suddenly the lift stops and sparks start coming from the wires above . Oh no ! What happened ! Mona exclaims in worry

Don’t worry, you are with a strong man ! Sameer exclaims in confidence, maybe there is a power cut, don’t worry it is common in this city, the lift will start moving once power comes back ! Sameer says. It is more than twenty minutes now and Mona is chatting with Sameer to pass time

While chatting on different topics, they come to the topic of strength, I think I am much stronger than before ! Sameer says . I think I am twice your strength ! He exclaims to Mona while comparing that his biceps are bigger looking than hers.

Ya your physique is not that bad, and you are quite taller than me too ! Mona says laughing and comparing their heights, but I think I am still strong than you ! Mona says . It is impossible ! Sameer says

Don’t you believe me ? Lets have a challenge, if I can carry you, then the party will be from your side ! Mona challenges. Sameer agrees immediately. Great then, be prepared ! Mona says and stands beside Sameer and extends her arms

Slowly but firmly , Mona lifts up Sameer in her arms and Sameer is in disbelief as he starts rising up, he hugs Mona in worry when he realizes that Mona has lifted him up into a cradle now !

I can’t believe this ! Sameer thinks as Mona even rises up her upper body carrying Sameer on her arms and now she is standing in the lift carrying a much heavier guy in a high cradle ! Oh my god, this is so embarrassing ! Sameer thinks in despair

He looks below at Mona who has lifted him up comfortably in cradle and looking into his eyes with a smile , so I won the bet right ? So the party is from your today ! She says . To hell with the party, this girl is much stronger than me ! What have I done to deserve this ? Sameer despairs

It has been quite a while and Mona Is still standing in the lift carrying Sameer in cradle , please put me down , Sameer requests Mona who is still carrying him in cradle . Come on ! This is the first time I have carried a friend from office in cradle, let me enjoy the moment ! She smiles

Sameer cannot believe this ! This girl wants to enjoy carrying me like this ! This is scary, she looks so firm and planted despite carrying my full weight , her body looks so solid and firm while carrying me, looks like she can carry even heavier guys than me ! Sameer thinks

Just a second, please hold on to me ! Mona suddenly says as Sameer is slowly feeling uncomfortable on her arms, she corrects her stance and gently bounces him up into the air and catches him back ! Sameer is feeling desperate in disbelief! sorry for tossing you like that, I was feeling a bit uncomfortable, Mona smiles. Sameer does not know how to react and is looking at her with  a shocked expression

It is getting hot and since Mona is carrying a heavier guy in a cradle from quite some time, she is also sweating and her deo smell is slowly coming to Sameer’s nose, her warm breath is reaching him and Sameer is feeling a little stiff below and thinks, it is better to divert attention before the situation gets worse

Please don’t tell anyone ! Sameer requests Mona who is still carrying him cradle, What should I not tell ? Mona asks . Don’t tell anyone in office that you can carry me on your arms like this, otherwise will became a joker ! Sameer says . Come on , there is nothing unusual to be lifted up by a girl ! Mona laughs

This is not the first time you have lifted a boy in your arms is it ? Sameer asks Mona. Of course not, I have lifted many boys before ! Mona says. Sameer’s heart is sinking now. Who ? he asks. My brothers ! Mona laughs, come one, every sister can carry her brother right ? Mona asks. Not my sister ! Sameer replies while still lifted up in cradle by her

Suddenly the lift door opens , the mechanic and some people on the mall are surprised to see a slim girl carrying a heavy guy in cradle and standing inside the lift , some people even take photographs in cellphone before Mona puts him down and both walk away embarrassed

Great, that lift only went one floor up , we still have to climb up three floors now ! Mona says, Sameer is still in shock that he was just lifted up in cradle by the small and delicate looking Mona, he does not reply at all

Hey, now that you know how strong I am, shall I carry you up the stairs ? Mona asks Sameer in excitement . What ? No way ! Are you not satisfied carrying me for that long in that lift ? Sameer asks in surprise

Come on ! I will carry you in a piggyback ok ? and don’t worry, you will be safe when lifted up by me, also the party will still be from my side. Now that I have carried a man in cradle, I want to maintain the streak and carry him in piggyback too, please don’t say no ! Mona says looking into Sameer’s eyes

Alright ! Sameer says when Mona is really glad and turns with her back towards him, jump on my back ! She says , I will carry you piggyback. Sameer is unsure looking at the slim waist and delicate looking back of Mona, are you sure that you can handle my weight ? He asks. Come on, even smaller girls can piggyback you, don’t think just jump ! She says

Sameer jumps on her back and is surprised how she catches his full weight on her back and even bounces him up to adjust properly in a piggyback, she then grabs his legs supporting them and looks above . Lean on to me and hug me from behind, I will climb each flight if stairs in a single run ! She says

What ? Wait ! Sameer is about to say when Mona carrying Sameer piggyback, runs the entire stretch upstairs for one floor . Mona is now sweating slightly and even Sameer is feeling her warmth . Damn, I am feeling weird he thinks as Mona still carrying him piggyback is preparing to run the next flight of stairs

Goodness, this girl is even climbing up the stairs carrying my full weight on her ! She is much stronger than she looks, I must be really very careful with her ! Sameer thinks and is reconsidering whether to propose to her

Hey Sameer, your phone is ringing, the vibration of your phone is reaching even my back ! Mona says . Still lifted up in piggyback by Mona, Sameer reached to his phone and answers it .

His little sister Misha is talking from the other side. She is literally shouting. Bro, where are you now and What are you doing ? She asks in a assertive tone , confused by her sudden questioning , Sameer replies, I am sitting on Monas back in a piggyback, and she is carrying me up the stairs in the mall !

Mona slaps her face in despair, why did you have to say exactly what we are doing ? She exclaims.

What ????  Misha screams hearing Sameer’s reply, her voice echoes throughout the apartment, why are you roaming around the city being lifted up and carried by a slim girl like that ! That poor girl looks so tiny in front of you ! Misha exclaims

What ? How did you know that I am lifted up by a girl now ? Sameer asks in shock to Misha, Mona is also hearing with her ears open while still carrying Sameer on a piggyback. One of my friends clicked picture of you being lifted up on the arms of that slim girl in a lift and forwarded it to me ! She was asking, is that your elder brother , what should I reply ? Misha asks in despair

Bro, switch on your camera, what exactly are you doing ? do it now ! Misha commands assertively. Sameer still lifted up in piggyback by Mona gets fidgety and in confusion presses the video button, Mona is trying to say no but it is too late, the camera call starts and Misha spots her elder brother lifted up in piggyback by a much slimmer and smaller girl from a top angle !

Oh my god ! my elder bro is in the mall being carried by a unknown girl ! you all stay there, I am coming in my scooter right now ! Misha thunders and disconnects

Oh my god ! Sameer and Mona both shout in horror while she is still standing on the staircase carrying him piggyback

To be continued…..

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The Shield Maiden-5

The shield maidens prepare for the final assault along with surprise alllies, and a final twist in the end
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